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BNT questions about combat

Sam Fisher

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Hello all.  First let me thank those that have modified BNT, your version is great!  Also thank you for hosting this game and forums!  It is appreciated.


Ok I have a few questions about shields and beams.  I assume both are determined by the amount of power you have, but how do you figure out how many beams and shields you have?  Let's say I have 2 million power, does that mean I have 1 million beams and 1 million shields?  Or 2 million beams and 0 shields (assuming I used all my beams, against the defenders fighters and shields)?


If beams and shields are determined based on power, why can you buy beams and shields in a special port.  What exactly are you buying?



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first up thx for the praise for the game :) if you wish to know how the development has progressed and get some insider info and game playing tips then the DeadZone forum could help out (http://deadzone.co.nr and click on forum)


As for the question well essentially the 3 elements involved (power, beams and shields) work as follows


power is the amount of energy on your ship this can be distributed as you see fit


beams are your attacking strength, when it comes to attacking a planet having good beams helps a lot


shields are the defensive part of your ship shields are most useful when you are being attacked by bigger players.


shields and beams also come into it for planetary defense with the planets energy being like the ships power.


ok the maths essentially if you have L20 beams this is the same number of units as L20 computers if you use your beams in an attack on a ship or a planet then you lose that amount of energy from your power. shields work in a similar role for if you are attacked.


what i do in the game is think of 4 if you have L18 power then you can supply L20 beams and L20 shields (2+2=4) i tend to have beams 2 higher than power with shields one behind this means i still have power on my ship after an attack (just incase someone else jumps in and attacks)


hope this helps and I'm glad you are enjoying the game :)

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Thanks for the info.  It does help out. 


So if I understand correctly.  If I have L21 beams I have around 500,000 of them and if someone with 500,000 fighters attacks me (or I attack them) my beans would destroy 250,000 of their fighters and I would be left with 250,000 beams.  My power would also go down by 250,000.


So is it better to invest in more power, beams, shields or to invest in more fighters?  Or should everything remain somewhat equal?


I am not on a mission to start taking over everything, but I did run across a player with 24 million+ fighters which I would be helpless against.


I will check out the deadzone forums.


Thanks again!


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yeah you might find better responces on the deadzone forum btw i am ghost in the game and in the forum there.


beams/comps is an old issue and it does depend on your opponent, if you are attacking lesser players then comps should remain lower (come across the 'youre huge ship has given the planet ample time to defend itself' warning when you sofa a planet? that means youre comps are too high essentially so in that situation beams are the better upgrade, also don't forget armour.


as a general rule of thumb that i tend to play i keep the comps beams and armour at the same level, it makes the calculations easy as you have an attack power of 3x the comps value.

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