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Posts posted by vystral

  1. Maybe, people like tom and the delta flyer, still wanted to be able to control something tactally (sp) they want to feel like they are doing something. I see interfaces with the brain as something that is NEEDED if you need to control several things at once. IE Warp field, weapons, navgation, life support, armour, sheilds, etc... I really don't see much difference between the laptop that i'm using to type this and the computers that officers have on their desk in the 24th century, just whats inside... But even it only has six buttons or whatever... I'm sorry i'm ranting, but I really don't see a person just sitting there talking to no one, or even better, just sitting there and thinking through space, people need to do something. I'm prolly going to get flammed for this.

    I think you're on to something. Maybe the tactile interfaces just make it easier for viewers to relate.

  2. Voyager had a number of grey LCARS panels. I think it was an aesthetic decision by the set designers.


    Check out the old game 'Star Trek: Captain's Chair'. The Voyager bridge in the game has several of these panels.

  3. I dunno. I can see where piracy should be illegal. Various industries put a lot of time and money into a product, only to have it distributed freely. There can't really be a media industry if they aren't making any money.


    They just need to be more fair and realign their goals. Take music acts like Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Saul Williams. They are either insane, or they understand what I'm talking about. Media industry fatcats don't need to be the richest people in the world, but they do need to put food on their table.


    The music industry is drastically different today than it was 15 years ago. Today, a band needs a breakout hit on their first album because record companies don't have as much freedom to sign whoever they want anymore. Back in the 60's and 70's, they could just sign whoever they wanted, whether or not they had a breakout hit -- as long as they believed in them. If it weren't for this, Neil Diamond, Pink Floyd and others wouldn't have ever been signed. As much as I hate to say it, the rise of music piracy is in a way killing the creativity of the music industry.


    Record companies and artists just need to be reasonable. No one wants to pay $24.99 for one album. I personally do not have a problem with paying $5-10 for a CD. Touring and merchandise is where they make the real money anyway.



  4. The bleach blonde Six is so much more sinister


    how so?

    Take, for instance, near the beginning of the 2003 miniseries when she kills the baby. Then the recent episode where she jumped the guy near the raptor.


    I just didn't really take Caprica Six as seriously as the other ones.

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