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Starfleet Academy
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Recruit (1/24)



  1. I wasn't trying to be pedantic - hope it wasn't taken that way - but I'm kind of in a "get things done" mood so I went ahead and risked it. For what its worth, kottke.org made the point today that with both 'Sulu' and Swoopes coming out has got to be good for the confidance of... >>First Swoopes and now this...the self esteem of young, gay, basketball-playing Trekkies must be skyrocketing. (I keed, but seriously, pro sports and sci-fi geeks could benefit from more confident & successful gay role models for young people who're feeling less than confident with their sexuality.)<< originally at: http://kottke.org/
  2. Sorry to digress a tad, but this is one of my pet peeves: The phrase "to beg the question" means to back away from, or to avoid the question. It comes from the proper usage of "beg" as in to back away - not, as is so often misused - to approach or to "ask" the question.
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