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TV Man

Starfleet Academy
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Master Chief (P.O. 1st)

Master Chief (P.O. 1st) (10/24)



  1. The Doctor certainly doesn't have the power to cross universal boundaries at will. Regarding an alt-Earth Doctor, it would make logical sense that in most alternate universes you have alternate Gallifreys, and therefore, alternate Doctors. The Doctor we know is a product of his specific universe, and though he has the power to be able to travel through time and space, it seems to be limited to the universe to which he belongs.
  2. I'm trying to recall if there were any alt-universe stories in the classic series. Travel through time and space is not necessarily the same thing as flitting between parallel universes is it? But another thing in the new series is that sometimes the TARDIS does the flying police box routine by acting as a spaceship. Other times it dematerializes and rematerilizes like one would expect. I'm trying to recall instances in the classic series where the TARDIS was travelling by means other than dematerializing in one spot and rematerializing in another (or getting carried off by some baddie).
  3. I'm not convinced that the Timelords are dead. In Doomsday the Daleks used Timelord technology (the Genesis Ark) to survive the Time War. The Doctor knew nothing of the Genesis Ark as he stated in that episode. So what's to prevent the Timelords from having used the same technology to escape obliteration, something that the Doctor would not have knowledge of?
  4. It is not necessarily given that the Cybermen brought the new material with them through the void. If the writers on top of things, one way to ensure the "survival" of the Cybermen is by having the real Earth-made Cybers go into exile, only to emerge again at some later point in the series. Pete Tyler showing up in the right place at the right time was too convenient, and lazy on the writers part. Finally, there was a HUGE problem with the Torchwood Project on the alt-Earth. If Torchwood was started by Queen Victoria as a reaction to dealing with the Doctor at Torchwood castle, then how come there's no alt-Earth Doctor but there is an alt-Earth Torchwood Project?
  5. Not necessarily. The Cybermen inside Torchwood were busy creating new Cybermen on our Earth. The freshly minted new Cybermen had not traveled through time or through the the portal in the first place, and therefore they wouldn't have all the "background stuff" attached to them (which is what was required to get pulled through the Doctor's vacuum cleaner). So what happened to them?
  6. Things I liked: * DT fits the Doctor role. I think he'll be quite good. * FX were done well * The twist at the end with the Prime Mister was good * The humans on the roofs was a nice twist Things I didn't like: * The aliens just didn't seem threatening to me. They looked like Star Trek outcasts. :cyclops: * I hope that we have stories that go more than one episode. The one episode thing is so 90's (e.g. Lost, BSG have a more modern episodic style). Hopefully there will be a story arc this season. * Mickey. Either get in the TARDIS or shut up already. :p
  7. I just saw the final episodes (including this one) last night, and I too found the editing in the last part of the episode rather awful. They went from the finding the possible location of Earth room straight to Adama addressing the masses. And it was a poor transition. There should have been some transition: * Exiting the map room * Getting off of the planet I hope there's some stuff put in the DVD version to make this section a little more cohesive.
  8. BTW, in case people are interested, the Omega Man is a remake of an earlier film called The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price as the protaganist. It's more faithful to the original story that both films were based on, which is the Richard Matheson novel I am Legend. It's a fairly dark movie, so be forewarned. IMDB Link
  9. One movie that I've not seen mentioned is The Last Man on Earth, and has Vicent Price in it. It was later remade with Charlton Heston as The Omega Man, but the orignal is far better, and probably not as well known because it has a very dark ending.
  10. TV Man

    bad luck

    Anyone care to argue some quantum physics? Parallel universes? Alternate realities? Fate vs. free will?
  11. Be careful to not confuse the iPod device with iTunes store content. They are not one in the same. The iPod will play CD quality rips (44.1k at 16 bit) as AIFF or WAV files) and sound every bit as good as a CD when you go that route. It is the iTunes content that is sold as mp4 AAC, which is a compressed format (although as those things go, is not that bad), and is going to be have less headroom than a full AIFF/WAV rip. With the large storage capability on the iPod, there really is little reason to do CD rips as a crappy mp3 file (and buying from iTunes is convenience over quality).
  12. Link As for burning video, I don't know. I do know that with the music stuff from iTunes, you can burn to CD, and then reimport from the burned CD as mp3 files.
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