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Chief Petty Officer

Chief Petty Officer (7/24)



  1. "yo", you win the award for the anal, sycophantic troll here. Congrats. Pull your head out of your arse
  2. you don't have to vote. ???
  3. Have you voted in this poll?
  4. I haven't read it either. I'd imagine it would be one of the free books on guttenburg.com though. I think God, or whoever is the boss diety, intervenes in Faust when he repents what he's done - kinda like how Q fixes things when Picard backs down. That's what I mean by Q -and- his continuum in some episodes - in some he goes totally overboard and the continuum has to clear things up, but if you treat the continuum as the other aspect of Q's self, it fits in line with the Divine Trickster. Tapestry, Hide and Q, and All Good things are good examples of Q's "end out weighs the mean" benevolence. Tapestry is probably my favourite episode, actually.
  5. In essence, yeah, and probably Mephisto from Faust too, but I haven't read that.
  6. Gotta love those emic realities, maan.
  7. Brent Spiner and Wil Wheaton are lefties. Conclusive proof that we're all sinister.
  8. Yes, yes we are, and we like to boil kittens.
  9. Lefthanders have had a bad reputation throughout history. Maybe it's a self fullfilling prophecy - people believing "lefties are evil" alienate leftie, which give tem a poor self image, and in turn can turn them bitter and evil lol
  10. nono, that's a lie. P.I.E. was "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for "P.I.E. information Exchange", and the P.I.E. in that stood for pie.
  11. I remember back at college. I facetiously said to someone "all Star Trek fans wear glasses" (I wasn't a fan back then) but, because I wore glasses they assumed this meant "All glasses wearers are Star Trek fans", which isn't logical. The only problem any of us will have is that if some idiot who read this artical wromgly assumed we're pedophiles for being trek fans. I'm left handed and an aspie (so my brain chemistry is a bit different), but will anyone here look at me differently now that they know I have 2/5 of those traits lol
  12. Q (sometimes combined with his superiors in the Q continuum) represents the divine trickster archetype - apparently malevolent but (almost) always working for a benevolent goal, even if it's not directly apparent - almost always expanding the subject's horizons and instilling wisdom.
  13. I like the way it was Q who indirectly started the Federation. If if wasn't for Q the Borg wouldn't have known about humanity so soon, and the events in First Contact wouldn't have happened, and because the TNG never went back in time, Cochrane (who already assumed aliens = badguys) wouldn't have been warned about the good intentions of the Vulcans, and so the events prologue of "In a Mirror, Darkly" happened.
  14. I went down to Argos today and bought myself a whopping great fan. No more heat stress for me
  15. Is that s novel or a futurology book? This Ian Pearson bloke is bit out of date to say the least. I remember Ross from Friends talking about this to the character Elle McPherson - I think it was 1999, and even then it's been covered in Star Trek TNG with Data's "grandad"
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