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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Ksenia

  1. To answer a query above, Richard Dean Anderson left to spend more time with his daughter. He had cut back his time in season 7, then even more in season 8 before leaving altogether. Amanda Tapping was out 5 shows in Season 9 for a baby, and Michael Shanks is taking off 4 episodes in Season 10 for a new baby and family time. It's nice to see that they all love their families. :)
  2. TNG's "Yesterday's Enterprise", though the "Darmok" one is a close runner up
  3. I've read that there will be behind the scenes clips of SG1, including interviews, on a Canadian show called "Urban Rush" which broadcasts on a channel, "Shaw TV". In Vancouver area it's playing on 27 December at 5, 7, 11 pm, then again on the 28th Dec at 1am, 7am, and noon. It was filmed during the filming of the "Collateral Damage" episode. I love behind the scenes stuff, so curious if we have any Canadians who are able to grab this for the rest of us to see when it plays? Cheers!
  4. Low expectations, but awesome episode! I'm going to really be missing this show after the season finale.
  5. Ksenia


    What excellent choices...couldn't agree more. I remember video taping The Inner Light when it came out, and watching it repeatedly, I was so taken with that episode. Loved the costume design in it as well as the story too. Not entirely sure what I'd put into my favorite scifi episodes....I always enjoyed the one old episode of Battlestar Galactica...I can't remember the specifics, but Apollo was all in white. Also, at least one, if not all, episodes of Firefly. What a great series. :)
  6. Ksenia


    I really enjoyed this story. My Dr. Who repertoire so far is only the new season and I've managed to sneak in 2 Tom Bakers episodes, "City of Death" and "Genesis of the Daleks", so I had some background on this nemesis. I absolutely loved the emotion and intensity of the episode overall. Christopher Eccelston did a fantastic job, I loved the range of emotion he showed when he first saw the Dalek. After getting to see him in this episode, I have developed great respect for him and would love to see him in some Shakespeare. :) I also loved how they showed the emotion of the Dalek...the eye, swinging around, and even when it looked down at its laser after trying to fire. And the general story, basically switching the expected positions of the Doctor and the Dalek, was excellent. My favorite line was "You would make a good Dalek". And I'm getting more and more excited about seeing the Time War mentioned...I hate waiting. :)
  7. Just read about this today in the paper. Here's a link which has a brief summary. :) url=http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=5&ObjectID=10122816
  8. Ksenia

    DR WHO

    Perspective of a new Dr Who fan-- A longtime scifi fan, I never grew up on Dr Who. I recall flipping past it on PBS, seeing some curly haired guy in a scarf, and changing the channel. That was all I remembered from it. And when my boyfriend downloaded the first episode, as he grew up with it in New Zealand (where I am now), I saw the first few minutes and as soon as I saw the mannequins I figured it was the stupidest thing I'd ever seen and went to bed. A week later, he was watching the End of the World episode, and I couldn't help but watch as well...and I was quickly hooked. I loved some of the absolute silliness as well as the seriousness. I then went back and watched the first episode, and having a new perspective on how the series is supposed to be, enjoy it so much more. I love how the Doctor can go from his silly grin to complete seriousness in a few moments, and love how Rose is our link to all the fantastic new things; she does a great job. Having no anticipations about it, I find the series extremely enjoyable and wait on the edge of my seat for the next episode. And on the plus side, I have lots of history that I don't know of that I can catch up on - lots of old episodes and previous doctors to keep me entertained!
  9. Ksenia

    trek death!

    Warp core - I've always imagined that I'd be an engineer, and love it when they get some action down in eng.
  10. I shall make my debut on these boards with a very strong vote for the original Battlestar Galactica theme!
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