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Stargate Atlantis 3x20 [First Strike]


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Discuss the latest episode of Atlantis [3x20 - First Strike]

Season Finale


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[spoiler=Brief synopsis]Earth launches an attack against the Asuran home world when it is discovered that the Replicators are building a fleet of ships.



<<< Episode 3x19 Discussion

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Ok, first off - was I the only one who was highly amused by the appearance of Montel and what's her name from Firefly? I had to check it was her but my Internet skills tell me I'm right.


Montel was pure genius. Weir on the other hand, needed someone to put a bullet in her head. Clearly she's been taking lessons in how to be a pain in the ass from Janeway herself. Trying to negotiate with the replicators, lordy - what a loser.


Let's see... for a finale, it was a bit of a talky episode. Along the lines of the mid-season, except it was kind of teen angst... namely Weir going "Oh, everyone hates me because I'm a civilian and a woman! Why won't anyone listen to me!" Mainly because she's Janeway Jnr, seriously I hope she dies or leaves she adds nothing to the show except the minor and rather predictable tedium of civilian/military conflict.


Anyway, my Weir hating aside - it seems kind of obvious that they wasted a lot of money on the special effects for sinking, nukes etc. which I presume precipitated the gabbin'... Disappointing we had to revisit the replicator rip-offs AGAIN, anyone remember a race of space vampires this show used to have? That weren't Micheal... Rodney seemed to indicate before that they couldn't fly the city but there you go, I GUESS the Replicators could have fixed it but no point dwelling.


It conveyed some tension but really, it didn't feel like an episode finale. Nice that they used the Ancient drilling platform but I can't say that it did that much for me, overall and the end was similar to SG-1's thing... before Unnatural Selection... of course, they solved that in about 30 seconds when Thor went "Oh, hi! Come save us from the Replicators again!" Personally, the whole escape to hyperspace plan seemed a bit silly anyway. Surely the Asurans could just... GASP! Follow you! If only they'd had a tractor beam to tow it away or something. I suppose that this episode at least highlights the somewhat perverse nature of SGCs space abilities.


Also, are they knocking those Daedulus class ships out with a cookie cutter? It takes years to put together a regular battleship and I'm going to guess that a spaceship of that size is probably going to be orders of magnitude more difficult and hence, would take even LONGER to construct... it's a small quibble but I just think it's a bit cliche that everytime the plot calls for it "Oh, we got another cruiser!" You'd really think that they'd want to work out something with a little more punch than the railguns and nukes before they started churning them out. I mean, their entire plan to destroy the Asurans in a first strike would have been for nothing if they'd actually had a shield in place and yes, as soon as they pick up a ZPM, you're just waiting for them to lose it... they're the new Goauld motherships. First thing that happens when you get one? KABOOM!


Anyway, to sum up - an average episode that really didn't do it for me... though I may repent my sins if Weir dies. Fingers crossed, eh?

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So-so. Amazing special effects and everything, but the story was curiously rushed. If you ask me, this plot deserved at least two eps (the attack and the counter-attack). Season 3 of SGA had so many fillers, and they rush a key story... What a shame!


Also, what was the deal with Sisko 2 and the Apollo (which is just an ordinary F-304)? Why couldn't Caldwell and the Daedalus perform the mission?


Even so, the episode was OK until the Apollo returned to Atlantis, then it started...



First, the Apollo spots the gate/satellite shortly after nuking the Asuran homeworld, and Atlantis doesn't dial its gate immediately to avoid being cut-off from the network.


Then, Atlantis doesn't fire drones at the firing Asuran gate/satellite.


Then, they find a way to dive the city because some butchered Ancient activated something that simply allows it to happen.


Then, F-302s are used to move an asteroid to block the Asuran beam (Gee, at least in The Ark they used a bigger ship to do that).


Then, the writers come up with an excuse to seriously injure Dr. Weir.


Then, Atlantis' stardrive is mysteriously repaired and actually works with just a downgraded ZPM.


Then, Atlantis is adrift in space.


Then, I'm disappointed.


If they get rid of Dr. Weir, game over for Atlantis, IMHO.



BTW, Dr. Beckett was finally mentioned... Oh, and the girl from Firefly is hot! ;)

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Presumably they have to knock out more 304s because they don't want to have to keep saying "Oh, they were flying between galaxies!" again because it's 3 weeks, isn't it? It would make more sense to use the trans-galactic gatebridge and to have a ship permanently stationed in Pegasus instead of having them shuttlecocking a ship back and forth, so let's hope it doesn't blow up, eh?


Also, given the fact Atlantis managed to survive while surfacing without shields... I'd think that it would be able to function in space. Sealed environment and all. I mean, the last thing you want a spaceship to be is reliant on power to remain airtight. I don't care how awesome you think your technology is, even the Ancients can't have thought that a shield alone was sensible to maintain stuff.


Also, a thought just occurred to me. The Wraith never had intergalactic hyperdrive... why didn't Atlantis just wait a little while for the Wraith to go away and then just take their city with them? Seems pretty stupid to leave behind a big and unprotected piece of technology but then, I suppose if they hadn't, we'd not have Atlantis.


And surely I was not the only person who thought it was pretty pathetic that Weir wanted to talk?


We've had people from all over sci-fi on Stargate now... TNG, VOY, Firefly (x2), Farscape (x2), Andromeda... there you go.

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Also, a thought just occurred to me. The Wraith never had intergalactic hyperdrive... why didn't Atlantis just wait a little while for the Wraith to go away and then just take their city with them? Seems pretty stupid to leave behind a big and unprotected piece of technology but then, I suppose if they hadn't, we'd not have Atlantis.


Yes, it's strange why the Ancients didn't do that... Not to mention the Atlantis expedition itself could've moved the city to another planet in the Pegasus Galaxy (as they seem to be doing now) when they had those three ZPMs given the fact that the Asuran knew Atlantis' location and so on.

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The impression was left that the Wraith had swarmed the planet with Wraith cruisers. It's one thing to distract one satellite long enough to get airborne, but the Wraith never let them have the chance. They kept coming and coming.


Yeah, the miraculous repair job of the stardrive is what bothered me the most as they spent a good amount of money on effects destroying it in episode 11. Of course, I guess it's conceivable that the Asurans repaired it just shortly before they were destroyed, but the least the writers could have done was to mention it sometime in the last 9 episodes, not pull it out of their buttcrack at the last second.

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This was a fantastic epispde. It was probably the best this season (Perhaps second to 'Sunday').


Like all good cliffhangers should be, it left me with the feeling of "oh my god, can't beleive i have to wait until next season"


I just loved how the beam weapon was able to "graze" the command tower and everyone got injured. Seeing Weir get thrown back was so cool (Not because i hate her) and i thought that might have been the last we'll see of her. Which would create some real drama for the new Doctor.


I just can't wait for season 4! :)

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That's worth mentioning - I think it's about the first time since Wrath of Khan (that I can recall) where shields have taken so long to go up that someone managed to get a shot in.


The episode felt that parts of it had been cobbled together from other episode but at the same time there were some nice elements - namely tossing an asteroid in front  of the beam.


Still bemused as to why they couldn't have bought themselves more time by trying to throw the thing out of orbit, surely that would have bought them more than the eight seconds they had. In fact, I thought of submersing the city at the start.


Given that Weir has been rendered unconscious, I'll wager that there will be some manner of conflict over who should lead in Weir's absence and possibly a virus in Atlantis's computer (again...) I'll bet that hardly anyone dies though.

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The only thing which stopped this from being a complete disaster was some fairly impressive CG shots - the strike against the Asurians, the beam, the asteroid, the movement of the city through water and space. Fantastic stuff, a marvel to watch, a severe but wonderful change in directing.


That's where it ends.


Unfortunately the plot was dire, rushed and I really don't care if they survive or not (mainly because I know they'll be saved somehow within fifteen minutes of the next episode). Oh and god forbid they have to shoot some new stock footage of Atlantis on land or on a glacier.


I know about the spoiler rule but I'm hiding my disappoinment. This next 'spoiler' bit is just ranting.

The military strike was just uneccesary and obviously going to provoke them but the reaction afterward was just retarded (hindered/held-back).

"Gee someone's attacking us with a Stargate satellite and a very powerful beam weapon. Who do we know that can do such a thing?"

"Perhaps it was the Asurians. We did just bomb the crap out of their homeworld"

"Don't be stupid. It must be someone else. We only bombed them five minutes ago"

I'm all for being dubious about an unseen enemy but that was just pointless scepticism. Out of a list of one technologically advanced race left in the Pegasus galaxy they managed to put 2 and 2 together to make 729.


If I go into any more depth I will burst a blood vessel so I'll shorten the rest - Apollo and it's crew were setup to be the fallen heroes with cliche'd redemption to Wier, Wier completely sucks at negotiating, it's one thing to be strong but you were just offensive, Rodney managed to pull two hats out of his butt before it tailed off to an inevitable "Oh my god, we're all gonna die" cliffhanger.



Average because it both sucked and impresed in almost equal measure. Too rushed to enjoy properly and would ratehr have had it replace the last episode as a two-parter which setup yet another enemy to fight.

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Just once I'd like them to end a season without a "To be Continued". It's too damned predictable and the series already has a captive audience. We really don't need an incentive to tune in next fall. Or maybe we do, since Atlantis continues to underwhelm. Really, the entire series has proven time and again to be the quintessential poster child for lazy scriptwriting.

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What a way to end a season!! Thourougly enjoyed it....loving the new doctor.


Was i the only person to notice that on the atlantis sheild after they droped from hyperspace had a rather large red patch on the front? maybe residual energy


Oh how good was the visual effects for when the city submerger/re-amerge it literally did take my breath away.


How true though about the problem being solved in 15 mins of the next episode, just watch the odyssey appears from nowhere with the extra ZPM wouldnt that be spontainious? *note sarcasm*

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I don't know - the first strike policy was pretty sensible. What's better? Risking a retaliation like having them send a satellite to try and beat up Atlantis or having them send a half dozen city ships to Earth? Honestly, what would you trust more? 6 high yield nukes or Weir's negotiating skills? Yeah, I thought so.

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Guest Keyser Soze

Ok, first off - was I the only one who was highly amused by the appearance of Montel and what's her name from Firefly? I had to check it was her but my Internet skills tell me I'm right.


It was Jewel Slate. I barely recognized her myself with the long Blonde hair.


All in all - good episode but if they add a robot saying "Danger! Danger Major Sheppard!" I'm giving up on the series.

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What a way to end a season!! Thourougly enjoyed it....loving the new doctor.


Was i the only person to notice that on the atlantis sheild after they droped from hyperspace had a rather large red patch on the front? maybe residual energy


Oh how good was the visual effects for when the city submerger/re-amerge it literally did take my breath away.


How true though about the problem being solved in 15 mins of the next episode, just watch the odyssey appears from nowhere with the extra ZPM wouldnt that be spontainious? *note sarcasm*


yeah I like the new dr....makes u wanna go sick lol

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