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Dr Who Season 2 limited edition going cheap on amazon


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ok, then I don't see a point in spending extra for basically the same thing, either. pre-owned dvds don't have to be scratched up and unplayable. mine are fine. buying something as New is just a kind of branding snobbery for similar quality and you spend extra money.


this reminds me of a friend of mine that insisted on spending extra for "good" booze when she could have bought stuff that tasted almost the same and gotten her pack of smokes at the same time instead of bumming a few bucks off me to buy them later. budgets are NOT meant to be set aside on a whim.

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funny you should mention about dvd's and ebay, when I am buying dvd's I do tend to try and look at the before buying them, last thing you want it someone to actually get it and find it all scratched up.


Secondly, there has been a marked drop in priced of new "not so new" films which is now reflected on the price of a pre-owned dvd.

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I wouldnt call my taste in buying new dvds as snobbery, maybe the onset of an OCD. For some reason i just like the fact that its 'new' and no one else has played them before me.


but to be honest if you were to see 2 boxsets both the same ones new and ones pre-owned and their both the same price, which would you go for?

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same set, same price, probably the new ones, lol...


It's not exactly snobbery but it is a strange preference people have to be the "first' owner or to have the "best".

whether it is hand-me-down clothes they detest or pre-owned dvds. I think part of it is brain-washing to get us to buy more and more things instead of re-using things that are not worn out yet. Of course the opposite is to hoard stuff long after it has a use in your family. lol, I've got relatives that do that with string and wire and old magazines. I need to find a balance somewhere.

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Yeah i cant explain it either, its just the feeling that their dirty or soemthing, my mothers the worst though, when she buys a preowned dvd she litterally cleans the box and the discs with cleaning fluid, she had a tone of empty dvd cases too incase the one it came in was damade in any way,


maybe thats where it stems from

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are totally correct.... If there's only a few dollars between prices then I would HAVE to buy new...


Pre-owned is okay for something you cannot find or if there is a massive price difference....but otherwise.....

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