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  1. One thing new that I liked about BF78 is the background music... whenever Max Miller was highlighted, the music changed to a light hearted mood and I enjoyed it. I'm always enjoying the Sixth Doctor these days, so I'd give it a 3½ out of 5.
  2. I think they released a couple Doctor Who movies in the 60's with Peter Cushing as the Doctor. And really, of the Star Trek movies released, maybe only one or two were truely viewable to count. ;)
  3. Maybe it's because Peter Davidson was the first Doctor I ever saw on TV, I've always thought of him as being 'The Doctor'. Listening to him in the Big Finish series hasn't changed a thing, he's still it for me. I really like the back and forth between him and Turlough, especially since it's apparent that Turlough is almost an unwilling companion. Nice work Big Finish on getting actors with convincing Russian accents, and looking at the cast list, they may be the real thing. I always look forward to the Fifth Doctor's turn for entertainment value, and Singularity didn't disappoint.
  4. This could have been a much more enjoyable story if given the full length treatment, instead of half. Based on it's short length, I won't fault it for trying to make something more out of it. I did like the 8th Doctor's performance, and I just wish they'd give C'rizz some more attention.
  5. Can't add much more to that other than to say it left me wanting more. Considering all the dramatic elements from the Dalek Empire series... it's kinda nice to get the behind the scenes spy drama that Cyberman has been so far. Great stuff... I give it a 4 rating
  6. I'm in total agreement... definitely building up for bigger and better as the Cybermen become more involved. I like how they are just behind the scenes for this first part... gives time to build the Earth characters up. I did find it quite amusing that the President would have a thick Southern accent. The backgound music is some of my favorite too. Something about it always makes it a tense environment as if the Cybermen are lurking right around the corner. All in all, I'm looking forward to the second installment. I give it a 3 rating
  7. I like the different format for Live34. It had me guessing as to what secret The Doctor and Ace were trying to expose til the very end, and the news casting enhanced it. From start to finish, it was one of the better Seventh Doctor stories in my opinion. Hex is also definitely a welcome addition. I give it a 4 rating
  8. The last couple Evelyn stories have seemed to be set to phase her out as a regular companion. I do think the story did bring out her negative sides intentionally, but it didn't really play up her positive moments. It seems lately that the companions have too much of an emotional attachment to The Doctor, and it can cause the story to get a bit mushy. I like it best when a companion is a partner... exploring new times and places with The Doctor, and not being the story itself. I felt that was the main weakness for Thicker than Water. I give it a 2 rating I've gotten half way through Live34 and have enjoyed it much more so far... I'll reply again when I finish it.
  9. Before I start with Terror Firma, I want to say I really do like what McGann has done with the Eighth Doctor since the very beginning, but I'm starting to get a bit tired of Charlie. Terror Firma kind of confirmed it for me... I really liked the introduction of two 'former' companions, and a bit more for C'rizz, but Charlie is starting to become a distraction. One thing I've liked about the Big Finish audios to keep things fresh is that each doctor has an alternating companion. Fifth Doctor story could be Peri/Erimem or Nyssa. Sixth could be Peri, Mel, or Evelyn. Seventh could be Mel or Ace. It's time I think that BF gets a rotation for the Eighth Doctor going. I wouldn't even mind hearing about the early days with Samson. (Also, interesting to hear Tegan will be back for one BF audio sometime soon). As for the story, almost every previous BF audio with the Daleks and/or Davros has been wonderful. Terror Firma seemed to start off well, but I do agree with it getting a bit confusing. Davros is one of the best villains in all of Sci-Fi, but only when he offers a real threat to the Doctor. I never really felt that except at the very beginning. Overall, not one of the better Eighth Doctor stories, but interesting to hear new history none the less. I give it a 2½ rating
  10. For some reason... Pyramid of Mars always seemed to be a better episode than it really was. The scene for me that is my favorite is hearing Sutek utter the line 'Identify yourself... plaything of Sutek'. I got plenty of mileage out of that quote.
  11. Hell Comes to Frogtown with that master thespian, Roddy Piper. A real classic...
  12. I just finished through BF70 - Unregenerate, and I've pretty much enjoyed every audio play, some more than others. I really enjoy the ones where The Doctor travels into Earth's past, such as Eye of the Scorpion, The Marian Conspiracy, and The Church and The Crown. Overall though, my favorite has been Spare Parts. If ever there was an audio play I'd like to see the new series adapt an episode from, it would be this one. The one thing I've taken from the audio plays is that I've enjoyed all the performances. When watching the TV episodes, I didn't care much for the Sixth or Seventh Doctors... and I couldn't stand Mel or Ace. Now, I've really gotten to like the performers, and I don't find myself saying 'oh no, it's a Sixth Doctor play next'. I really like the new companions too, especially Erimem and Hex. The audio plays can really add some depth to the companions couldn't be explored on TV. I doubt Evelyn would ever have made the cut, yet she's about as a true of a companion and friend to The Doctor that there's ever been. Anyways... can't wait to hear more as they come out. I'll definitely be listening. :D
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