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  1. Some comments on TOS/TNG first contacts that somehow appeared on ENT. Aquisition: Lame, but only due to the lameness of the Ferengi in general. TNG First contact. Regeneration: Very Good. The Borg are a treat no matter what the situation. As for the episode, I believe that it actually cements the so-called canon by cleaning up the mess left by first contact... TNG first contact. Kir'Shara: Good enough... I would rather have seen the romulan dressed in TOS style garb... the Post TNG uniforms were fine enough (Although they looked like they were wearing couch cushions...) but the Romulans were one of the few alien opponents that TOS successfully marketed... As for the few Vulcan collaborators they had that saw them, I'm sure they weren't going to make a public announcement that they shared common ancestry... And even if some humans were to see them, they may have been persuaded not to record it in the history books so as not to hurt their alliance with the Vulcans... TOS first contact, mentioning Pre-TOS history. I must say that bumping into someone Once does not imply a formal introduction. How many strange "background aliens" did we see in Broken Bow? Remember that none of the Star Fleet types ever brought out a pad and pencil to even take down a few names... It stands to reason that, with this kind of attention deficit, they would overlook some species for a few years... The Xindi... God I hated them... I fully agree that they were a complete waste of time and a huge divergence from the so-called canon. I can overlook the chance encounters with anonimous big-eared aliens or cybernetic vampires that doesn't find it's way into the history books, but to invent a species that has six mostly humanoid but completely unique sub-species that pre-dates older shows that never mentions them is completely impossible. Xenobiologists from every planet everywhere would permanently park themselves in Xindi space for the next three-four hundred years just to figure out how it could have happened on one planet... But there is the possiblity that "canon" never came into play as the history of earth contines to be tampered with. Time travel brought some 29th century computer technology back to 20th earth during the Voyager series and may explain how the older ENT Enterprise looks more advanced than the newwer TOS Enterprise. Time travel also led to the ENT encounter with the Xindi, Borg and Could Explain away the Suliban too... I'm going to enjoy these shows as I did the previous series... ENT may be a sad chapter in the book of Trek but it's not like we're going to stop reading.
  2. They don't show current episodes in Hawaii so I'm not to blame...
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