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Starfleet Academy
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Crewman (2/24)



  1. Did anyone notice an Asian guy in the medieval English village at the end of the episode? I thought Camelot was supposed to be, well, British? :p Or is this some Hollywood political correctness imperative. P.S. I don't have anything against Asians, I just find it silly that the producers felt it necessary to include one in the scene
  2. It was Gina that pointed the way for the Cylons to discover New Caprica. The Cylon in the suit (whatever his number is) says that they were 1 light year away when they detected a nuclear explosion. Since the blast happened one year ago that was the exact time needed for the light from the blast to cover that distance. Therefore it seems that the Cylon infiltrators in the fleet didn't alert their "comrades." Gina's sacrifice seems to have been the key factor. Hell, even better than blowing up the Pegasus. I didn't like the light twitching on the Galactica. There are more ways of showing a lack of maintenance than resorting to cheap horror tricks like that :D
  3. Well, I agree that the races in question had their reasons not to comit their whole fleet, but I also think that they could have sent a gazillion fighters, gliders and what not. I don't recall seeing dozens of gliders, but I could be wrong on that one. If the ori have a level of tech comparable to the ancients who in turn got their asses handed to them by the Wraith through sheer numbers then how come not even one of the Ori warships got damaged in the fight? I think we'll see the well known Borg pattern here at work as well. First encounter = enemy unscathed. Second encounter = all enemy ships blow up. Either that or there'll be an October revolution on board of the Ori warships and the rebels will share mead and tales with the Tauri and go home to bring democracy etc to their galaxy :) After all, humans in any Sci Fi show manage to ruin the social system of any race initially hostile to them :D
  4. Is it just an impression or were the forces commited by the "coalition" rather insignificant? The jaffa had about...ummm 8-10 motherships, 1 Asgard, 2 human and 4-5 more from the Lucian alliance. What happened to the numbers that Baal or Anubis had? Or that chancellor, whatshisname that becam a prior, when he wanted to attack Chulak? Even the Asgard could have arrived with more than 1 single frickin' ship. There are no more replications (maybe) to keep them busy with "more pressing matters," so why not send a dozen high tech ships? Bah, this was the lamest, halfhearted defense I've ever seen in a Sci Fi show. Even the Federation, which makes it a policy to always send just the Enterprise to solve all of its problems, sent at least 50 ships the first time the Borg appeared :D Other than that it was a cool episode. I liked the Nintendo knight with his "sword of tickling and causing mild unpleasantness" :D
  5. Mine comes from my early AD&D years when I DMed a game called Dark Sun and this was one of the big bad wolves in the game :)
  6. How did the Lucien alliance get their hands on so many motherships? I vaguely recall that they aonly had cargo vessels and bombers when they were first introduced. A mothershp was manned by hundreds of jaffa, and I doubt a gang of pirates and smugglers would have been able to board them in the aftermath of the Goauld demise. The jaffa don't seem susceptible to bribery I think. IMO this is one more of the "deux ex machina" solutions by the writers "We need to make the Lucien alliance tough. M'kay, let's make them have many motherships now." A bit overstretched. And when is Earth finally going to acquire some beam weapons? Or a fleet that is comprised of more than 2 active ships? We eant star destroyers!! :D
  7. I agree. The ease with which Ori tech smashes through Asgard shields is ridiculous. I mean, if the Ori have tech on the same level as the Ancients, then what why were the Ancients allied with the other Four anyway? Its like having a great alliance between 20th century USA and King Richard Lionheart. Since the Asgard are/were so smart and moral etc, then why didn't the Ancienty share some of this ultra high tech with them before they ascended? Or when the Ori gave them the plague? Or when they first fought the wraith? Stupid. Furthermore, the destruction of the Prometheus seems like a "scenario trick" to prevent the formation of any kind of human fleet. Are they afraid the show will turn into a space opera? Earth should be producing at least a half dozen more Dedalus type ships at this time, at least to give Atlantis a fighting chance against the Wraith, as well as to be able to do something about the Ori in the long run
  8. I've seen the movie and its quite good. Siddig is definitely not a "stereotypical" Arab, but the CIA sure is (stereotypical of course, not Arab :D)
  9. I'm talking about Stargate SG1 season 5. Luckily the torrent from this site got season 4 going at a reasonable 14 KB/s, but season 5 on torrentspy (tracker: torrentbox) won't budge. I have to admit I have no idea what a DHT is :)
  10. I've been trying to download seasons 4 and 5 through torrentspy. I couldn't get either to start although it said that there are about 30 seeds for each. I went through this site's torrent and season 4 worked (I'm talking about 80MB episodes, my laptop and bandwith have a problem with the 7GB variant DVD rip file :) ) but I can't find a "seedful" season 5 here. Why is that? Nobody likes that season? :)
  11. The first thing I looked for was whether he was back in the opening credits. Since he wasn't there I figured the cat and mouse thing was going to go on for some time. Another thing that surprised me was the "These humans are our worshippers" Seems to me that the Wraith have obtained the Goauld field manual in their library and decided to go through all of the lessons: 1. Become territorial and squabble among eachother - check 2. Take the squabbling a bit further and start shooting at eachother - check 3. You are a god, find some worshippers - check 4. Get your ass kicked by humans - check :D
  12. Long live the matrix! My painful addiction symptomes shall finally withdraw...for a while :D But boy is the download sloooooooow, guess that's how a human feels in the moment he's getting drained by a wraith :p
  13. Indeed, I just watched that last night. I guess there may be story developments that will end up turning wraiths into anarchic squabbling goblins. Have to wait till january to see :)
  14. Unfortunately, since I watched 30 episodes over a period of one week I cannot honestly recall exactly when such things happened, so perhaps it was an overstatement. However, I recall vividly the scene when a shot wraith does the typical "bad guy" last words, stating that "Earth will be ours" blah blah. There was an instance in Aurora, for example, when McKay was running away from the wraith and this wraith, although he was working on the hyperdrive AND found out that Atlantis had survived, still blindly ran after the doctor, without bothering to consider that maybe McKay did not come to Aurora all alone, but probably had additional forces with him. When you have crucial information for the "conquest of Earth" you don't run after people carelessly, you wait until your reinforcements arrive and/or use telepathy or any one of a zillion tactical options except running and screeming. Besides, none of the captured wraiths ever wanted to negotiate or anything, even lying to the humans. All they did was mumble about human inferiority and brag how they would eventually win. Heroic, arrogant perhaps, but ultimately idiotic :D
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