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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by Anywhat420

  1. :( NiteShdw we are all sorry that this happend. And I truly believe that you had the best Sci-Fi Site in the world. I wish everyone could stop fussing over copywrite laws and this law says this and this law says that. People it doesn't matter the best site for sci-fi is gone. Granted we can still chat and discuss here on the forum ( and thank goodness we can ). NiteShdw is there anything I can do to help bring you back on-line??? Maybe it's time to find a new way of sharring??? If they want to force the P2P comunity into the depths of the internet. Then let's find some way some new and hard to track way of letting them know that we will not die. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not stop sharing and will we will persevere and find a way that this comunity will rise again from it's asses. I know that there are other sites I could go to and find all the Sci-Fi I wanted but it's not the same. NiteShdw we will miss you greatly and god speed to you and your staff. :thinking:

  2. B) In shows books and internet sites I've seen or read it seem some sort of banking or trade system is in palce but as everyone has mentioned it's never realy talked about. In a few DS9 eps. It's apperent that you would have to have money or credits. A nother example that I've not seen on this post is Season 1 ep 1 of TNG encounter at Far point Station. When Dr. Crusher is in the market place and se sees the fabric she thinks is so pritty she asks how much. I believe that would imply that she had some sort of money or credits to pay the merchant. But nothing much is ever said about any sort of full out banking system.


    It was my understanding (and I've been known to be wrong) that all the basic needs of anyone living in the federation was taken care of. Granted we have seen in quite a few eps. where the far reaching collonys where pritty shabby. but for the most part all where taken care of. Now this has never been proven but it's again my understaning that if you did more besides sit in a holosuite all day long and aculy went out and helped from farming to being in starfleet it's self you would recieve credits or other fors of money to purchace goods beond the normal basic needs. But of course I could be wrong. :D

  3. B) Me after looking around on the net for downloads of Star Trek games and Sci-Fi series shows. When I found this site I dumped all the other junk sites I was using and now I've finaly been able to start seeding out to all the good people here that have helped me out by posting there great shows and games. Thanks To all B)

  4. B) After reading the wold artical I believe that they have a great start the question is now can they follow up and make this a great xbox 360 game. And alot of people are correct there have not been that many great star trek games vs. star wars titles. But it's time for a realy good star trek game. As for the release date in the mag they gave a Sept. 2006 release date where ST online has once agin been pushed back to early 2007. I just hope that they are not rushing this out to hide the fact that st online is running into troubles. I also believe that they should all pick up a controller and play a few star wars games and see what keep pleople playing these games 1,2,4,7 years down the road. B)

  5. B) I don't believe that Star Trek is dead just more in a hibernation. Look at how long it was from TOS to the Next Generation. I think they flooded the market after the next generation and people just got tired of it. Give it a few years and it will come back around. B)

  6. I agree with most people in this forum that both the TOS and TNS are great. The orginal had it's better moments and as for it's effects they where top of the line for the times. Of course the new series will be better as far as effects but I believe they started with a better background story than the TOS. But all in all they are both good shows.

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