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About glensl

  • Birthday 11/16/1959

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Crewman (2/24)



  1. I'm starting to get a bit disappointed with the show. It's seems to be just a tweaked cops and robbers spin. I hope it starts to get a bit more interesting as I like idea itself as well as the characters.
  2. This thread seems to have petered out pretty quickly. Such a shame as I have quite a fondness for Sci-Fi's golden oldies. As bad as some can be, I still get a buzz out of watching them. Perhaps that is, with exception of Project Moon Base (1953). That one was so bad I almost turned it off. My top 3 favourites would be: Quatermass and the Pit - 1967 (Let's not forget the British.) The Day the Earth Stood Still - 1951 Earth vs the Flying Saucers - 1956
  3. I just watched the first episode and must admit to being quite impressed. If they they keep the stories interesting, I'll definitely keep watching.
  4. Definitely Star Wrek: In the Pirkinning. A very long and full-on space battle between the Starfleet and Babylon 5 fleets. Considering it is a fan flick the visual effects are brilliant. If you haven't seen it, do so. The only drawback (for us English speakers) if that it in Finnish with English subtitles.
  5. I suspected as much myself. Fortunately the colour glitch does not last long. With computer technology of today it can but fixed but I suppose the copyright owners see no financial advantage to having it done.
  6. I had many of these old gems video and now replaced with DVD. I have a question regarding my copies of This Island Earth. I've owned the VHS and now 2 DVD releases. All seem to have a colour problem about 3/4 the way through. It's as is one of the primary colours is missing. Is this the same for anyone else or have I been unlucky in my purchases?
  7. Gotta be, "The Day The Earth Stood Still" closely followed by "Quatermass and the Pit" (aka Five Million Years to Earth). That doesn't mean I don't like the newer flicks.
  8. Gotta be the original Alien, The only film I had real nightmares about. (I was very young.)
  9. How about "Queen of Outer Space" with Za Za Gabor. The silliest female descrimination movie I've ever seen.
  10. Science Fiction as a genre covers a broad spectrum of themes and styles. Like all other types of fiction whether it be Sci-Fi, horror, action, drama, romance etc, it overlaps and connot be strictly defined. As to "Has Science Fiction changed?", it depends on what you mean. If you are refering to a fictional interpretation of technology, then yes. It will change as scientific knowledge advances. If you mean it's basic premise, then no. Science fiction as a name is just that. It encompases any fiction that speculates on science irrespective of what other sub plots may be involved.
  11. I Agree absolutely. Liberator/Zen was the best part of the show. I must also admit to being somewhat pleased when Blake himself left (well, sort of left). I think the main difficulty in resurrecting Blake's 7 would be in finding such colourful characters again. I mean, who could possibly replace Servilan? They would need to continue the style of the show or it would be end up being something else instead.
  12. For me, ST Voyager 'The Fight' (5x19). Without a doubt a total crock of sh*t.
  13. Here is a direct link to the latest Atlantis episode. Aurora Site contains 24 RAR files plus sample. Fast server and the usual great quality. Enjoy.
  14. It's not really possible to compare the old with the new. They're from different times with different social attitudes. I loved the old BSG when it aired and enjoy the new but in my opinion the new series places way too much emphasis on the psychological ineptitude of Baltar and the religious subplot which always seems to fall short of true depth and believability (even for scence fiction). One more recommendation, ditch that boring blonde.
  15. Toss up between The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. Chose Doctor Dances because it was a terriffic story resolution. I may be a bit dim at times but I just couldn't figure out how they were going to rap up the Empty Child episode. How they did was absolutely brilliant.
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