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  1. I'd also recommend haujobb and headscan for a sci-fi kinda feel. headscan's new album is called "pattern recognition" ironic because they do give off a very "gibson-y" vibe. http://www.headscan.ca
  2. i swear i had to have told you about this song when it came out Rotersand i listen to quite a bit, actually one of the few ebm acts i can consistantly listen to lately. sadly the cover of the single has no dalek art on it :/
  3. i load them up into my iPod named Davros, goes great with relaxing or tuning out my neighbors humping too loud. i keep backups on dvd, and open them in adobe audition to cut out dialogue bits for my music making.
  4. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005550115,00.html so how long till this leaks online? i'm wondering if the daleks talk in this? when the daleks get off does it look like the movellan virus? how does davros feel about this and is he jealous because he's crippled?
  5. it's such a funny reverse on us american fans: we got lungbarrow, most u.k. shops didn't they got the gallifrey chronicles, most u.s. shops didn't at least my copy of lungbarrow is worth some dough, although you'd have to kill me to give it up. it's easily one of my favorite Who stories.
  6. Arick Szymecki incept date: 3/27/1979 born and raised in Buffalo, NY i'm fairly musical: my website of aural joys
  7. if that works Gary Numan deserves some money for the terminator. his 1979 disc with Tubeway Army called "replicas" has androids wearing vat grown human skin, and giant war machines slaughtering humans. then again isn't the matrix from Dr. who very similiar in concept to the matrix itself?
  8. surf around for a copy of adobe audition or sound forge. ring modulation @ 60hz blammo! dalek voice. just about any multi effects processor can do this as well.
  9. yeah, i came across that site a few weeks ago. it's more than impressive.
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