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Joseph Lin

Starfleet Academy
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About Joseph Lin

  • Birthday 10/04/1989

Joseph Lin's Achievements


Crewman (2/24)



  1. TOTALLY!! I wish I were my dog each morning before I go to school... No work, no stress, and her snacks cost more than my meals. BUT don't desex me!!
  2. To me, it is either a China-India cooperative or USE(United States of Europe). US is in a really dangerous situation now, with the unending war and huge trade deficit. You have to admire the Americans for spending so much more than they can. Of course, when the world's main consuming country falls, everyone are going to be quite disoriented. I just hope someone else would emerge quick enough. China & India are, as you all know, blooming like no one's ever bloomed before. Their gigantic pool of labour force / land / capital, etc. is unique round the globe and should a war be waged, just think what all the hackers / crackers living from Beijing to London to Washington, etc.etc. can do. The CCP have a hundred-year plan that's been running since 1945, the plan to "overtake Britain and match America". As long as the government can sort out the corruption, Bush should be worried (does he even have the concept of cooperation?). USE is the age old concept that's been around since the World Wars. The whole of Europe represent a most formidable force matched by few else. And they don't go around making enemies everywhere and trying to stop the others' growth. BUT!! Think this: The large companies team up and conquer the world, turn everyone into Ferengis, and reign supreme in a economical dictatorship!
  3. Asimov immediately came to my mind. And Kangeskhan. In the Asimov universe, the planet Solaria just make sure there's very few people on a very large planet to make sure no two men are together to start trouble. ...Which is quite scary, with all the loneliness, Kangeskhan told his sons to "not fight among yourselves, if you seek battle, war on the others" In this case, it would be like James Kirkup's "He wars on Death - for Life; not men - for flags." Fight aganist the unknown, go where no man has gone before, there's enough space in the universe for us.
  4. Well, the computer in question was not actually "hacked" in the common sense of the word. Check this out False OS X hacking report prompts genuine challenge
  5. BEST ANTI-MARKETING TACTIC Do people just cease to be a normal human the moment they enter a large corp. or gov.? IF at least the marketing dept. have sensible people, this whole nonsense will crumble within MSFT or whatever entertainment/broadcasting company themselves (you know what I mean...) If I live in a socialist/communist society and The Party tells me this is my only choice, I'll just give up my DVD/VCR/TV recorder, etc. The only reason I bought them in the first place is that they let me skip the ads! BUT if this whole foolishness managed to pass, I'd still be glad I'm in Hong Kong. B)
  6. 1) Q - do I NEED to explain? 2) Changeling - if not Q then....still not too bad 3) Borg - uber cool, but I must be the Borg King No human. A bit too weak imho.
  7. Mac OSX Tiger on a PowerBook G4. XP is fine as long as you spend hours to tweak it, install loads of 3rd-party softwares (Opera, K-Lite Codec Pack, etc.), and with an accepted "Genuine Advantage ????" serial-no. Otherwise you can only get "security updates"... Oh, and disk defragmenter and StyleXP and FTP/HTTP server and...... All in all, Macintosh ROCKS!! BUT Vista do look quite cool, and is on a new core, so I am not judging yet.
  8. PS3!! Thou art the best! (1080p gaming!) I remember that one of the 8(?) cores in the PS3 is kept only for redundancy. Bring that online too and...... :cyclops: no, this time the RAM, harddisk, etc. are gonna be the bottleneck. :( But still!! :D :D
  9. I didn't read through all the long posts, so pummel me gently. What we should think about is energy conservation and improving efficiency. e.g. China is one of the world's top consumers of energy, and most of those energy go to factories, plants, etc. The energy efficiency of these many factories can be more than quadrupled by simply applying existing technologies (not sci-fi ones, but ones that are a bit more costly). Also, we can now do as much as did with much fewer resources. e.g. I read from Wired (or was it digg...) that it is possible to squeeze the brightness of a 60W bulb out of just one LED using nano-tech. Think A380. p.s. it is quite impossible to run out to uranium. I did a Google and there are more than 10^20 tons of uranium on earth. Besides, we can always switch to artificial uranium or plutonium, etc. (Thanks Wiki!!) Well, time to do the laundry. g2g
  10. For those who are curious, "ƽÃÂÂÃÂÂÃÂÂß" is "parallel lines" in Simplified Chinese. BTW, hello too!
  11. I know three sets of Tai Chi Quan from the "Ku" family, and half a North ShaoLin Long Fist no.6 Boy, these names sound so awkward in English...
  12. Hmm.....I seem to be the only Chinese around here. Name: Joseph Lin Chi Wo Age: 16 Location: Hong Kong Occupation: Student I Play: Piano (badly) and Chinese flute (even worse) TV shows: ST:TNG & VOY(only after the Kazons are gone) Like: Tai Chi, Apple Computer, reading Sci-Fi/Adventure, etc. Music: Baroque & Classical period Me: Took on a Mac ;)
  13. Quark!!! Wesley is too...gentle and of course, the Ferengi are stronger than humans. {TNG Season1, The Last Outpost}
  14. The "kinetic shield" thing. Even a forcefield in ENT blocked physical objects (don't ask which episode, forgotten), and there were countless times when someone/something was blocked by a forcefield/containment field. But I still, to a limited extent, agree with you: Not enough canon source. And about the Species 8472 ramming thing, might I remind you all that not so long before the incident, that Cube had a PLANET blown up in it face!! So you are actually talking about a quite heavily damaged Cube decimated by a ship that is at the PEAK of biological engineering!! I believe even the think tank, with all its thick neutronium armour, won't survive. Let alone a (heavily) damaged Cube. What I wanted to say when I claimed the Borg are more used to fighting was that in Dominion territory, the Jem'Hadar are more like police than than the military. I absolutely agree that they can kick ass, but generally the Founders prefer using Vortas to GOVERN planets, not Jem'Hadars DESTROYING a planet. People in the Dominion are of course terrified, so they shouldn't resist much. In the Dominion structure the Jem'Hadars live mostly to terrorize, and maybe from time to time do some skrmishes. (Of course it's all fighting in the Alpha Quad, but that is far from the Jem'Hadar's normal operation). I should have made myself more clear. Sorry. :p A Jem'Hadar may win the Borg one-on-one, but Jem'Hadars rarely live over a decade while Drones live much longer. In the long run, it is still no good for the Dominion. Also, the drone in front of the Jem'Hadar maybe doomed, but the other drones standing, like, 10 metres away could finish off the Jem'Hadar. Don't tell me drones, with all their techs, are bad shooters. How nice of you to mention AR-558?! That is the prime example of Dominion bad tactics. While I know nothing about true battle plans, I suspect some grenades would have finished the Feds in minutes. Don't tell me they are trying not to damage that comm post. Rifle shots went everywhere (except to the must-survive heros). And I would like to think that the Feds (mostly humans) are not-bad fighters. Humans are not that bad....I hope....... Homework :(, g2g
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