chefren Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 "Have you stopped downloading since the MPAA announcement?" Muahahaha. Seriously, for my part it's more than ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prevertex Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 I more and more get the idea I should live in Canada :D But seriously I live in Germany and they just recently passed a law that for dowlnoading a copyrighted movie, episode or music track you will receive a 2 year prison sentence :cyclops: Germany has the largest downloading population in Europe and if they really put everyone in prison who downloaded media, where the process would be deemed illegal, they would have to build at least 10times as many prisons, as we already have for real criminals. I dont know where I read it, but a German politician was quoted with saying: "Stealing a movie should be no less a crime than stealing a pack of chewing gum from a shelf in a store" The law will be effective from the January 1st 2007 and then I will be really checking up on my security so that these f***ers won't be able to track me. To some degree they already can check someone's connection if he's suspected of downloading illegally, although I personally have heard of no cases where it actually happened. In any way on the first page of this post someone mentioned something about peerguardian. What steps can I take to max my security so that Im safe from overzealous corporations/governments waging war against me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
michaelikina Posted May 31, 2006 Share Posted May 31, 2006 i still download whatewer interests me as i live in China most dvd's on sale are copies anyway lower prices on the original - licensed - copies of movies games and stuff and pirates would not bother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trekkiedane Posted August 9, 2006 Share Posted August 9, 2006 Other. I haven't made any changes to my behaviour, didn't even know a new witch-hunt was on. _dane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrazyBob Posted September 19, 2006 Share Posted September 19, 2006 I agree that alot of the pirating that's going on is wrong... (movies and games available for download the day they come out or sooner) but whatever happened to "fair use" ? Who am I hurting when I watch a 10 year old episode of TNG that I downloaded? Sure, some of you will say: "they're losing money cause you're not buying the Dvds!", but quite honestly they've made enough money already :P and anyways I'm a student, and I don't have 200-300$ to spend on a set of DVDs. Quite honestly, if I had the money there's a good chance that I would go out and buy the collections, just for the original packaging and all the on-disk extras... But anyways, thank god I'm Canadian :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dontai Posted October 8, 2006 Share Posted October 8, 2006 This is just another Attempt by MPAA & RIAA to get us to by crap Why should we hafe to by game to try it out? why should we hafe to rent it? You cant rent computer games? Hafe of the stuff is crap and not worth bying hafe of it you get bord with in a month MPAA & RIAA can kiss my @SS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua Posted October 22, 2006 Share Posted October 22, 2006 "Have you stopped downloading since the MPAA announcement?" Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to their announcements, other than it's annoying when a site I visit gets shut down. I downloaded music illegally through various channels until iTunes came out, the previous music sites didn't have enough content and were too expensive. Then I started purchasing the music I liked at iTunes for $1/song so that I could support the artists, but I kept illegally downloading stuff I was trying out for the first time. Then I found where I can download an entire CD for only $2-$3 legally though the music quality is less than on iTunes. Basically, I pay $1 for every 100Mb of music I download. This is affordable for me and the industry gets their money. Right now, there are finally starting to be a few commercial trials for legally purchasing and downloading individual TV shows. Because of where I am physically located, I cannot use satellite TV due to being on a north facing apartment, cable in the building doesn't work, and broadcast TV has more snow than my old home in Pennsylvania! Thus, the only way I can watch shows is to illegally download them, originally from niteshdw then from other sites. When TV shows can be legally downloaded at an affordable price, I'll definitely be buying them. Just like I buy Stargate DVDs because they're affordable and download Star Trek illegally due to the DVD prices being 2-3 times higher. There's a scifi download site that I've been involved with for a couple years that has definite plans to shut down once the same content becomes legally available for download at a cost of no more than $3/episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest c4evap Posted November 12, 2006 Share Posted November 12, 2006 Snippet: lower prices on the original - licensed - copies of movies games and stuff and pirates would not bother An excellent idea! Which, of course, means they won't do it. Seriously, I believe most people download because the prices are too damn steep! Look at the TOS DVDs. That show is over 30 years old and they are still selling the complete series in the hurdreds of dollars!!! COSSACKS! c4 :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebrae Posted November 14, 2006 Share Posted November 14, 2006 I doubt that prices will ever be so low as to deter pirates... but I don't doubt that piracy and P2P are so rife because of the greed of various companies. With Bluray and HD-DVD - you'll be able to get an entire season (and all the goodies imaginable) on a single disk and then I think it looks kind of ridiculous to be asked to pay something like £70+ for a season. Still, don't expect prices to drop while there are punters to be squeezed. Also, don't expect those major pirates to be combated. We know who the real terrorists are - P2P USERS. I hear the MPAA and RIAA are allegedly trying to get the constitution amended to make all file-sharing illegal and considered treason. Seems reasonable, I say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hilander72 Posted November 14, 2006 Share Posted November 14, 2006 Have you stopped downloading since the MPAA announcement? no Besides they'll probaly remaster all the classic TOS and add a few CGI strings to the puppets and up the res to HDTV to complete the illusion and get the filesizes large enough to fit on a mere 7 bluray/hddvds per season for the bargain price of $150/boxset. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TFMF Posted November 14, 2006 Share Posted November 14, 2006 Other. Please Specify I have stopped downloading and uploading entirly - however - i'm not going to buy anything yet - i'm going to wait and see what happens - i've also stepped up security - PeerGuiadian is always on now... Well that's old now. I resumed downloading a while ago - but mainly of things i can't find anywhere legally or is too expensive to buy. I do try to buy what i can - computer games and movies i will buy but whole seasons of shows are far too expensive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest c4evap Posted November 14, 2006 Share Posted November 14, 2006 I had stopped totally but for some unknown reason I felt compelled to DL Xmen 3. A few days later I received an email from my ISP informing me that they had received a call from the MPAA. I haven't heard anything since thank gawd. I also DL'ed season 2 of Weeds. Haven't heard from Showtime yet. LOL. c4 B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soval Posted November 15, 2006 Share Posted November 15, 2006 Myself I only download iTunes stuff from legal outlets. I must admit however that this is still rare for me as I am not a real music fan. As for dvds, i don't watch many of them as my favorite movies are often on tv anyway so i just tape them. uh, is taping things off tv illegal? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TFMF Posted November 15, 2006 Share Posted November 15, 2006 uh' date=' is taping things off tv illegal?[/quote'] With everything that's been going on in the past year you'd think so. But no - it's not illegal - it's the distribution of such material that's what gets the MPAA mad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ingenier03 Posted November 16, 2006 Share Posted November 16, 2006 When I got an email from my internet provider through my university saying they've received an email from NBC Universal saying that they have track an IP address, mine, from the university for three episodes of Battlestar Galactica and I'm told the university can't stop them from finding me, I stopped downloading. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S0V13T Posted November 22, 2006 Share Posted November 22, 2006 I havn't completely stopped, but I have slowed down, and I'm buying dvd's and games and whatever much more frequentelly. The way I make a movie purchace determination ( I think that a lot of people will say that they do the same) Step 1) go to one of those huge torrent sites. You know the kind I mean. Step 2) I don't really read any of the news services that talks about previews for games / movies. I hear about new games and movies from torrent sites, or by word of mouth immedetelly before I download them , so I'm doing a serach for movies at the torrent site. Step 3) scroll around untill something catches my eye. Could be a catchy title, something I heard from a friend, a movie from my youth that I want to see again, etc. Step 4) Download it. Step 5) Watch it. Step 6) If I liked what I saw, I'll do a google search to see what comes with theDVD it's self (books, cut scenes, alternate takes / directors commenteries) if there is a sufficent amount of extras, I'll buy it. If I can get it for a deal somewhere down the road, say a 2 for $30 special, I'll buy it. I won't buy a dvd for over $30, I'll wait for it to depreciate a bit, then buy it. However, if it's something REALLY good, and a special case (like the box set of Firefly for eg. where you genuinely want to show support for Joss Whedon) I'll buy it the day it comes out for full (read: Inflated) retail price, without downloading it first. Same applies to games. I have no problem paying $60 for a PC game, as long as I try out at least a demo first (although I'd perfer to play the full version first, beat the game, then determine what kind of replay value the game has. Red Alert 2 has an insanely high replay value, where as The Bards Tale does not.) I don't trust reading reviews from say IGN, or GamePro, as they always seem to be biast in some way. "Well, I usually play FPS games, but I gave this RTS a try...." kind of reviews. The pest person to determine if I'll like a game, is me, imo Also, as a linux user, I have to have to be concerned with compatability issues. MOST games will work with varying degrees of hacking, but there are a few that absolutely refuse to work. I don't want to blow $60 on a game only to find that it's coded in such a way that you can't click "I agree" in the TOS (Like in F.E.A.R.) You can't return games after you buy them, so I call it looking out for my best interests to Download before I buy, not piracy. Also with software. Right now I'm using a pirated full version copy of Mandriva Linux 2007.0 to test it out for a week to make sure that it's not filled with bugs like 2006.0 was (wich I bought without testing out, and feel totally ripped off). So far, it's performance has far exceeded my expectations (the only bug I've spotted is with LinDVD, wich is easily fixed by copying a file to another dir), and I want to support the company by buying the full boxed version. If you don't pay for stuff that you like, the company won't be able to make more, right? Just to go slightly off topic, Enterprise Season 3 is retailing for $115.99 at my local Future Shop. Good effing lord. Season three aired what, 4 years ago? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gjnave Posted November 25, 2006 Share Posted November 25, 2006 I havent had much of a chance to download stuff since being overseas (slow i-net connection) but since coming home from the holidays I picked up the pace to gather some TV shows which Ive missed... (heroes, dr. who, etc...) just this week I received an email from comcast saying that I have (basically) been busted as my IP address was logged downloading a specific file. I have to admit, that's had quite a bit of weight in scaring me to slow waaay down. On a side note: I did read on the internet ( that this is basically an automated response and doesnt mean anything other than heed the warning. what do you all think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest c4evap Posted November 26, 2006 Share Posted November 26, 2006 Well, here's something for all you good "non-downloaders" out there ... c4 ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TFMF Posted November 26, 2006 Share Posted November 26, 2006 I havent had much of a chance to download stuff since being overseas (slow i-net connection) but since coming home from the holidays I picked up the pace to gather some TV shows which Ive missed... (heroes, dr. who, etc...) just this week I received an email from comcast saying that I have (basically) been busted as my IP address was logged downloading a specific file. I have to admit, that's had quite a bit of weight in scaring me to slow waaay down. On a side note: I did read on the internet ( that this is basically an automated response and doesnt mean anything other than heed the warning. what do you all think? Perhaps easing off the downloading for a while would be a good idea. Or switching ISP's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hardcore Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 Why would I listen to them when they don't listen to me. Bugger 'em I say I lost all respect for 'em when they started harrassing the innocent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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