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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Ignatius

  1. Anyone seen a firm date on Series 2 yet? Does anybody else think it's a little strange that the BBC are playing this so close to their chests? After all, the scheduling is all down to the BBc, so what's the prob?
  2. I went to see this last week - Had to track it down as none of my 3 closest local cinemas were still carrying it. Took a friend. I've seen the series, but he hadn't. I have to say we both enjoyed it - and he seemed to get a lot of the humour. Not having seen the series didn't seem to be a problem. I'm pleased that the storyline behind River has been exposed (though I don't think it's the end of her problems. No government in their right minds would knowingly leave a killing machine like River in the hands of a band of petty criminals - plus, who's to say that the history of Miranda is the only secret she's picked up along the way...) Book is still an enigma. I can't see him coming back (though I could see them bringing a moral voice to the crew from Inara - that would be a cynical twist if the crew's moral compass was the "companion") I'd love to know more about Book. It would be fairly easy to do an episode where an old friend of Book's is in trouble, and the only people he can think to call on is Mal and his crew. I thought Firefly was fantastic, and although I'd love to see more, I could cope if Serenity was to be the "close" of the story. At least it brought the main story arc to a conclusion. I hate the fact that so many of the series I enjoy best are cut down mercilessly in their prime (Firefly, Tru Calling, Dark Angel, Enterprise, even wonderfalls - ok not scifi as such) Anyway - at least the BBC have agreed at least another 2 series of Doctor who :) Anxiously awaiting the restart of SG1/Atlantis/BSG/Doctor Who/24
  3. I also felt that the tardis coming in at the last minute and "fixing" everything was far too convenient, and that the episode was rushed - they could have done a better job if they'd split that last episode over 2, giving Jack the chance to lay more anti-dalek traps, giving Rose more time to put the "bad wolf" clues together. Giving Jack more time debating the existance of daleks with the civilians (in fact, if he'd managed to conscript them all, they could have made it a longer fight) Having said that, I still enjoyed it immensely :) The bit of the episode I found most touching though was the Vortex/Rose calling the doctor "My Doctor" - this entity has carried the doctor from one end of time and space to the other (and even beyond and outside it.) It just seemed really endearing that the tardis should think of the Doctor as "My Doctor"
  4. This is the bit that interests me. Logopolis, anyone?
  5. Doh. NM - I'm no good at crosswords or anagrams either :)
  6. Erm... BSG. Am I missing something? what is BSG? I'm eagerly awaiting Stargate SG-1 Series 9, Starrgate Atlantis Series 2 and The 4400, but i'm drawing a complete blank on anything that might go by the initials BSG.... :(
  7. Strange - I had the same feeling about "The Unquiet Dead" - it seemed to stick out on its own without any connection to the story arc (other than the bad wolf reference). Then in Boom Town we see the time/space rift revisited. This series has really been tied together a lot more than previous incarnations. This is why theories about adam actually make a lot of sense. With the facilities of geocomtex at his disposal (Geocomtex actually sell "bonded polycarbon"), and his self-declared "genius", he could have started the whole ball rolling - then fashioned himself in the image of the daleks' creator - maybe even taking his name (hence the credit in the next episode) - otherwise, adam did very little in "the long game" other than act a complete prat. Guess we'll just have to wait and see I think that's 'bated breath'- unless you're trying to catch a mouse orally :D
  8. My guess was that it's Davros, but if it's the Ep6 Dalek that adds some interesting loops. Imagine Rose saves the last Dalek. That Dalek uses an inbuilt transmat instead of a self-destruct, finds itself a hiding place and begins rebuilding the dalek fleet with itself as supreme dalek. Remember, all Dalek DNA would have to come from the original Dalek, who was contaminated by Rose's DNA - could explain why they didn't just exterminate her when they realised she was no use in getting the doctor to comply - or even lock her up...?
  9. In this week's confidential, in some of the shots there's a picture on the wall behind the speaker. The picture shows the Tardis, with the graffiti "BAD" but no "WOLF". Instead there looks to be a photograph superimposed on one of the tardis panels. Can anybody work out what it shows? - i didn't manage to tape this week's
  10. Additionally in "Rose" at about 26:50 Does that graffiti drawing on the wall behind the tardis look like a stylized wolf to anyone else? - you must see it about 3 times in total. Of course, I could just be seeing a wolf because that's what i want to see. I'm looking forward not only to ep 12, but to the confidential following that. I expect they'll show us all the "bad wolf" insets including the ones we've missed. P.S. I agree that the nestene consciousness says "bad wolf" - not only because i'm looking for it but from the Doctor's reaction. "That's just not true. I should know, I was there" "I fought in the war, It wasn't my fault" "I couldn't save your world, I couldn't save any of them" The fact is, the Tardis' supposed "disguise" is extremely distinctive anywhere else in the universe but 1960s London. The nestene not only recognised the Tardis, but associated it with the destruction of its home world in the war.
  11. Yup - just re-ran the tape - both times you see the poster, Bad Wolf has been graffiti'd over it. I think this tells us a lot. Twice (at least) in the past the "Bad Wolf" has been associated with the Face of Boe. Now we see "Bad wolf scrawled over a poster of what? - A FACE! Curiouser and curiouser
  12. Interesting. Everyone's talking about red riding hood, but I normally associate the big bad wolf with the three little pigs. Maybe the straw house was skaro (destroyed) Maybe the stick house was gallifrey (Destroyed - maybe after a dalek invasion???) So where's the brick house? The immovable object? and how do we get the tardis down a chimney? Is it actually outside of Timespace? (somewhere both the daleks and timelords could hide without necessarily being detectable) And if this is true, who is the third little pig who occupies the brick house? Rassilon? Omega? White Guardian? Face of Boe? That would leave all the "big bad wolf" references as "clues" left by somebody directly in the doctor's personal timeline to help him put the pieces together. (a bit like the Hansel and Gretal book in I, Robot) Just thinking off the top of my head.
  13. Ignatius


    Oh please don't let it be the Rani. I think i'd switch off & go cry :(
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