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TFMF's Blog. Stardate...


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I really need to start blogging. I've thought of loads of randomly useless things to talk about lately...


Well i'll start with school. Today i had my last exam (Administration, ironically - but not the same kind of admin i might do on here ;)) In preperation for this exam, i got no sleep, and studied for about 5 minutes. All in all, i think the exam went well. :) As well as my last exam, it was sort of my last day of secondary school (american translation: high school ;)). I'll be off to university in September :o


For those interested, i will be studying Computing with Internet and Multimedia. Why? Well it has Internet in the title, of course! ;D No, beleive it or not, i did do my research. I knew i wanted to persue a Computer course, and the Internet and Multimedia elements seemed like the best fit for me. I'm also hoping to improve my skills and get more of a feel for web design + development.


However, this does leave me with the next 3 months off.... of course i will be getting a job, and that means money, and that means an even better computer, and that means Tetsuo won't stand a chance in Supreme Commander. But it also means i'll have a lot more time on my hands. I'm hoping to devote a lot more time to the site. This is going to be a long summer for the forum, with Heroes on it's season break and Doctor Who season 3 ending in a month or so, we won't have as much to talk about... :(


On the other hand, it will give myself and tetsuo lots of time to get to work on many little projects for the site we've had planned for a while now, but have been too busy to start. I can't wait! ;D


Back to the past. I am absolutly gutted that we have to wait so many weeks until Heroes season 2 (does anyone know when it starts?), but i am releaved we won't be saying goodbye to Doctor Who quite yet (*cough cough* QS ::)) With my extra free time, i'm also hoping to finish watching Torchwood (Which i started a few weeks ago), Start watching TOS, and maybe finish Babylon 5 too! Oh, and BSG is also nawing at me...i suppose i'll have to try that at some point... ::)


Hmmmm....should i just bring back the old NiteShdw blog forum and make it for me instead? ;D ;)


(I shudder to think how many spelling errors are in this post...)

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Congrats on the graduation. :)


You certainly deserve some Rest and Recreation before you take your next "giant leap". ;)




You better hurry with the BSG catching up, cause it's not going to be around for much longer. (news of it's impeding doom came today :()



ps. If it's not OK to post in this thread, let me know and I'll delete this post...

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Oh yes, replies are welcome :)


And thanks! :) Yeah, i have no idea what university will be like. I don't know anyone else who is taking Computing too.


As for BSG, yeah it's really annoying how they kill off all the great Scifi shows. I'm just glad the Doctor Who cancel news was just a rumour.


As for rest and recreation...well...it's about 4am right now. I've already stopped sleeping altogether now :D

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wow ur lucky cause like the jump for gcse to a levels is the biggest you'll ever do....


I heard. To be honest, the English system seems much more complicated, and more demanding. Over here we have Advanced Highers, which are meant to be at the same level as A-levels. I only sat 1 Advanced higher this year, although i don't really need it.


We have a level below Advanced Highers, simply called Highers. To be honest, i have no idea what the equivilant in the English system would be. They are much harder than GCSE's, but not A-levels. So far, i've taken 5 of those.


Do you need to go to college to study A-levels?

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yep it goes...


high school.... (GCSE)

college... (A-levels)


when i did it you only needed to do 3 A-level... now they've got a bit funky, and say you gotta do 6 AS levels (these are 1 year 0.5 a-level) in the first year, and pick 3 your good at to do the final 3 a-levels...


it only 2 years though but a killer!! lol... but that the traditional way you can still to other courses, like btec, gnvq's.. they are generally easier but takes longer to do to get an equivalent...


yep you can't skip college down here!! :(


then its uni, masters & then a PhD..lol you can skip doing a master if your smart enough!!! :P 

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I graduated from university in 2000...........I`m still poor. More than anything Ive found my degree to be a hinderance in regard to getting my foot in the door in companies. The people that will be sifting through the applications and conducting the interviews will not have degrees and they will sadly see you as a threat.


If your going to get a degree I would suggest you take a degree that gives you a trade at the end of it otherwise its a waste of three years. Thats the best bit of advice anyone will ever give you regarding uni degrees. If you want to be poor like me you`ll do that multimedia degree if you want to be rich ou'll become a MSCE and CISCO Engineer.........get both and the starting wage will be 25 grand minimum even in deprived areas of the UK.

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I always knew my adopted son will do well  ;D we are proud of u TFMF, Ill bake you cookies, as much as u want, if you come to the north pole to visit  :D


THANK YOU, MOTHER!!! I'll get my mittens. I hear it's chilly up there... :thinking:


@ Chiggy - guess I have no future then. \o/

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I`m not saying you'll have no future I`m just pointing out to you the mistakes I made. I wish someone had told me.


When the final year came up, I had just finished my disso.........it just dawned on me that I had no trade.


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chig is right even if you did an msc or phd.... you still need experienc under your belt..


so? he will get it if he works in the field of his study - while he studies. TFMF, work on projects related to your studies and then u can use them as reference later, even when u are fresh from school. but you already know that, pointless to point out imo  :) we all start at the bottom and its up to us how we proceed and get experience. u just have to be resourceful, maybe even work voluntary in the beginning - until you are skilled enough to get paid  ;)

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Industrial Qualifications and experience is what you need to begin with.......then a university degree to progress.


University life is indeed a lot of fun but there is nothing to stop you going to university when your 25.


Everyone has to start at the bottom but a degree will sadly be a barrier for you to do this, hence my original point. The only way is to get on after uni  is a graduate programme which will probably drop you in at the managerial level. The people who usually get these sort of placements are excellent communicaters and have a lot of charisma. If that is the person you are TFMF then go for it.


Seven years after I have never been asked what my disso was about in a job interview and only once was I asked what I did during my placement in the second year. I get the feeling the average employer just isnt interested.


University does expand the mind and take your education to the next level...........but never forget its all about finding work, thats why your there.

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my post may have sounded wrong... my point was do your degree, but try and get some experience if you can... best if its in computing, but any ol job should do!


i don't think chig is right on this point if you start work, and get a job you'd get to worked up with things in life & you'd never attend uni.






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