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Posts posted by Potato

  1. Picked up the following over the last couple weeks:


    Doctor Who: The Two Doctors

    Project: Valkyrie

    Torchwood Complete 1st Series

    What Dreams May Come


    The 10th Kingdom

    VeggieTales: An Easter Carol


    Needless to say, those last three were for my Wife and kids.

  2. Okay, finnally sat down with Catalyst and it is the best of the second run of this series.  It is on a par with the best from the first run, The Beautiful People.  It is a perfect Leela vehicle.  Very nice. Grade: A+


    Old Soldiers, the Third Doctor offering, was much better than The Blue Tooth, but still not great.  Grade: B


    Helicon Prime was probably secon best of this set of four.  It fits in the same gap as the Two Doctors, wherever that is, and is read wonderfully by Frasier Hines. Grade: A


    Mother Russia, was a far weaker story than Frostfire from the last round but is a much more traditional First Doctor tale.  It is probably the worst of the secon series, but I still like it better than The Blue Tooth. Grade: C+

  3. I agree that it works nicely to highlight the differences in worldview of the companions, but I listened to it in context with the 5th Doctor releases and Erimem is starting to annoy the hell out of me.  Possibly if I was listening in release order and not in Chronological this would not be the case.  As it is she's giving Peri a run for her money in the most annoying companion stakes.

  4. I too was disappointed.  Plus they talk about the Mozart story during the Ceaser storywhich comes before the Mozart one on the Disc, slightly annoying and a bit spoilerish.  The best story is the third and it still feels light.

  5. Listened to all 3 seasons recently.  I quite liked this series.  Not as much as Sarah Jane and nowhere near as much as UNIT, but a solid thirdplace showing.  I especially liked the cameo by Colin Baker as Commander Maxell in Mindbomb, I think it was.  A very interesting experiment all together, but why end on a cliffhanger?

  6. (Hope this isn't duplicate news, I tried looking for it but couldn't find it.)

    Just thought I'd share the official news.

    I think they're looking good, wonder if they pulled out the old costumes. ;D


    Oh, absolutely, can't you tell it's completely the same old costume. :P



    Actually I think it's rather a good update. Looks more solid and bulky while still retaining the same basic look. All in all a great job.

  7. I too enjoyed this series.  I can't compare it to Dalek Empire, because I haven't listened to any of them and with Empire 4 now coming out I may just wait and do them all in one go.  So far out of all the spin offs, UNIT is still my favorite with Iris Wildthyme as my least favorite and this one slotting somewhere between the two.  Probably just below Sarah Jane.

  8. Listened to these and I must say that the fears voiced hear seem well unfounded.  Davros was just as unethical and blikered at 16 as he ever was in the series.  I thought it was a great series and tied in nicely to the beginning of Genesis of the Daleks.  With references to the Dals thrown in to tie genesis to the original Daleks story history.

  9. I just listened to all four Companion Chronicles and here is my general impression of each:


    Frostfire: I enjoyed this one, especially the causal loop of the thing, but it didn't quite feel First Doctory to me.  It felt more like a much newer type of story. Grade B+


    Fear of the Daleks: Not bad, but felt off somehow.  There are only 3 Daleks!!! It could easily have been made for TV, with so few Daleks (even in the sixties). Grade: B


    Blue Tooth: The Third Doctor finally gets a Cyberman story, sort of.  Probably the worst of the 4, it proports to be when Liz first decided to leave the Doctor, but we are denied any real evidence that this occurred and there doesn't seem to be a real ending.  Plus, what ending there is was swiped from the Silurians TV story. Grade: C-


    The Beautiful People: The best of the bunch. Lalla Ward reads it quite dramatically unlike the more phoned in performances on the others. The plot is an excellent mirror to view society with, like all good science fiction.  It is set during the uneven season 17 but would fit easily with the best of that season.  The writing is funny without being dumbed down and we even get some references to Douglas Adams thrown in for good measure.  Grade: A+


    Now what about the rest of you? What did you think?

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