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Posts posted by cyberbob

  1. I want to be killed with a weapon in my hands, a dead enemy at my feet and a defiant growl in my throat.


    add to that an attractive (and possibly nude) young lady in my arms and a planet of cheering/grateful people (grateful because I just killed the evil dreadlord from hell come to earth to enslave the human race after destroying all of the major nation's military's) with the "weapon" (my own recently ripped off X <--- pick a limb) with a mouthful of bulleit straight kentucky bourbon whiskey and some good music.....yea.....that should be good enough for the history books

  2. Was checking out my daily sites and came across this -






    I remember back when the bad news about the torrent site hit that Germany was mentioned a few times as a place with reasonable laws about this sort of thing.


    Thoughts? How far away are the ultra-liberal places in Europe from switching over to our draconian way of enforcing copyright law?


    I'm just waiting for "ThePirateBay.com shutdown by MPAA!!!" to appear on slashdot.....

  3. You are right. It isn't completely caused by us.

    Most respected scientists think that MOST of it is caused by us.


    From Wiki:


    The scientific opinion on climate change, as expressed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and explicitly endorsed by the national science academies of the G8 nations, is that the average global temperature has risen 0.6 ± 0.2 °C since the late 19th century, and that it is likely that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities" [1]. A small minority of qualified scientists contest the view that humanity's actions have played a significant role in increasing recent temperatures.

    Another Quote:

    "There is an ongoing dispute about what effect humans have on the global climate and what policies should be followed to mitigate any current detrimental effects, and prevent future detrimental effects. Although not fully settled, the current consensus from the official scientific communities on climate change is that recent warming is largely human-caused. There is near consensus among scientists that global warming is already occurring due to greenhouse gases."



    The only people saying that the evidence "isn't conclusive enough" are politicians and oil funded studies.

    Some More Good Links:




    So G-Dubya Bush says that it isn't real....oh...and his friends' oil funded studies say the same!! Thats perfectly reliable....lets just ignore the people who have made it their lives work to study this.

  4. I was gonig to comment on this topic...but just as I began typing there was a knock on my front door. It was a lawyer with a cease and desist order stating my thoughts on this subject violated the holders patent.


    So...no comment...




    There is some confusion here between patents, trademarks, and copyright. They are all a little different (for example, Trump wanted to trademark "You're fired", you can't patent a voice pattern). Regardless, they have all been extended far beyond their original intent and now hinder economic progress much more than they help it.


    Well put.

  5. Have you read Niall Ferguson's "Empire - How Britain Made The Modern World".


    If not, we can continue when you've divulged it.


    Read Guns, Germs, and Steel...add to it 5 other books that cover both sides of the pond and make sure that you take notes on them and then study them.


    We can continue when you've divulged it.


    I don't actually expect for you to read it but the point is that I said that I have read many books on world histoy. It is a habit that I have. No book is perfect and no book is completely unbiased. That is why I read things from different sources. I will be sure to pick that one up now that you have shown it to me but do not think that just because I have not read that one book that I have no idea of what I am talking about.

  6. These days, reading a lot of things will just slant you in an anti-colonial direction.


    I just read a lot and often and when I read I try to get works from all views and see where each one of those views gets the facts from which it derives its position.


    I said that I try to read both sides' arguments and then look at where they get the information from to support their arguments and then try to pick the truth from both based off of the 3rd party info that I can find.


    After reading everything from textbooks from my great grandmother (she was a school teacher) from the 1940s-50s to modern books on all sorts of world history I have come to the conclusions that I post. Its not like a read a liberal newspaper every day and then go out and spout its contents on message boards :p (which a lot of people admittedly do.....then again so do a lot of right wing conservatives...).


    I suppose that there were some good things that came from it but I very much disagree that those good things come anywhere close to outweighing the bad things. I seem to be having a brain fart right now but I think Mr Livingston was the name of a man who did great things in Africa in the mid-1850s but the few steps that he took hardly make up for the millions of people and tens of cultures destroyed by European countries. That is something that I must apologize for as well. While the English did the most damage as far as slavery is concerned, the Dutch and the Portugese empires did far far worse damage in other areas.


    Now dont get me wrong, this is not to say that the modern people of GB or the US are bad. I just dont agree with much of what they have done throughout history. Lol, then again - you know what they say "hindsight is 20/20" and to be honest, I doubt that any country would have that great of a track record were it to end up on top. That still doesnt excuse it though. If I am given power and abuse it, just because everyone else out there would abuse it to doesnt make it ok that I did. I dont know...I guess the world and the direction it is going in just scare me and I guess that I hope that the better we preach the mistakes of the past, the less likely we will be to repeat them.


    Blame it on Star Trek!!! lol. I just keep thinking about how it took us another big war to make us all realize how stupid we were and that only after that war were we able to step up to the plate as a race civilized enough to garner the attention of others in the galaxy. I want the Vulcans to come now, not in another 50 years once we have blown ourselves to bits!!! :cyclops:

  7. Do we assume you are an Irish American and hence your anxiety over the British or as you have some accounts from Africa perhaps you are several hundred years old and were there at the time? its always easy to bash someone historically when the history is written subsequently to suit a modern view of things.


    I am a mixed American.....my mom is black and french creole and my father is English and German....btw...history is written by the victors....


    When did the Africans develop shaft mining for gold & diamonds?



    The Bantu speaking Munhumutapa kingdom was pulling over a ton of gold a year from mines that were over 100 feet deep in the early 12th century.


    I am not 100s of years old nor am I Irish, I just read a lot and often and when I read I try to get works from all views and see where each one of those views gets the facts from which it derives its position.

  8. Look at what took over when the colonial powers left that nice democrat in Zimbabwe a Fool running South Africa who denies Aids has anything to do with sex


    Riiiiiiiight because the whites in South Africa who were essentially robbing them of their diamonds and paying half of the population in alcohol were several steps up? please...


    Besides, that country was not like that before the British came...hell...NONE of Africa was that messed up before the British came.


    Africa really was an amazing place before Europeans stepped in. They had the largest empires built primarily through trade and not through war. They had tons of gold, ivory and livestock. Read about their history and you'll learn a lot. Its not like the Europeans went...oh...well now that we have stolen everything from you and destroyed your societies we are gonna make sure to set everything up really nice for you before you leave. They left Africa much much much worse off than it had been before they arrive so comparing Africa's current leaders to the previous whites is kind of misleading...

  9. So you are saying antibiotic resistance is entirely the fault of Christianity? I'd like to see some statistics to back that one up. It's only logical to expect you to have evidence to back up such a sweeping accusation.


    That is NOT to say that Christian mothers are soley responsible. We pre-emptively shoot up livestock with the stuff juts in case they get sick and cows especially end up putting it out in their milk. A recent study showed that milk from all over the country showed traces of the same kind of anti-biotics that we use in these cows.


    If I say that I am so tired of driving through major cities because of all of the smoke stacks remind me of how bad the companies there are at poluting does that mean that it is all their fault? No. I am driving my car to and I enjoy the electricity that I use and every time that I get sick from bacteria does not mean that I need anti-biotics. I could very well get through most sickness just fine on my own but what I AM saying is that such ignorance spreads out to other areas outside of just anti-biotics. It is the entire mindset that is causing problems. But you know what? I try to get through sickness without anti-biotics(its been over 7 years since ive used them), I drive a hybrid car (not a 400 horsepower earth destroyer SUV), and I dont drink milk or eat red meat.


    Because I take the time to learn rather than worship so that I can make an informed decision.

  10. I am sorry but I still have to disagree with your statements about the British empire.


    Long before the USA was even in the picture the British empire was killing entire tribes of Natives in the Americas. After the Portugese had their way with all of West, South, and East Africa in the 16th century - the British went around and did even worse to that continent. I honestly can't say that I feel that the British empire did anybody much good.


    If you need anything for proof - look at Africa. They are the perfect example of how colonialism is NEVER good for anything (outside of taking what is not yours). This is not to say that the US is any better but uh...yea....British colonialism....not so good.

  11. While I agree with most of what you said, the whole thing about the British doing better at running the world...eh...I don't know about that.


    Why was Ghandi necessary?


    Invading countries? Tell me why the British were invading Afghanistan as late as the early 70s for their own economic interests.



    I do not think that they did much better. They just didn't have to worry about the media being as efficient as it is today and not like it mattered anyways because the wealth was concentrated enough that nobody who would care had the power to oppose it.

  12. I've seen precious little discussion and analysys so far. Perhaps I should insult and belittle those who disagree with me as so many here do. That has been quite effective so far in winning hearts and minds, hasn't it? After all, when logic fails, just call them 'stupid'. None of this has ever helped anyone's cause.


    1) The whole point of my posts is that the Christian religion is devoid of logic and I used logic to show how that is the case.

    2) Witch hunts, crusades, slavery, the pushing west of and the slaughter of native americans etc... How many horrible things have we done in the name of god? I would not be so adament about my negative feelings towards most Christians except that I see where this country is going. Laws being passed against gays? The made up "war on christmas"? Our president's invasion of Iraq being a "mandate from god"? The list goes on and on. What I think is funniest is our complaint of jobs being outsourced from the US to China and India...where did you think they were going to go? China just announced over the weekend that they would be increasing spending in science and technology this year by 20 PERCENT while we argue about whether or not to teach evolution in our classrooms? Are you kidding me? Our test scores are dropping like stones. Its sad that this trend will not change and our country will just grow weaker and weaker while we drag the rest of the world down with us.


    I was thinking the other day about the absolute funniest thing about all of this. We do, right now, have about 7 categories of anti-biotics (I would say 8 but Ketek and Omnicef are still debateable). Last year 90,000 people died from resistant strains of diseases. We are to the point now that we have actually got a drug that we are calling our "last hope" anti-biotic (Colistin). Doctors refuse to use it on anybody unless they will def. die from something because if diseases become immune to it - we are screwed. The catch? It destroys your kidneys.


    Now, every time I go into the doctors I hear these loud Christian mothers yelling about how their child needs to have some medicine and how the church is praying for them. They just have to have some anti-biotics. The doctors tell them no, it is viral and yet the mothers insist. Now dont get me wrong, it is negligent as hell for the doctors to give in but I guess that if you have these people yelling at you for medicine every day that it would get hard.

    Anyways, they give the kids the anti-biotics when they dont need them and diseases just become more resistant.


    When there is a major pandemic caused by one of these superbugs I am just going to roll on the floor laughing because the mothers, yea, they will be dieing from diseases that they helped to evolve!!! They will essentially be killing themselves with something that they dont even believe in!!!


    Why do I seem to take such a hard stance on this and why do I fight so hard against the ignorant Christian ideology? Because people vote with it. They live with it and it affects me. My gay friends can not marry. Why? Because of that damn hypocritical book. I have to fear a plague. Why? Because of the ignorance that the Christian religion helps to create within this society. I get to watch as our government tries in vain to put tarrifs and sanctions on other countries goods so that we can stay in our happy little bubble rather than better ourselves and educate ourselves and in the process we alienate the rest of the world. Why? Because we refuse to face the hard truth that we live and then we die and that is the end. Instead we would rather hold hands and read one or two verses of a book that we are basing our ETERNITY off of (most never even read the whol thing) and pretend that we can ignore everything else in life unless the moddy bible institute and focus on the family say we should and then we can stick our heads back in the sand that is the warm and fuzzy, "god loves me and I love you and love love love everything is ok if we just mindlesly believe". Well guess what, in seing what it is doing to the rest of the world and in seing what it is doing to this country, I am not ok with that and if it takes me being an asshole sometimes, I'll do it. I'd rather people hate me but still have them take a deeper look at what they believe in and ask the tough questions (even though 99/100 still wont after reading this) than sit back and feel guilty that I am letting the world go to hell around me without trying to fight back.


    Call it tough love.

  13. The situation over there is much more complex than all of the Middle East and parts of Asia against us. For one thing, neither India or China will be turning against us within the next 3 years and I don't think that India will EVER turn away from us. Both of them are getting a TON of money from us right now. For the first time ever India has got a decent sized middle class. Even then, 90% of them live off of a dollar or less a day. Still, for the over 300 million people currenttly occupying their middle class (which is more than the population of the US), a lot of them get their jobs from US corps that setup shop over there and our new nuclear deal with them AND our semi-scolding of Pakistan will keep us on their good side for quite a long time to come.


    China on the other hand is much different. They have setup a strong alliance with Pakistan for developing more nuclear power (China has at least 12 more nuclear power plants planned to start working on for their country this year) and have turned a bit of a cold shoulder to India. Their economy is growing by leaps and bounds and to be honest with you, rather than adapt and learn fast enough to stay on top...we have been kinda stagnating. With that said we can now look at the fact that China is producing more Engineers and scientists than us and EVERY SINGLE major computer software and hardware company is setting up a facility over there.


    Just to put things in persepective, China has traditionaly had a very very poor area that lives outside of the cities. In these rural areas are people who have usually had contaminated water from local area power and manufacturing plants, bad food and no money. The gov. is now stepping in to create better roads, hospitals and shools in these areas. China's military spending has also been rising very quickly over the last couple of years. In 2006 they are expected to increase military spending by 14.7%. The US gov. has got every last reason to fear them but we will not stay on top as the world's greatest superpower as long as we continue to ignore math and science the way that we have been.


    At this point I am thinking that we need to very strongly rethink invading Iran. We would most likely not garner the support of China (and if we did it would be very reluctant) and if we were to invade Iran we would most likely see the current leader of Pakistan fall in favor of a new and much more radical government (who would then have control over their nukes). It would take Iran quite some time to get enough enriched uranium to build a nuke anyways and frankly, we have our hands full already.


    N Korea is finishing testing on their first 3 stage rocket which would give them the range for their nuclear missles that they desire (they would be able to hit mainland US).


    In S America we have got governments (Chile, Venezuala and one other that I can't think of now) that are extreme left (as far as S American standards go) and who hate us. France is pissed at us, the Northern Europeans don't want to do another pre-emptive strike...I mean....it just wouldn't be smart for us to do this right now.


    "With great power comes great responsibility" but you know what, we can't police the entire world and to be honest, we dont have much of a track record anymore to claim that we have any right to. With a huge deficit, not the greatest economy we have ever had and Iraq to clean up....we just don't need to be picking any more fights right now.

  14. placebos are dangerous because people believe that they are doing something to their body and so they force their body to manifest that in a physical way...not really sure what doctors you have but I have never had a doctor tell me, "now when you drink this diet pepsi you should feal vertigo and have panic attacks"...

  15. Honestly, I do not think that Iran can be trusted with nukes but I am not sure that the US is handling this right.


    We say that we want a peaceful resolution to this so what do we do? Over a week ago, waaaaay before Iran declined Russia's offer, we start courting Georgia to let us use their country as a staging point to bomb Tehran. Now I dont know about you but if I had a country and I said that I just wanted nuclear power and somebody offered to help me do it and before I had even concluded talking with that somebody you start asking my neighbors if you can use their house to take a clear shot at me, if I was as stupid as the leaders of Iran, I would def. try and be defiant and escalate things. So, with how defiant the leaders of Iran will probably try to be (assuming their past track record is any indication of how they will continue to act), I do not think that our immediate show of force was a good idea.


    Whether it is right or wrong, most of the Muslim world is still very pissed about those cartoons. When you stop to think that Musharraf is barely hanging on in Pakistan (more people rioting there than are being peaceful), Iraq is facing some of the worst sectarian violence that it has seen in some time and the Palestinians clearly and legally voted in Hamas and they have yet to do any serious attacks on Israel since they have been voted in, we have got to be careful. We do not want to make ourselves out to be ones to jump the gun and just go in bombing people without plenty of proof that we have tried to resolve things through diplomacy. Now that is not to say that we haven't tried a lot so far but I seriously think that we need to be careful with this and draw it out so that it is very clear that we want to do things peacefuly first. The extremists over there want for us to act violently. They know that it will fuel their cause.


    Just remember, terrorists are people to and I dont mean that in the mushy gushy ohhh those cute little guys kinda way. I mean that they have got brothers, sons, nephews, and fathers. For every terrorist that we kill, how many do we create? If we want for this to eventually end without ruining both the West and the Middle East, we seriously need to take a step back and look at what is at stake before we get all trigger happy again (like we did with Iraq). It will take Iran quite a while to make enough enriched Uranium to make a bomb. Even if we cut the minimum time in half, that still leaves plenty of time for us to try and solve this through diplomacy. I have been dissapointed by this administration before....lets see what happens now....

  16. We should all stop driving too, as that's the leading cause of road accidents. People can always choose not to consume aspartame, or to consume less until the facts are certain.


    I wasn't trying to say that we should just stop doing everything that is dangerous. I do not think that we should stop eating any more than I think we should stop driving. But I do think that there shouldnt be street racing as it is a clear and unecessary risk. Similarly, I do not think that its necessary to replace natural sweetners with artificial ones just to pad the pocket of people who already have more than they need. Are their profits worth your kids health?

  17. Aspartame is not an amino acid, it is a combination of the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid and a third compound methanol. Aspartame does not occur naturally in the body. In attempting to break down the methanol component of aspartame, the liver will produce known carcinogens. Aspirin and caffeine and other common substances do not break down to form carcinogens.


    Unlike aspartame, cholesterol is a naturally occuring substance and vital in the body, though it is misleading to say that cholesterol is only a problem for some people. Increased intake of cholesterol could lead anyone to atheromatous. Just because a compound occurs naturally in the body doesn't mean it isn't dangerous in excessive amounts. Iron is natural in the body but too much of that causes stomach scarring and comas. The same goes for any fat soluble vitamin and many other metals (selenium).


    While I do not know if hyperactivity would be the best word to use for the result of too much sugar I can say that it does cause more energy (a spike in blood sugar will do that). In excess amounts over long periods of time it can also cause diabetes.


    The point is not that any of these things will always cause trouble all of the time. It is that if there is this much evidence building up against it - why take the chance? Why put the people we care about in danger if we don't have to?

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