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BSG tech question


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Anybody got any idea how they have people in the big ships experience gravity? Heck, it looks like even the Raptors have some sort of artificial gravity? I've seen one ship in the fleet that revolves (to get gravity?), but all others don't and have gravity anyway... Is this one of the shortcomings of BSG? No explanations (at all) for any of the technical stuff (I'm not talking non-sense star trek like technobabble here)? Anyway, as far as gravity is concerned, I haven't found anything even close to a decent explanation for bsg in specific. thoughts?

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I think the absence of "techno-babble" is relieving in a sense that you do not have to bother with it. It just is and works without any explanations. :D


But if you insist, then there's always Battlestar Wiki (link in my sig):


So far the concept of artificial gravity in the show has yet to be explained.


Source: Gravity in the Re-imagined Series


I might add that there's some interesting reading about other advanced tech-related stuff too, but most of them (all?) has the same answer as the above qoute. ::)


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Well, all Colonial ships seem pretty low tech to have advanced systems such as artificial gravity generators, FTL drives and so forth. But, as Hilander72 said, that's BSG. If I'm not mistaken, even the old series didn't explain this kind of stuff.


The only thing I have a problem with is Colonials and Cylons shooting bullets and missiles at each other in space. That's frakked up, IMHO. If they developed artificial gravity, FTL, AI, one would expect them to have some sort of energy weapon, no?


BTW, interesting Wiki article on artificial gravity:



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Oh, yeah, I read the thing in battlestarwiki, but none of them could actually really work in/on Galactica, except for the scifi explanations. What sort of bothers me is the fact that they're never repairing any of the 'advanced' systems, while the 'simple' systems seem to break down quite a lot, or at least getting repaired more often. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly no fan of the technobabble phenomenon, but they should really do an ep with some advanced technical features. The series is such a contradiction, so incredibly advanced stuff is used along with such 'down to earth' stuff, an very starnge combination. But I guess that's what makes it so special (though it probably sooner has something to do with budgets :D ).

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It's been my thought that the strange mix of technology is the result of the un-networking of the computers in the colonies after the First Cylon War. Less networking equals less sophisticated computing. Certain tech levels necessary for certain things to work might explain the weird mix. Some complicated things may take very little computer control.

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From what i make of it the technology (FTL & anti grav) has existed for a long time (the original 12 tribes in their caravans travelling across space) essentially they have this technology and have had it for a long time.


I can't imagine a duller episode than the Chief having to fix the FTL drive lol would remind me of several very very dull ST TNG episodes that did just this (quick fix the warp drive before the borg ship gets here kind of &*$@)

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oh, lol, forgot, but ya, I remember now, there was a switch stuck for a cooling system or something, right?

the commander died fixing it rather in a lame fashion, I think I even commented on that. Doh.


haha, that was another example of the good ol' Battlestar low tech approach, turn a valve by hand to get the ftl back online. :D

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I think that it goes without saying - some stuff just needs to be there to facilitate stories.


A lot of "hard" sci-fi writers will stick in FTL.


To be honest though - energy weapons aren't really necessary in space. Given the HUGE amounts of energy you can give to kinetic weapons relatively cheaply, they'd make a lot more sense than lasers... which would have to - realistically - be fairly close to their targets and they'd use a lot of energy.

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