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Starfleet Academy
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Crewman (2/24)



  1. Xbox 360 Specs are impressive, so good I think I might even get one. It will be my first console since the Super Nintendo. Also it will be able to play all your favourite DivX stuff :) Specs: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox360/factsheet.htm
  2. Can someone record and seed the report - May 13th, 10PM on UPN. I would like to be able to watch it and see the results of the poll. I don't have Sky/Cable and I am in the UK so I can't get UPN.
  3. Buy an old computer from ebay (~500-700Mhz) stick in a graphics card with TV-Out, load on GeexBox or simmilar. Maybe add a wireless mouse/IR remote. Cost: ~£70 100% Compatible with all media.... 100% Upgradeable to support new formats.... http://geexbox.org/
  4. She obviously has a good understanding of boolean logic..
  5. Using basic boolean logic.... Since: YES = True No = False Then: Answer = = YES OR NO = TRUE "OR" FALSE = TRUE Therefore you should have all answered YES. Isn't it obvious? :)
  6. Dont think i can play this game .... 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170678...
  7. Yes.. I will make it..... ..... and like i have said before..... It will be out at the End of May You can use this time to seed the others :) http://tracker.thompson-web.org/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=2191
  8. nothing new, we've been drinking our piss for as long as mans been around. the cycle of water. Water -> Drink -> Piss -> Vapour -> Clouds -> Rain -> Water
  9. Funniest Ep. From Voyager when The Doctor starts singing the opera aria 'La donna e mobile' (from Verdi's 'Rigoletto'). Tuvok starts Crying/Laughing. Reaction to the Doctor's singing? Not, as at first sight, Tuvok's reaction to the Doctor's singing, as Tuvok becomes distraught and violent. The Doctor tells everyone, "Stand back! He's been seized by the pon farr, a neurochemical imbalance, is driving him to mate. We won't be able to reason with him." The Doctor continues, to the tune of 'La donna e mobile': Tuvok, I understand, You are a Vulcan man, You have just gone without For seven years, about. Paris, please find a way To load a hypospray. I will give you the sign, Just aim for his behind. Hormones are raging, Synapses blazing. It's all very illogical!" Paris throws him the hypospray, the Doctor injects Tuvok's behind and Tuvok drops to the floor. Everyone applauds and Janeway calls "Bravo!" Its the funniset ep. ever. Episode 124 : TINKER TENOR DOCTOR SPY
  10. You need to use the Visual Basic Microsoft "Comm" control. From "components" menu select "Microsoft Comm control 6.0" Do a google for for it also - there is lots of stuff...
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