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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Shadowrunner

  1. Who the hell is Bob Morane? SR
  2. coolcat13 and neomaster, consider it done. SR
  3. There wasn't an option for "constantly" so I had to vote for "I smoke a lot" but that doesn't really cover it. Cut down now though, only smoke 60 a day. SR
  4. Going to see it later, will let you know what I think. As far as I remember, The Tripods was heavily ripped from WOTW anyway. That said, Pleeeease upload it. I remember watching on TV when I was a kid but haven't seen it in years. Would love to watch it again. SR
  5. K-9 EDIT: Use K-Nine and take the E. I can't think of anything beginning with 9. SR
  6. I voted for it to be included in a sub-section. So much of sci-fi and fantasy have merged these days sometimes they can be one and the same, Star Wars for example. SR
  7. I agree with Tetsuo. That seems a good way to do things. SR
  8. I think he probably will, although nothing is certain. I think Fen meant at LEAST 14 episodes unless he knows something I don't. SR
  9. No contest for me. Dr Who all the way.
  10. Fantastic!! I'm now torn, I can't wait for next weeks episode but at the same I don't want it to come because it's the last one :(
  11. I like all the Doctors, some more than others. I grew up watching Peter Davison so he'll always be THE Doctor for me, although Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy were both very good too. SR
  12. I'd have to go with power, but then I'm a megalomaniac :D I WILL rule the world... SR
  13. Hmm, interesting... www.unit.org.uk has changed it's "bison" password to.... "badwolf". SR
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