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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by wildcat

  1. Have a great birthday S0V13T!!!! ;D
  2. I guess what motivates a person like me to obtain their entertainment from the internet is my desire to avoid the deleterious affects of advertising on the human brain. Movies and TV shows available in an On-Demand format are helpful, but with kids in the house parked in front of the TV day in and day out, who can get access to the thing. Plus, forget finding what you like in the On-Demand format if what you like is anything not so popular. Buying another TV and renting another digital cable receiver is never going to be in my budget. I used to enjoy getting my entertainment fix in movie theatres with their huge screens, surround sound, popcorn, sticky floors, etc., but these days I find myself getting angry at all the ads I have to endure (at the highest volume level ever attained in an indoor venue). I would gladly pay extra just to be allowed to enter a theatre and watch the movie, and just the movie. If my choice is to get entertained and not brain-washed, I should be allowed to. I shouldn't have to wait for the DVD release months and months later. It seems I am a fan of entertainment, not a fan of possessing entertainment, and Sci-fi is the best entertainment going.
  3. As long as the c4evap Edition contained half of your overall coolness, I'd DL and install in a heartbeat. Somethings deserve the usage of a cd / dvd.
  4. Hey, I was just wondering if the recent 3 day early Star Gate Atlantis torrents were legit or not? I was under the impression that Stargate Atlantis was released on fridays, not tuesdays?
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