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New German Law?


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Was checking out my daily sites and came across this -






I remember back when the bad news about the torrent site hit that Germany was mentioned a few times as a place with reasonable laws about this sort of thing.


Thoughts? How far away are the ultra-liberal places in Europe from switching over to our draconian way of enforcing copyright law?


I'm just waiting for "ThePirateBay.com shutdown by MPAA!!!" to appear on slashdot.....

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The MPAA probably isn't the organisation that would close down The Pirate Bay... or at least, it shouldn't be. They'd be closed by Swedish or EU court orders, probably at the behest of the Euopean equivalents of MPAA.


I think the important thing to remember is that file-sharing is generally, in many senses - theft. You shouldn't be surprised when "ultra-liberal" countries take measures to stop it. It's simply the classic case of legislation catching up with technology.

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