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Do you know what this is?


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heh.. YEP, 1701A.. I've alway loved stereograms, they've always seemed to just pop out at me with no troubles.


That one was grabbed from the net, I've been lloking for more but haven't found any othe rscifi related one..yet, but will post more if I can find them.


here's an online text 'gram generator




But I haven't found a way grab the image (probably have to take a screenshot, although I don't know how that would affect the image).


WARNING: These particular ones can difficult to see. lol.

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someone link me to the actual photo cause i still cant make it out. i sat like right next to the monitor and i could see "something" but I couldnt say for sure if it was a ship from Trek or something else that vaguely looks like a ship...

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someone link me to the actual photo cause i still cant make it out. i sat like right next to the monitor and i could see "something" but I couldnt say for sure if it was a ship from Trek or something else that vaguely looks like a ship...


There wasn't an actual photo for it May, it only came as that format... But it look side on silghtly tilted towards you and and a 45 degree angle down (if that makes any sense).

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here's an online text 'gram generator




But I haven't found a way grab the image (probably have to take a screenshot, although I don't know how that would affect the image).


I took the screen and pasted it in Paint, cut out the stereogram, new Paint, pasted the cut out and saved it as bmp, but imageshack changed it to png, still works though...




(yes I was tempted to write something obscene and failed miserably) ;)

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Geeze, that one was really hard to get for some reason. It took me about two minutes. You spelled it wrong, by the way (you left out the 'gh' after the first two letters). :p Stereograms are awesome. I'll see what I can dig up.

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I really doubt there IS anything in that pic (more like a friendly thread conspiracy ;p )


The trick to those kind of pics is always to just stare at it until your eyes relax and you began looking at things cross eyed. Which in turn reveals a picture by making some parts of the picture elevated to your eyesight.


I've sat here for ten minutes staring at it, cross eyed and not cross eyed. There is nothing there. Just static.



you must of closed your mind to the truth.

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here's an online text 'gram generator




But I haven't found a way grab the image (probably have to take a screenshot, although I don't know how that would affect the image).


I took the screen and pasted it in Paint, cut out the stereogram, new Paint, pasted the cut out and saved it as bmp, but imageshack changed it to png, still works though...




(yes I was tempted to write something obscene and failed miserably) ;)


HA! It's your name!


c4 :cyclops: ~ great...now my eye hurts...

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Hey guys' date=' just imagin that the image is a window and that there is small ball on the other side of the window then focus on the ball dont look for the image just let it happen. The 3d image will pop out but it is difficult to keep in focus.[/quote']


I just cross my eyes while staring at it - then slowly bring them back into focus (but not all the way). The image just pops out at me. Always works (at least for me).


c4 B)

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The knack to this is tricking yourself into combining two elements/subsections/dots in the image into a single thing and seeing them only as that single thing. You'll notice that in all stereograms, there are such key elements which are basicly identical and allow you to do this. Once your eyes have locked into this level of focus, then you can allow yourself to look at the rest of the image and thus see the hidden picture. The fun part is moving your head around once you've "locked in". The hidden image appears to move a little, too.

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