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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by GeneralLee

  1. Personally, I find the site WAY to flashy and "busy" for me to feel like even looking here anymore, or visiting so much like I used to. Besides that, by gawd TMFH, you did a GREAT job developing this timeline! I am totaly impressed! Is it true that S0V is still MIA after all this time? Take care " 'lil buddy!"
  2. Indeed.... I'll miss the show, and actually quite liked most of this ep., and will have to watch it again to catch a few points I may have missed.
  3. Thanks.... I made it to the half-century mark.... phew..... :cyclops: (people must have lots of sex in October/November for all these June births..... long live Geminis....)
  4. Happy Birthday Fen, you "old Fart"... party hearty bru'ther... From an older fart.....
  5. May the Lords of Cobal bless this Union.... So say us all...
  6. bones, I wouldn't take what S0V typed personally. I think they were just rather random names he plucked out of the air that were in that thread to use as an example. I'm sure he didn't mean anything personal by it. He could easily have replaced my name for yours, for example. It wouldn't have bothered me in the slightest. I think you are reading it wrong.
  7. I agree with what S0V13T typed above, and his list is not even a complete one. Some people just annoy other people and vice-versa, and you seem to annoy a lot of people. For example, how many times now have you entered the IRC channel, using this as a host mask: f#ckyou@Rizon-3CEEAF8C.ontrEditedphia.net even after you were asked repeatedly not to? But, then again, this is the forum and not IRC... tho I suppose for some of us, there is a sort of overlap, and the behavior at one, can influence the opinions of others (people) in the other. As far as the forums, besides what S0V said above, have you ever considered proof reading what you type here or at least use the edit button after you post to fix your spelling, grammer, caps-lock-stuck-on, and other errors? It's not hard to do. For example, the last sentence in your first post above, is extremely hard to figure out. Sorry, I'm fresh out of Babel fish.
  8. Yea, that killer whale pecker pic I posted was an inside joke from the IRC channel. I removed the post after a few minutes. I'm surprised anyone else even saw it. And yea, I guess at times, some of us are a bit nutz....
  9. This episode, made my head spin... and it's still whirling, so I gotta watch it again after I sleep next, and then maybe I can comment. (yes, it's the weekend, and I've been drinking...) But, doesn't the next Season start again this June, just like it did last year? Same with SGA and SG-1? (I did a brief google search, and I couldn't see anything concrete on this...)
  10. Eh? Please explain. Is it mentioned somewhere that Cardassia conqured Denobula? And if so, what later became of the Denobulans?
  11. Very creative. Keep it up, and someday, you might just make a living at writing.
  12. Now THAT is a great point....! Also, will some of you PLEASE stop referring to the MPAA in such a deragatory and hostile manner around here, at least publically? I mean come on, that sure doesn't look good, and will not accomplish a thing, except to perhaps make them even 'madder', or try harder. If you need a refresher, just re-read S0V13T's first post in that "The Facts" thread.
  13. I wonder what Cylon model number he (Al) turns out to be? At any rate, I found him to be a great addition to the series. I found it rather odd that now, Chief seems to be having suicidal tendencies. Haven't we seen enough of that from Apollo already? I'm waiting for the day that the President publicly announces that Baltar was working with the Cylons. For a moment there, I thought maybe she was going to reveal that fact during the first debate, but they didn't bother showing so much as a second of that actual debate.
  14. I wasn't aware that Nite has even been formally sued yet. I'll cross this bridge and decide then what course of action to take when that happens (if he is ever sued).
  15. Nite, you aren't even living in Utah anymore, are you? Frankly, I'd be embarressed as hell if I ever made it to such a large newspaper as that, under these circumstances.
  16. Well, the first several posts were not edited yet in any way. Now, he posted that odd long one. It's been over 24 hours now.... Seeing that he joined Feb 28th, he is obviously just trolling.
  17. Here's a parallel to that.... At the company I work for, about 22 months ago (almost 2 full years now), there was a vote that involved most of the plants employees in a Union vote (The United Steelworkers of America). It was a simple yes/no ballet. Yes: you wanted the Union in, No: you were against the Union. Well, by a slim margin, the Union was voted IN (there were more YES votes then no votes). To this day, the company I work for has spent MILLIONS of dollars on high priced lawyers with high priced company jets, to FIGHT and reject the Union. They claim they are willing to take the case to the Supreme Court if need be. Besides their regular fees, these Lawyers, for example, get paid $3.00 PER WORD that they type out on their various appeals in this case, and some of the appeals are hundreds of pages long of nothing but legalize gobblygook. It's all quite insane really, this Corporate America I live in. People who hold power, do not like to give it up. Resistance to change, is very powerful. (Here is a link to the company I work for) Crestline/VinylCrest
  18. I don't need nor watch "TV" anymore. I just come to these forums for all the "entertainment" I need in life.... This is better then the best soap opera even...
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