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Starfleet Academy
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About Tolver

  • Birthday 08/04/1968

Tolver's Achievements


Crewman (2/24)



  1. StarFleet Academy. A bridge crew, any bridge crew, retires together on Mars after their ship is destroyed at Wolf 359. They have lives, marry, and raise families. Years pass, the children grow, and join StarFleet Academy! The people are of all different ages, allowing some to 'Graduate' and join starships away from Earth, while others 'Grow Up' and join StarFleet. All the personal plots are intertwined, allowing the drama needed for 'Space Opera' while constantly rotating the cast - introducing new characters and dropping old ones. This would lead to LONG runtime as not many actors will be around for the entirety of the series, it could run 20 or more years. Being based on Mars puts it 'In Space' while having the benefits of being on a planet, for the 'TeraForming Character' to continue their work on 'Green Mars'. As well as the Utopia Planitia ShipYards, supplying a constant flow of nifty ships for the 'Test Pilot' character to hop around in. And then there is Eden, er, Earth just a shuttle away, where the ‘Anti-Technologist’ lives simply in a log cabin home amidst a forest, always needing a high-tech rescue while occasionally supplying a non-tech solution to an unsolvable problem. Along with the plethora of Alien Species that travel through the Sol System since it IS the HomeWorld of the Federation, where the 'Diplomat character' practices their art. Speaking of Federation Homeworld, that sounds like the perfect post for the 'Admiral Character' at StarFleet Command. Included as well must be 'The Dropout', a Merchant Freighter who wasn’t quite up to Conforming to Regulations and made a life outside of StarFleet, but tied by family back to the storyline. All this revolving around the aging retired bridge crew, dying one per season, or as needed to advance the series. And tying it all together is the 'Old Captain' of the original bridge crew, raising the youngest of the clan, regaling them with fantastic stories of yesteryear - "like the time that the Borg invaded, we were patrolling near a star system somewhere over there..." Tolver.
  2. Boo Hoo Hoo, they are so small, and they dont have big-time stars in it, and the production value is less than a million per episode, boo hoo hoo, id rather watch NOTHING at all than have anything less than the best possible production. Such whining, perhaps people will rate your art beter when YOU come up with a sequel to Star Trek. Perhaps if we support them then they will be able to afford better quality output, hmmm? Tolver.
  3. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    Me too!!! <> Me three! c4 B) I just GOTTA love the smoking doctor in BattleStar Galatica, although I am kinda fond of the doctors in Woody Allan's 'Sleeper', 'smoking is the healthiest thing for you, now make sure that you get the smoke deep in your lungs'. When 'WE' quit smoking I switched to menthol in orger to keep smoking cause he hates them and wont touch them. Tolver.
  4. So LET them keep their stuffed dolls and coffee mugs, all we REALLY care about is the episodes. Let them keep the rights to sell 'Junk', if that is so important to them, but without continued fan interest they will sell no junk, so letting us have the rights to the episodes may just make sure of a steady income for their selling of junk, of what I own a few hundred dollars worth of that 'Junk'. Tolver.
  5. Fans got this silly fund together for 'Saving' Enterprise, raised over 3 Million for it. So why not start a fund to buy the rights for Star Trek from Paramount and then releasing the episodes to the net for everybody to download for free? Shurly they cant want more than a Billion for the franchise, or a few hundred Million for at least part of it anyways. I personaly would pay money to get Enterprise canceled, and would pay even more to get the rights released for the other series. So maybe some lawyer type can tell us what would be involved in out-right purchasing the rights to all or part of Star Trek? Tolver.
  6. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    Well, it has been my experience that straight men are scared that gay men will treat them the same way that straight men treat women, like pieces of meat to be consumed and shat out. Straight men think that because they want to stick their dicks into women that gay men must want to stick their dicks into straight men, when in actuality straight men have little concept of clenleness and are so messy inside that gay men have little to no interest in sticking their dicks into straight men, rather the reverse where gay men that are interested in straight men are interested in the straight men putting their dicks into the gay men. Straight men are scared of being treated as pieces of meat because of the low regard that they hold people in whom they treat as pieces of meat. Straight men are jellous that gay men have WAY more sex than straight men have, as straight women realise the power they weild and restrict access to sex in order to controll straight men. Straight men are not opposed to homosexuality as most straight men LOVE the idea of women praticing homosexuality, after all doesnt EVERYBODY love pussy - even other pussy should love getting some pussy because its what straight men are interested in - and the ONLY things that matter in the world are things that straight men are interested in. I am TRULY hated by most straight men because at age 17 I got married to my 18 year old Husband, and as of november 1'st we will have been together for 20 years, this year where he turns 38 and I turn 37. My Husband And I Are The Youngest Longest Married Gay Couple In America. A longer marriage than any set of our parents and WAY longer than any of our siblings. I am a happy well adjusted healthy comfortable gay man, a deadly sin, for acording to straight male doctrine I should be unhappy diseased mishapen deformed rejected and anything else despicable that comes to mind. And worst of all, since being male I know better than females what a good blowjob is supposed to feel like, and being with another gay male I recieve the BEST blowjobs whenever I want them. Good blowjobs being something generaly denied to straight men. So from MY point of view, whenever I get ragged on by a straight male for my being gay it just reenforces my own sence of superiority. I am happily married, in good health, and have no children to asorbe my income. What mere words from a breeder can do me harm? Thus you dont see me defending myself on a constant basis, for I have no need to. I would perfer that the subject stay on 'Gay Trek' as opposed to speculation upon my personal sexual proclivities. If you must know I will tell you this much, even after 20 years I still have great sex on average of every 4 days. So can we put to rest the importance of where I put my dick at night and get back to the topic at hand, Gay Trek, that I have found VERY interesting, as many good points have been raised about the subtle instences of gayness that were inserted into Trek in general to be discoverd only after the origional broadcasts. Tolver.
  7. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    When I try to upload here I get; Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sqlesc() in C:\www\tracker\cache_functions.php on line 54 He may have switched the tracker, but the upload page is still down. Tolver.
  8. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    Well, here goes for my first atempt at making a torrent, perhaps somebody will test this link for me? http://thepiratebay.org/download.php/3328501/Hidden%20Frontier.torrent Tolver.
  9. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    Well, back to the topic of Gay Trek, I was stimulated to do some online research and came across 'Hidden Frontier', a fan-made spin-off series, that deals with the gay issue in a couple of their episodes. http://www.hiddenfrontier.org/ And here is a short review that led me to the site in the first place. http://www.hiddenfrontier.org/news/fave_sostrom.html And for those who have an interest, here are the direct links to dl the episode for their own viewing. http://videos.hiddenfrontier.com/video/205Act1.mov http://videos.hiddenfrontier.com/video/205Act2.mov I was going to post a new torrent for season one, but for some reason the tracker seems to be down, perhaps later it will be back up, or else I may just go seed season one through a different tracker and post its url here. I know that the quality is lower than paramounts, but these people are doing the show for free, so give them some slack, at least we have SOMETHING new to watch thats in the same universe? Tolver.
  10. Ok, you got me on this one. I have an issue about Star Trek and gays, and have moved that part of the discussion to another thread; http://tracker.thompson-web.org/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=2337 Crapula is a bad actor and killed Enterprise. A good actor in the role of archer could have carried the series for a few more seasons. Shatner, well, his...voice...had...problems, but over all his acting ability set the tone for all future Star Trek series. Stuart was allread a great actor and carried TNG through that horrible first season untill the other actors got comfortable in their roles. Brooks is the best black actor around and was the best choice for DS9, and carried most of the episodes with his acting ability alone. I have no comments on the person who played John Wayne on Voyager, other than a competent job was performed. A different captian should have been chosen for Enterprise, in my humble opinion. Tolver.
  11. Tolver

    Gay Trek.

    http://www.webpan.com/dsinclair/trek.html === "In the fifth season [of Star Trek: The Next Generation] viewers will see more of shipboard life [including] gay crew members in day-to-day circumstances." Gene Roddenberry, to The Advocate, 1991 "My attitude toward homosexuality has changed. I came to the conclusion that I was wrong. I was never someone who hunted down "fags" as we used to call them on the street. I would, sometimes, say something anti-homosexual off the top of my head because it was thought, in those days, to be funny. I never really deeply believed those comments, but I gave the impression of being thoughtless in these areas. I have, over many years, changed my attitude about gay men and women." Gene Roddenberry, to The Humanist, 1991 (full interview) "I'm sorry I never had a homosexual relationship, because I know there must be many joys and pleasures and degrees of closeness in those relationships." Gene Roddenberry, in Gene Roddenberry; The Last Conversation (by Yvonne Fern, 1994) "It is entirely fitting that gays and lesbians 'will appear unobtrusively aboard the Enterprise - neither objects of pity nor melodramatic attention.'" Leonard Nimoy, letter to the Los Angeles Times, November 6, 1991 "It would be very appropriate if the upcoming Next Generation movies made it their business to have gay characters." Patrick Stewart, to The Advocate, August 22, 1995 "I've approached [berman] many, many times over the years about getting a gay character on the show--one whom we could really love, not just a guest star. Y'know, we had blacks, Asians, we even had a handicapped character-- and so I thought, this is now beginning to look a bit absurd. And he said, 'In due time.' And so, I'm suspecting that on Enterprise they will do something to this effect. I couldn't get it done on mine. And I am sorry for that." Kate Mulgrew, to Out in America, August 2002 "I was surprised at the question, because I had just assumed that over the course of the years that it had been addressed. I was surprised it was even an issue. (..) I haven't heard anything coming down the pipeline, but I would be in favor of it. I would hope it would be handled in a great way. It would be wonderful, in my opinion, if it was not such a huge issue, but was just there." Scott Bakula, to Metrosource, January 2002 === The rest of the article is very in-depth, and worth a read. As a gay man I find myself having mixed emotions on this issue. On the one hand I love Star Trek and feel as though it advanced society towards more aceptance of minorities, but find myself disapointed in that the series did not go far enough. Gays are an invisable minority that is hard to represent, but then Star Trek had no trouble shedding light on dim subjects that deserved to be enlightend. In this one aspect do I feel that Star Trek failed us all with their lack of a gay character. Tolver.
  12. To set this point to rest, I myself am gay, even got hitched to my partner of 19 years here is San Francisco when the weddings were taking place. So please no comments about my opinion of gays. Oh, and I have nothing against breeders in general either. Tolver.
  13. No no no, no Troll-Bait here, please stop responding with an insinuation of my character being flawed. I was raised on Star Trek, and view society through transperent aluminum. I LOVE Star Trek. I am atempting to solicit views on the acting ability of Scott Backula and if people feel as I do that he alone is MOST responsible for getting Enterprise killed. And I am quite serious about finding an anti-scott-backula fan site, I dislike him that much. Paul Rubens would have been a better captian for the Enterprise. He at least has won some awards for his acting ability. Now that Enterprise is dead, somebody has to take the blame, and I choose to blame Crapula, as do alot of others as well, if they would only speak up. ...So...whats your opinion? Backula or Crapula? Tolver.
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