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Everything posted by andipandi3

  1. 1) blink 2) 42 3) daleks in manhattan Blink, as everyone said, was fantastic edge of your seat stuff. 42 also had good suspense and story. I loved the change of location in New York, the continuity of the surviving daleks, but I was disappointed in daleks pt 2, the "human dalek" was blah... and I did really like parts of utopia, derek jacobi was fantastic, but... Maybe I was spoiled so there wasn't much surprise. I'm liking the suspense eps this year I think. I was disappointed in the finale.
  2. I don't know her comedic works, but I'll give her a chance. Martha kind of grew on me (although her immediate crush seemed kind of annoyingly schoolgirl).
  3. bah. The Master was over the top, almost silly not scary. Gollum/Dobby Doctor was ridiculous. The Master dying in the doctor's arms... while I can appreciate that the Doctor's attitude towards the master may have skewed slightly since all the Time Lords were obliterated, all the lonliness in the world can't make up for the fact that this guy has tried to kill him umpty bazillion times, and the doctor has never been so fricking forgiving. If the Doctor could be the face of vengeance and wrath to the alien in School Days for merely enslaving one school, I can't see him being touchy-feely about the Master who enslaved the whole planet. But yay Martha and the kicking ass. Also Captain Jack.
  4. ok, then, I'd been saving that ep so I could watch it with the last one back to back! I hate suspense! ;)
  5. I thought the plot was somewhat lacking as well, but went with it because a) jack was back, and it was fabulous; b) liked the professor and his assistant; c) was looking forward to the master. the futureKind seemed like lame ripoff Reavers, the revived master was giddy not terribly evil seeming, more like a kid who's got away without detention. My thought on the master: He had used up his regenerations by dr 4's time, he stole a human body to use then, and from what the TV movie (treated as canon) showed us, he was still stealing human bodies, which would give him no ability to regenerate or need to hide as human. I'm a little fuzzy on how the tv movie ended him though... something about being trapped in the tardis? eye of harmony? was he released by rose? or.... What if this Master is an EARLIER incarnation? Pre-pertwee? Do we know how he used up his first 11 reincarnations? NO. I hope they don't glibly toss aside canon for convenience sake. The pocketwatch bit is contrived enough...
  6. I thought sontaran too, but I like the new idea (for who) of alien mercenary/police. Sontarans would have been just about the annihalation.
  7. I also wondered about the clothes, decided they'd rather martha be strange and out of place rather than be more careful. all in all it was a bit slow and the doctor was very foolish to get so close to the witch, I thought he'd learned about arrogance. However, new who is better than no who. I liked the first ep better.
  8. hmm. nice try, but I think it has to be hardwired in, like the process of regeneration itself. Now, the Master has gotten around this several times by bodysnatching, but I think we can agree the Doctor shouldn't do that. I also thought the Time Lord offer of a whole new set of regenerations was kind of pat. I don't know why I wouldn't buy that in a show about regenerating time lords, but hey. I have zero desire to see Son of Who. I think there's plenty of other characters that could continue--Romana for instance. Susan. But for them to do any of that they'd have to reintroduce the time lords first.
  9. andipandi3


    well, it's gone now. I suspect someone sicced the lawyers on them. :/
  10. it's been like that since the spring, I think... I was hoping there'd be more of a teaser up there by now.
  11. apparently... but I like that theory. which book was it?
  12. absolutely not necessary. If piper were to stay on, she should have stayed on, none of this spinoff business. Maybe she can do a guest on Torchwood or something.
  13. that would be fabulous, but alas, I guess that whoever wrote the website was just being a bit of glib. Sigh.
  14. Well, he can't just keep regenerating indefinitely. You'd lose any sense of danger, of risk, out of anything he did. Immortality isn't as exciting unless you're the Highlander. (oooh, return of jamie!) And while the master stole bodies and used the Timelord Fountain of Youth, we're supposed to think the Doctor has better morals than that. Hopefully Tennant keeps on for 3-4 seasons or so. If they run out of drs, there is Torchwood, the alternate universe Romana... plenty of material.
  15. I will donate. the MPAA and RIAA need to realize that sharing is just like movie studios with their viral marketing--you get someone hooked, they're gonna come back for more, better quality, and the movie, and the collectibles... that's how it worked for Firefly for me anyhow. I'd say that show owes a great deal of its popularity to folks sharing the eps before the DVD came out. And BSG--not everyone has cable. And the new Who... not everyone is in Britain.
  16. I haven't d/l much, didn't know about this site's troubles... I've only d/l what I can't get on broadcast here, ie, dr who. When and if the who DVDs are released US, I'll likely buy them. I recently got hooked on Battlestar Gallactica, missed most of the first season and the miniseries, and said hey, I'll be good and buy the mini off iTunes. The quality was not as good as the Who .avi's I have, and for that length of time (4 hours) I would have rather been on my comfy couch not in front of the computer. But iTunes does not let you take your purchased video to DVD or other formats. And this wasn't cheap, $18. I decided it wasn't worth it to buy eps of TV shows at $2 a pop (times 20 eps a season, $40 bucks, the cost of DVD) when the quality wasn't as good and I couldn't play it on my DVD player too. I shouldn't have to pay 3 times to have the same content in 3 formats.
  17. will attempt to critique without sounding pretentious, as am not film student or such. :rolleyes: I think the tardis interior lighting is one of the things done right. Can't judge the sound due to quality of my download, but no qualms there. My qualms are all plot-based and story-driven. Parts I liked, parts I was a bit bored by. Perhaps the extra Rose/family bits were to bridge over new viewers. DT can stay, yes he's cute and also charismatic, quite liked the "fighting hand" bit, but in the sword fight he looked like he would topple over. Kept expecting a joke along the lines of, "couldn't this sword fight have happened 16 hours earlier? When I was 6 inches taller?" :lol: that said, I'll keep watching. :)
  18. I think it would be silly for the the Doctor to regenerate into a woman. I'm a feminist, I'm progressive, I'm down with the regeneration concept suspension of disbelief, but I think that would be pushing it into the realms of sillydom. Now, that doesn't mean that another Time Lord, a woman, couldn't lead the show and go around saving the world. I've always wondered what Romana got up to in that other dimension whatsis. I would wholeheartedly back that. And I fully believe this "all the other time lords are dead" bit is a red herring. They can't ALL be dead. This is TV. No one is EVER really dead. (DIE SPIKE DIE. sorry. wrong forum. ;) )
  19. talk to joss whedon fans about killing off liked characters. The bitterness reigns. Yet, spike still lives. ::grumble grumble::
  20. dammit. haven't seen many of his. ok, what else? ringmaster coat? riding coat (no, romana did that) straightjacket?
  21. I liked peri, hated the shorts they made her wear. Mel was horrid. Hated her. Put me off dr 7. never thought of it before, but you know, adric was kind of a proto-wesley crusher. everyone hated them!
  22. thought it was very good, just hope this bad wolf delivers. I didn't recognize the voice, could it be an earlier incarnation of the dr? I'd think I'd pick up on that, but I never got to watch much of the hartnell or troughton series, they weren't broadcast on my PBS. I don't think master. Likely davros. liked the double-fake killing rose as a plot device, interesting. daleks are totally using the transmitted people as dalek spare parts.
  23. I did like that they were stepping away from the tacky clown look of CB and mccoy... mcgann's was good, but I always imagined if he ever got a second episode he would have changed. There's only so many velvet jackets to go round. what hasn't been done yet? nehru jacket? flak jacket? fur coat? I would think a kilt might be a bit impractical. But adorable on tenant. :D
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