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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by Vyperion

  1. Oh, so it's a movie. Thanks, didn't know that. I'll check on amazon.com

    It's like an extra-extended edition of the show and worth every penny/cent.



    The return of the show was fantastic with a lovely wordplay scene to begin with.


    What I loved most was the intertwining of several episodes from the very first episode where the flying saucers destory Old New York to how Seymore ends up standing upright, covered in Dolomite. Alll these little unconnected incidents linked together.


    Al Gore is also quite a good character in it. Appears over a few time frames and manages to squeeze in an gas joke in one of the segments.



    All-in-all it's a very good watch and am looking forward to the next one which I've heard is related to the Giant Brains.

  2. Came across this gem on another forum. Yahtzee Croshaw reviews games with a twist and some very funny results.


    Warning: Contains some strong language; Not Safe For Work


    Start with these two first:


    Fable:The Lost Chapters



    The Darkness Demo



    Rest of the list here at the Escapist



    Start at the bottom and wrok up is best to see it develop.  Particular favourites are MoH Airbourne, Halo 3 and Tomb Raider Anniversary

  3. Best part of the Xmas special was....the preview of the next series.  Kind of looking forward to unpretty companion for a change.  Catherine Tate....what is she, some kind of low-rent Tracey Ullman or something?

    More like Sarah Silverman if the episode of her show I saw was anything to go by.


    She did a fine performance for a Royal Variety Show but she's a rather gritty unfunny actress when she isn't doing specials. She was the one in last year's Xmas episode, "The Runaway Bride".


    A better performance (Comic Relief 2007):



    A worse one (which I actually had to stop watching before I broke my screen)


  4. Out in January? Hmm, presumably to avoid diminished viewing figures because of P2P.


    As to the new series, I'll watch it but probably more to make fun of it than anything. They're clearly desperate to keep things going by touting all these guest appearances.

    I don't even want to know of its existence, sickening as it is that I'm forced by law to pay a license for it.


    What I find most intriguing is they intend on broadcasting a family-safe version so the kids can watch because they might miss out on more adventures with Captain Jack. So that means they'll be about five minutes long if the first season is anything to go by.

  5. i agree with you guys


    i thought it was a dalek




    i still am not sure what to make of the ep


    i mean dont get me wrong it wasn't bad


    i just thought it was missing something you know :p




    I'm the same - quite melancholy; didn't hate but don't like it either. It just didn't feel right.
  6. The New Class - My feelings on this have been made quite clear... they should have either called it a day after the Replicators, Anubis AND the Gou'auld all got schooled or they should have just started a new Stargate show... that's how different the dynamic of season 9 and 10 is. If you watched an episode of season 9 or 10 and compared it to something from season 1 or 2... they're practically different shows anyway.


    More analysis after I've had my curry.

    I'd agree with that except if a new show was anything like the cast-killer Atlantis I wouldn't be watching that either.


    Season 9 just introduced a pointless devastation of the respect for the free Jaffa nation by having them become antagonists. It was completely unnecessary. Then there was Ba'al constantly turning up like a bad smell (shoot him in the face for crying out loud) and the Ori overhanging... there were too many enemies and not enough allies; a return to how it all started with Earth vs. the universe.


    The worse part was Sci-Fi kept this going and cancelled Farscape which jaded me somewhat (even though they eventually brought it back).

  7. This morning, 23rd December some joker found and released,on the net, a full copy of the dvd in MP4 format.


    This means we will have the dvd in march as announced.

    It's been online since Friday, at least. It's still missing the beginning and end credits, and the CGI hasn't been fully rendered yet. So I hear, anyways.

    So you 'hear'... rii-ight ;)


    I've seen it and some of the effects are missing or unfinished. It's a workprint copy at best. I'll bite my tongue till then

  8. What about you guys?

    I can sum up mine and everyone else's dispair in 3 little words:






    This was like the ultimate 'unbreakable' law that existed but it was almost consistently broken or obeyed depending on the mood and emotional status of whichever Captain was in command.


    A particular favourite was the episode where Voyager had to destroy a source of Omega particles (the deadliest particle in the universe). The fact they violated some aliens' territory, stole their life-saving research and what they'd nearly killed themselves to create and then blew it up leaving them for dead... "In this case it doesn't apply" was Janeway's response to Chakotay's question (those 3 little words).


    It was quite watery and a way to stick it to those they didn't like or ignore it when it didn't work for them. I wish just once that a superior alien race came along and said 'Sorry but you are purple and we must only save those who are purple. It's the purple directive'

  9. The problem with Timeless, Relativity AND Year Of Hell is that there is that the glorious reset button is hit at the end and everything works out just fine.


    In a similar way to Deadlock or Course Oblivion where *A* Voyager and her crew get blown up - but it's ok, still got another one spare.


    So, it's trying to give you the emotional punch of something dramatic but then eat the cake as well by ensuring that the status quo is maintained.


    Which is really where Voyager went wrong... people have huge life changing experiences... and then never talk about them again. I suppose Year of Hell sums it all up pretty well... and so, I will choose it. If only it had happened.

    That's certainly a better reason for 'none of the above'.


    I chose "Course : Oblivion". Why? Because it wasn't 'the' Voyager that got snuffed out, it was the poor Y-class silver sludge that had taken their forms and decided to continue their voyage home. They just seemed far more diserving given the crummy life they had been dealt (which no one refused to give a sample for)


    As a 'not on the list' episode I would've chosen the last episode "Endgame". Apart from erasing an alternate timeline, the series ended with them getting home with all this new tech... and that was it. Voyager was truly destroyed!!!!! (Since they decided to travel back in time about 200 years to the beginning of the Federation instead of making a show around the new tech)

  10. Hopefully when Moffat takes the reins ...


    I assume this is a bit of wishing and hoping on your part? :thinking:

    Or did I miss a major bit of news?



    I found this story on the SciFi Wire that hints around this subject near the end:


    When asked if he might be the one to take over should Davies leave the show, Moffat appeared slightly uncomfortable. "Next question," he answered after a long pause. "There's a lot of things to think about there."

    He's more the odds-on favourite at this point since he's already so heavily involved.


    I think it's one of those things they're still working on the best way to say it or that they haven't agreed anything firmly yet (contract wise).

  11. I preferred season "1" - Chris was far move consistent a Doctor than Mr bi-polar disorder.


    With the exception of Blink in Season 3 which I though was the most cleverly done of all the Who episodes of the new run so far (but didn't feature the Doctor as a main character).


    I think I dislike David's portrayal of the Doctor, particularly when he gets 'angry'. He voice goes funny or he puts on a menacing gaze and broods for a few minutes. That and some fairly bog-standard plots or blatent rip-offs (42 anyone?). Puts me off a bit.


    Hopefully when Moffat takes the reins (and RTD burns Torchwood into the ground) I might warm to him but not right now.

  12. The reason for no Hiro in this episode is that he traveled 330 years into the past. He didn't even exist in the present timeline "four months ago"!

    Ah, didn't think of that. Was thinking too linearly after the previous episode and his return with Ando telling him about his father.
  13. The death of DL was so sudden and ordinary that it makes me wonder if it's a red herring of some kind. although, sadly, ordinary people do die suddenly and without any special reason. :(

    Perhaps from the equally possible red herring of a certain illusionist maker; it seemed strange to me that DL's 'killer' ended up at the bottom of the staircase ahead of them when he got left behind upstairs.


    It was okay (not excellent but very good), filled in a lot of gaps but felt a bit rushed for Peter's bit and slow for Maya's parts. Not even one scene with Hiro and still confusing about the crate (it was listed for iPods, wasn't it? So where were they or was that part of another yet-to-be explained plot?

  14. it does seem like someone has been "breeding" super people. keeping it all in the family.

    That was LInderman in Volume 1 - Mikah was the one we knew about but who's to say he didn't 'create' more, guiding other people with abilities together to create new ones.
  15. blink I think was one of the best of ALL the new episodes, was truely awesome, well written, well acted !!

    It was definitely a true Who classic.


    A simple concept with little special effects, done in such a way that we never actually see the enemy, only their pauses between movements and infusing true terror by letting us fill in the blanks.


    And since it hardly featured the Doctor or Martha, possibly the best episode of all Who by letting the Doc take a back seat.


    Still gives me the odd chill now and I only saw it once.

  16. How about this for a radical suggestion, a male companion  :thinking:


    Well we did have Captaian Jack for a while...

    How about a male companion who is not in any way, shape or form even slightly curious about kissing boys, let alone sleeping with them.


    Seriously, how about someone without some twist or quirk or jinx in their sexuality.You now that unfashionable one called 'hetero'.

  17. Define "Deus Ex".

    "Deus ex machina" describes an unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot (e.g. the rope that binds the hero's hands is luckily chewed off by a rat, or an angel suddenly appearing to solve problems).


    Basically how the plot was resolved - the paradox machine, when destroyed, 'reset' everything to how it was just before all hell broke loose.

  18. Oh, EMBARRASSING DEUS EX! Yeah, this episode was a joke, really.


    If it hadn't used the Voyager defence. Actually, no. The whole PRAYER thing? That was embarrassing... Horrible, really. Humans? Well, that wasn't surprising.


    Jones leaving - no great loss. She wasn't half as irritating as Rose but still. Not like she can't come back... eh, just a poorly written disappointing bit of a cop out episode.


    lmao well considering you always moaning about something!! it wasnt that bad..oh well lets see if you could of done better lmao...i think NOT!

    Actually I think Tenebrae could do better than RTD.


    While the performance from Simms was enjoyable there were too many pitches and vallies in the plot to care about what was happening.


    - The Master's going to die

    - He knew all along, kills Jack, waffles for a bit

    - The Master's going to die

    - He knew all along and destroys the anti-Timelord gun

    - The Master's going to die

    - "I forgive you" says the Doctor

    - The Master's going to die

    - "You aren't like him" says the Doctor to Mrs Jones and takes the gun off her

    - The Master's going to die

    - No, really this time since he's been shot and refuses to regenerate

    - Just kidding <insert borrowed scene from Flash Gordon where a hand picks up a ring with maniacal laughter in the background>


    Then there was the two 'same world' moments where Martha 'forgives' the woman for betraying them and listens to the pediatric doctor's voice. It might have been better to just have one of those scenes (listening to the doctor guy's voice).


    Then of course there's the Deus Ex where everything is reset. The Doctor restores himself (and his clothes too, bonus) and then the rest of the world is undone by the paradox machine being destroyed. Pretty much expected it. Although sicne those inside the carrier were spared from the paradox (oh, the nightmares some boffins will have about that one), what about all the people who were there 1 year ago that weren't on the carrier when it reset?


    All in all I'd say it was like the ending of Star Wars Episode 3 - too much crammed in, ran out of time at the end.


    Oh and the ending - how the frell did that happen? The Weeping Angels in "Blink" were smashing it about and the Titanic ploughs into it? Wonder how that's gonna be explained in the Xmas special (like I'll be watching it for that and not to see Kylie).

  19. I think I just found the Masters TARDIS, you know the 'Thunderbirds' style skyship, which although a little over the top, pretty cool, well just look at this Behind the Scenes picture...are they roundels in the wooden panel? Its certainly got a Time Lordy design in the background!

    He mentions that he designed it whilst in the MoD so it's a safe bet that he incorporated some of the designs of his former home.


    I think those that doubted John Simm were firmly put into place, he filled the role quite expertly. Little black humour at the start when the reporter tries to unveil the truth to his wife and then while she's being cut-up(?) he keeps opening the door slightly and closing it. His face can certainly be creepy and loveable at the same time.


    I only hope that he doesn't get killed off and replaced so soon and that the rivalry continues well into the next series, perhaps even the next Doctor.


    That was annoying about the intro - "Oh, we're back in the 21st Century, let's go" - complete detraction from the cliffhanger ending of episode 11 - "How the heck are we gonna get back?". Given that we got swept away with all the other stuff that was happening it was a minor distraction, quickly forgotten.


    Now the biggest question I have will be how they come back from all this? The whole world is witnessing devastation beyond measure and if we get yet another "It was all a dream" scenario I will be sorely ticked off. Most likely the paradox machine will be able to undo all the damage that has been done since it activated

  20. Hmmm... it seems there's no explanation of why Jack hasn't aged. He may be unable to die, but even Time Lords need to regenerate, and Jack is a mere human, albeit one from three thousand years in the future.

    It was explained that he is a 'fixed' point in time so now matter how much he ages or dies he will always be reset to the moment he was made to live in. That's why he doesn't disintegrate in the radiation chamber because it's cumulative but when he gets shot he drops dead and then revives.


    Apologies for the language too in my previous, TFMF

  21. would you guys approve of a female character that was a ho?  B)

    No, Joe! :D


    In a 'family' show I'd rather have neither. I don't need it and it doesn't add much, if anything, to the plot. They can keep that kind of thing for Torchwood with it's grossed-out, gore-filled, w*****g, BSing surroundings.


    Like in 'Blink' when Sally falls for her best friends brother - love not sex.

  22. Jack was a bit of a pain, wasn't he? That's what you get for having a character who is only a sleazy bi.

    I'd go one further - he's a hoe (and not the garden variety). Go back to Torchwood, you sleezy, cheesy *cough* 'hero'.


    I thnk the Master was the star of this episode, even if he only turned up in the last ten minutes or so.

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