Svetlana Vostok Posted May 13, 2006 Share Posted May 13, 2006 On wards and up wards but we keep some of our past. Svetlana Vostok.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest c4evap Posted May 14, 2006 Share Posted May 14, 2006 Somehow, I imagine that angry people are more likely to actually achieve results than people up themselves with airy fairy notions of love, understanding and forgiveness. Unless you're carebears and can fire some kind of lovebeam at the MPAA pragmatism is going to be a more useful mindset than new aged nonsense. Even God said he'd only help those who help themselves. Sure, getting angry at the MPAA and stamping your foot like some petulant child isn't going to help stop their reign of tyranny but then again, neither is crossing your legs and humming. Why would anyone cross their legs and hum? Is this something new I'm missing out on? Is this done nude or fully dressed? Are there rules? Inquiring minds want to know! Carebears with a lovebeam...poetry...sheer poetry. I love it! c4 B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eonfreon Posted May 14, 2006 Share Posted May 14, 2006 i am certainly not gonna waste my goodwill on the MPAA. I can't seperate the deed from the person, to me the deed is the person. Or to paraphrase Emma Goldman. "There is no greater fallacy than the belief that a person is one thing, while a person's deeds are another, this conception is a potent menace to social regeneration." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
str82u Posted May 19, 2006 Share Posted May 19, 2006 I've been busy, yes, too busy for hanging out with my buds at's an addiction, anyone who knows me from here knows I can't stop once I start, but here I The current line of thinking in this thread seems to say positive thinking or wishing good things for the opposition will solve the problem. I can't disagree with these idea(L)s, but a friend of mine taught me that sometimes not believing in something is just as powerful, like wishful thinking without burying your head in the sand. This is a bad example here, but he used to sweat getting pulled over all thetime and eventually got pulled over every week for 4 weeks straight, couldn't stop thinking about cops.... Finally, after alot of meditation on the subject, he decided that trafic cops didn't exist to him and blocked the idea from his mind on every occassion,. So now he no longer gets pulled over, 4 years later, until the other week when he was caught doing 130 in a 75 in New Mexico...he couldn't pass up breaking in a new Dodge Magnum. That works fo me in some situations, but like I said, you can't bury your head in the sand, but expecting good from evil often brings the desired results. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flamewinds Posted May 28, 2006 Share Posted May 28, 2006 I don't suppose I have anything to say that hasn't already been said ... but here it is anyway.. In theory, it seems so wrong to roll over when the big corporations have their sights trained on you.. I'm sure all of us (including those who are openly supporting Nite's decision) would have been overjoyed if Nite had shown them the middle finger. However, many of us who spend a lot of time browsing and / or posting in forums forget that just like a good community is like a home, we all of us actually have a life and home outside of the internet... Nite has done a wonderful job with this site ... but it is, after all, only one area of his life ... and a legal battle arising from this would destroy almost everything else. I've lived through 2 legal battles .. my parents' divorce which lasted nine shitty years and a tenancy dispute in respect of MY OWN property - this one lasted 7 years. I know what kind stress, harassment and financial difficulties can happen ... and I wasn't up against a corporation out to get me... For all those who think Nite shouldn't let it go like this, perhaps you could get together - in person, not over the internet - and work out a tangible plan to fight the MP**, detailing the financial and legal aspects of such an action. Believe you me, I'm equally sorry to see this happen, but I'm honest enough to admit that I'm not sorry enough to actually try and do something about it myself. Nite, you have my best wishes. I would have done the same. Hope things work out for you. Finally... I've been around for a while though I've never posted much ... I found this site while looking for sci-fi torrents, and stayed because the community has some wonderful people. I'm sure that a lot of members will now stop coming here, but those who remain will be the people who made this a wonderful forum in the first place. Thanks to all of you, Flame Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krenim Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 I understand it...You made the right choice. You can't have your life put on risk because of an internet site.... At least we still have the forum:) Nite, best wished and I also hope things work out for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dontai Posted October 8, 2006 Share Posted October 8, 2006 - Do not post comments like "death to the MPAA, let's bomb them / crash an airplane into their buildings, lets start our own network, etc" as death threats, terrorisim, and conspiracy are widely concitered to be a criminal acts in the free world, and will not be tolerated on these boards. We are science fiction fans, not wanna be terrorists. To quote the Borg i will not comply, Terrorist want cause chaos for all non fundamental muslims. All i want is to send plane crashing in to their house is that to much to ask for? I like see them try to take my god given right to say that and sue me. Their nothing more than terrorist anyway spreading their propaganda. I wouldn't be surpised if they help to crash thoes planes in to the towers. Have you bothered trying to look for it on ebay or amazon or even bestbuy? I do not have paypal account are credit card, and i have no atttion of getting one Ever and i did check bestbuy and all the local stores online and offline they said they never had it. I am never Going to use online shopping and im Never going to use ebay or amazon I do apologies for mentioning torrentz i didn't know the man step in and gave you the "paper" or that this part of site is up. Really should use my eyes more. Ty - Dontai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebrae Posted October 10, 2006 Share Posted October 10, 2006 I do not have paypal account are credit card, and i have no atttion of getting one Ever Why? Is there some kind of basic spelling and grammar check to get one? People that always plead off getting credit cards are either underage or just looking for excuses. I've got a credit card. How much did it cost me to get it? Nothing. How much does it cost me to keep it? Nothing. How useful is it? Oh, from time to time it does its part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antilles Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 Even God said he'd only help those who help themselves. I thought it was Maggie Thatcher who said that! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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