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Posts posted by mrhumpty

  1. Personally I'd like to keep a large portion of Military Funds in just that. We live in a world of laws and the Military and Police are the means by which we enforce those laws. In many cases simply having a large military and police force saves more lives then the wars fought with them because they are such a deterance.


    As far as helping third world countries... they need economic reform more than anything else. They need people to trade with those countries and leaders who will not exploit that trade. Money will only do so much, its going to take the people revolting or military action to free much of those countries. Have you ever heard the saying about "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"?


    The Space program does need more money. However, they need to quit floating ants round in space and start heading toward plasma drives and interplanetary travel.


    And finally I would only want that aid to go as an act of the people not the Governments. Aid organisations love the Government to give because they only have to convince a few people that both their cause is just and the money is being spent wisely. They just hate having to be troubled to get the people behind it. Our Government (US) doesn't have the Consitutional authority to be paying welfare checks to other nations, but our people are more than capable to donate to NGO's. And they do to the tune of 2B+ a year.

  2. The irony is that the stereotype of 'kids in basements' was contradicted by the story itself which is about fans donating money. In reality the real problem is that Trek fans are too old. Trek no longer attracts enough young male viewers to keep it viable.


    I was wondering... do you think the irony you are referring to could be what was making Smith laugh? Do you know that Irony is often the seed of humor? The truth is a little ironic humor is just fine for me. I have come to terms with the fact that I am in a very small minority since I enjoy Star Trek and an even smaller minority since I would easily pay for more episodes.


    Enjoy the Kool-Aid folks... it seems to serve your taste nicely.

  3. I have watched Outfoxed and its just another film created to prove a pre-determined point. I prefer hearing both sides of stories and Fox is the only news channel that is close to that. Of course if they express both sides someone can easily create film highlighting one side or the other. Namely a few posts back where sloany referred to Hannity saying "We have only 100 days left to re-elect president Bush" the film would just ignore Colmes's comment.


    Personally I'll take a channel that shows both sides over others. If the news story is about Global warming I'd like to hear both sides of the argument. That never happens on the Alphabet networks. I like to make up my own mind about issues rather than being told what to think. Being a libertarian nearly all networks annoy me. But at least Fox has the decency to allow me to make my own informed decisions. I also appreciate not allowing guests to spue conjecture without any facts or truth to backup their claims.


    And about Outfoxed... I could write you a small essay but a good representation of my thoughts are in this article from the WSJ RE: Outfoxed

  4. I am from the UK and I watch fox news because it is one of the most amusing TV shows I have found. The first time I saw it I thought it was a piss take off the days news in america.


    Personally I'd rather choose which news org I watch/support rather than having a gun put to my head to pay for a Government run news org. God bless ya Europeans... always looking for a fair master.

  5. Personally I watch Fox News for real news coverage.


    Fox also tells the truth. TrekUnited is a bunch of geeks in a nearly impossible fight to save a dead show. I have donated. I am a Trek Geek. Sometimes it just hurts to hear the truth...


    Oh and the "We have only 100 days left to re-elect president Bush" comment is pretty lame. Maybe you should actually watch a channel before you bash it. In context that quote is when Hannity comes back from a break... when Comes came back from a break it was the same quote but with John Kerry as the victor. Get a live and a brain please.

  6. ...greedy execs at UPN and CBS...


    ...bozooes who run UPN and CBS...


    ...lofty offices as we speak here and contemplate how to undermined every forward step we make…


    ...UPN leeches would want to talk to us…


    All I have to say is if you are our spokesperson then we are screwed. You are going to get nowhere fast if you don't realize that they don't have to do squat and the only way to get them to agree is to show them the profits (because they are only seeing losses right now) They are in this for the money like everybody else. Greed makes the world go round, if there was no money in Star Trek then it would die, that's what happens to shows that suck. The reason they have quite pumping millions into THIS show is because Trekkies have turned Star Trek into a religion and HATE anything but perfection. So nobody watches the show, and if nobody watches the show I don't expect them to keep pumping money into it. I love Enterprise but apparently I am in the minority of Trekkies. It sucks, but its life... hopefully SciFi will pick it up.


    BTW its "message" not "massage". And could you please resize your pictures for those of us not running 1280x1024?

  7. The expectiations of the real Fans exeeded every realistic level. There will be no show that they like - it just can't.


    Someone pointet out 93 errors in Nemesis. On that basis, you have no chance of satisfieing the audience. You will always lose.


    Isn't it ironic - the biggest fans kill what they love.



    I've been saying this for years. It is truely sad for those of us who above all want the saga to continue. I will say that some of the episodes weren't of TNG quality, it has been nice to have something new to watch. Now we have nothing. TNG, VOY, DS9 all took a few years to get their footing. ENT, even with the fanatical fans picking at ever fact & detail, was just now starting to impress me with exciting episodes. Hell ENT is the first Movieable series since TNG and I doubt that is going to happen now. If everybody had just been happy to have a new experience and watched out of support this wouldn't have happened. Mission Accomplished I guess for those who have been hoping for ENT to die. Now what are we going to do.


    Erm if they cancel ENT as a series do you really think they will make a movie, I seriously doubt it. Secondly its not the only series out of Trek that can made into a movie both TNG and DS9 are possiblities.


    Also I doubt that they only just made this decision either as it would of took time to get the scripts together and the teleplay done for the rest of the season, i suspect this has been planned since the beinging of season 4 if not earlier


    If you read more closely "Hell ENT is the first Movieable series since TNG and I doubt that is going to happen now" I agree that no movie will come of it now. Is it possible? Maybe... but I don't think they will want to create a movie out of a show they think was failing after the latest TNG movie with a modest showing. And you are on crack if you think DS9 is movieable. Maybe if the leave the station and go exploring... Its too bad that paramount would never give ENT a chance, crappy channel, no advertising, crappy timeframe. Hell I didn't even know about ENT until the end of Season 2. I never read websites about Star Trek but I am a hell of a Star Trek fan like my father. Neither of us knew about the show till then and started watching/downloading religiously after finding it.


    RIP Star Trek, its time to become hooked on BattleStar Galactica

  8. The expectiations of the real Fans exeeded every realistic level. There will be no show that they like - it just can't.


    Someone pointet out 93 errors in Nemesis. On that basis, you have no chance of satisfieing the audience. You will always lose.


    Isn't it ironic - the biggest fans kill what they love.



    I've been saying this for years. It is truely sad for those of us who above all want the saga to continue. I will say that some of the episodes weren't of TNG quality, it has been nice to have something new to watch. Now we have nothing. TNG, VOY, DS9 all took a few years to get their footing. ENT, even with the fanatical fans picking at ever fact & detail, was just now starting to impress me with exciting episodes. Hell ENT is the first Movieable series since TNG and I doubt that is going to happen now. If everybody had just been happy to have a new experience and watched out of support this wouldn't have happened. Mission Accomplished I guess for those who have been hoping for ENT to die. Now what are we going to do.

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