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MGM planning Stargate film, third series


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there where 5 books done that carryed on from the flim StarGate Rebellion StarGate Retaliation StarGate Retribution StarGate Reconnaissane & StarGate Resistance they where pretty good it was a shame that the author didnt do any more

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  • 11 months later...

It's been a whhile, but some "new" info about a possible 3rd Stargate series...


Robert C. Cooper, executive producer of SCI FI Channel's Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, confirmed to SCI FI Wire that he's developing a third series with the working title Stargate Universe, but remained mum on details. (The project has not yet been picked up by any network, including SCI FI Channel.)


"It's being developed," Cooper said in an interview on the Vancouver, Canada, set of the two series. "Not a lot to say at the moment, other than it's ... not the characters from SG-1 or Atlantis. It's a completely third entity. The third series is born of the mythology that's been established."


SG-1 will draw to a close after 10 seasons with the episode titled "Unending," airing June 22. Atlantis is currently finishing up its third season and will return with a fourth season later this year.


Cooper added that the proposed third series will take place in the present day. "One thing that we think contributes to the success of [all of] the series and the concept behind the series is that it takes place in the here and now. ... It's about us and our age of people dealing with fantastic things, like Stargates and wormholes and aliens. And then there's an identifiable quality to the people in the show. It's not like an antiseptic version of humanity sometime 500 years in the future. [sG-1's] Jack O'Neill [Richard Dean Anderson] was a guy who everybody could relate to, and his reactions to the more fantastic elements of the series were the reactions the average Joe on the street might have."


SG-1 and Atlantis executive producer Paul Mullie added: "It's all top secret."


Either that, added fellow executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, or "it just hasn't been written yet. I'm not sure which."


Source: SCI FI Wire

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