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  1. howabout a poll on how many made their own scarf, and how bad did you screw it up i ...6'2" male made a scarf from a pattern when i was 14...used wrong blue, baby blue and not bluegrey..and the wrong size needle..so it became shorter than it should be....still 11+ feet my mum uses it as a demonstration that ill do anything i put my mind too now that im an electronics tech, im planning on making a K9 with an uncluded laptop, or PDA, and have it programmamble, and remote controlable since im a cat lover...howabout a "KIT-E" to go with the new doctor, it rubs against you to plant tracker or medical microbes :-p
  2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm... wonder what would happen to me if I Sent a check to a major movie studio along with a letter saying "Hey, I just downloaded (insert movie title here). It was EXCELLENT! Enclosed is a check for 5 bucks. Pleasure doing business with you. Sincerely, (My Name)" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they already had their chance, way back in the day when we would DL a CD from a local BBS, or a SLIP acct., this "sharing" tech has been around since the 80's, and they have not embraced it, the most they do with computer tech is make crappy specialFX with no realism (what happend to the gravity of the two jedi jumping out of the vent in SWep1)... they would have to stop the witchhunt for all of us, .....stop reworking the wording of "piracy"...i dont think any of us make a penny from DLing this material that most of us have A: already seen during its original airing, B: payed for a media duplication from a "middleman" distributor charging 10 times its actual value.... the more i think about it, the more i want to DL crap i dont want, just to be defiant... if you look at my original posting...that was a mere fraction of the stuff i actualy own, but i was also a DJ back in the late80's-early90's, i own alot of media vynal, and several folders of music CD's, shelves of movie DVD's folders of games..... and i pay way too much for my cable service that gives me less now WITH the digital package, then i did when there were only 50 channels...... no more ranting this hour...see you next
  3. i felt $35 per season was good, since BBC seems to make a season consist of 12-13 45 min stories , or 6 1.5hr stories per season, where as the US considers a season to be about 23 45min eps (2 times that of BBC productions for a season)....considering most DRwho fans have already shelled out 100's of $ think of it as a discount for regulars... since many of the older eps are going to be reconstructs, it would also be fair to release them in a bulk package for a fraction of the price...as in all of the 1st DR's 3 seasons for for say, $50, not this mess of putting a season 2 with a season 25 PS..there is one hell of a GOOD REASON for us DLers to be getting these stories, and archiving them, ..so in another 30 years when another idiot burns the rest of the past, along with the current season....we will be able to save their collective asses
  4. ok, little guilt here, but i need to ask ppl....why choose to DL and most likely not buy the story, now that they are on DVD.... i have my reasons, im in the states, so my answers are local.... drwho 2005 is flat out not available on ANY TV in the states, and/or at least not localy. i dont see why i should wait for sci-fi channel to determine that "sliders"or ,some B-level horror is actulay NOTalways scifi, beats "who".... older who.......let give an example of cost per episode of some other scifi shows..... ...ALL 5 seasons of B5, and the movie DVD's set me back ~$450 us ...every epp (including 4 pilot eps) of LEXX/TFPU set me back ~$300 ...EVERY farscape DVD, (including new starburst ed) over ~$450 ...red dwarf ...so far $150 for seasons 1-6, + another $100 for older tapes and smegups.... ...currently own about 20 "stories" of DRwho and an underestemated value of $20 per tape putting me at ~$400 ---(yes, i DO own all of the above) ...now..if we were to assume that the makers of the DVD's felt that it was ok to charge $24 per story, for EVERY one...the math makes it $3600 for only 150 stories....do you see where im going with this......i feel i have spent my alotted $400+ for this show.... the moment the makers of the whoDVD's see that they should not be charging this outlandish price per story, and mabey at lest ~$35 per season, * 26 seasons, i may actulay shell out the $910....beats the current price by 75% untill then, im going to continue DLing and sharing as much DR who as i can....sorry side note, i only consider the FOCX farce of a who show, the exact same as the cushing dalek shows...nothing more than sidetracked movies....they were good, but NOT dr who
  5. that would then just flat out make the locked shape of the "blue box" a programming error,since it seems the actual design is able to change itself oh so slightly... welcome to Galif$oft, where/When do you want to go today :cyclops:
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