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  1. Thank you Nite for all the efforts. I too have enjoyed my time here and will continue to come and read and post in the Star Trek forums occasionaly.
  2. Wow!!! I'd make a small suggesstion - add the Season + Ep. no. as part of the list as well. I guess make it a new column in Excel. This would make it easier to locate a particular episode in this order.
  3. Wow! perfect. Except in this list you are seeing VOY season 1 twice. :D
  4. I'd prolly skip Enterprise altogether. But there is a small mistake in the timeline given above. Movies 1-6 were of the TOS cast. Movie 7 was Generations and should actually come immeditately after TNG got over.
  5. um... wont the TNG movies be interspersed with DS9 and VOY? Basically I want to know after which season of DS9 shd we see Generations, and so on for ST:FC, ST:Insurrection? ST:Nemesis of course would be after VOY ended.
  6. I was wondering what is the perfect order to watch all canon shows and movies for someone who is new to Trek (my wife). That is, I do not want the chronological order of the shows/movies as based on their release, but rather in terms of their existence in the Trek timeline. For instance, where does ST:Generations fit in? is it during DS9 or Voyager? Which season? I guess the starting would be something like: STTOS1 STTOS2 STTOS3 ST Movies 1-6 STTNG1-7 STDS91 ST:Generations STDS92 ... I want to know the full series in the chronological way that it is in the Trek universe. Any clues? :)
  7. Maybe due to the Travellers' [version of the] Prime Directive?
  8. Sorry for starting a new thread for trivia. Did it 'cos I thought the oler one was getting a little toooo long and the title didn' reflect the other questions in it. So here goes the new question. Name the TNG episodes where the following Hollywood celebrities FIRST appeared: - Whoopi Goldberg [This is an easy one] - Teri Hatcher - Madchen Aamick - Eddie Murphy - Ashley Judd No cheating in IMDB! Although it won't help, many of these are uncredited appearences! ;)
  9. Here's a trivia question for you all... In which episode did Picard first say the lines in the Title? :)
  10. Come On!! It HAS to be the Sovereign class! 1) It's sleeeek - like it was built by Ferrari 2) It's got a mean punch - Quantum Torpedos! Whee! 3) Kicks the Defiant's butt - remember the line in ST:FC where Riker tells Worf: "Nice little ship"? 4) The latest Enterprise 1701E is it! Galaxu would be 2nd choice since it just looks to, well, majestic
  11. The movie should be in Volume I and Volume II to give a longer and more enhanced experience. It should have the perfect crew as in: - Admiral Janeway making the mission - Captain Picard in the 1701E alongwith Worf and Geordi - Will Riker & Troi in the Titan - Tuvok and Seven as replacements in the 1701E - Chakotay and Kira on the Voyager (which in Vol II Janeway takes over a la KirK) - Spock and Data/B-4 as "guests" - THE BORG of course! :)
  12. Hard choice between: Troi, Crusher, Jazdia and 7of9! I think 7 wins with a small margin over Troi - just for her excellent figure! Go figure! ;)
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