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Starfleet Academy
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About werecow

  • Birthday 09/03/1966

werecow's Achievements


Ensign (13/24)



  1. Here here!!! Sakaura-chan rocks now.....she is definitely listening to Granny Tsunade
  2. Oh come on i cant believe no one has seen it yet!!!!!
  3. somehow I forgot about or didn't know about those. I was told if you don't like salty foods stay away from vegemite. i still think vegemite just has to be naaaaaasty!!!!!
  4. Yeah who can forget the infamous Vegemite threads LOL!!!!
  5. [shadow=red,left]Has anyone seen the new Naruto yet ?????It Rocks!!!! let me know your thoughts on it!!!!![/shadow]
  6. well i never did pay much attention in temporal mechanics class at the academy...... ;D
  7. Well it looks so far like most people agree with me.....IT'S FRELLING Nasty!!!!! And for those of you saying its an "aquired taste" well i suppose dog turds could become an aquired taste if you were force fed them as a youth.....just nasty....
  8. im sorry but frelling YUK!!!! i tried it once and fought for 2 hours to lick my rearend to try to get the taste out of my mouth!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p
  9. OK people!! Time to speak up!!! Does vegemite really suck and if so how nasty does it taste? If there are any vegemite lovers in this world speak your piece and defend your beloved goo!!!!! :p :p :p
  10. here's a link if you dont believe it... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11062626/
  11. ok that is just sooooo messed up on so many different levels.....
  12. have any of you who did a throw down on my beloved Enterprise seen any of the dreadfull holosuite eps from TNG DS9 or VOY???? (yes C4 i am a huge voyager fan) but you gotta admit the holosuite eps really sucked compared to a lot of ent eps...season 4 was the best Enterprise season of all.. umm well just my humble opinion....(climbs down from soapbox and shuffles off into the darkness...)
  13. now wait a minute....why didn't the orion slave girls get to use the famous bio-gel???? (snicker-snicker) :p
  14. werecow

    Warp 10+

    my theory is that a warp field allows FTL travel right? well a warp field was created to get around the light speed thingy..warp 10 is the utmost limit of speed for travel just like FTL is not possible without a warp drive...in order to travel distances that are too far to allow for warp travel why not go with the space folding thingy a/la a manmade worm hole or as was previously mentioned the gateway system constructed by the borg. in DS9 the worm hole was used many times for travel to the gamma quadrant why not (since it is sci-FI) just let them use some new technology to fold space over (a miracle occurs here) and travel to place 100's of light years away in mere (min's? sec's?) (Mr. Data is the worm hole ready for us yet?) just my 2 cents worth from your friendly neighborhood werecow p.s. or option 2 just put a 11 on the warp knob just like in Spinal Tap
  15. i acually had this call one time doing DSL tech caller: my dsl dosent work me: ok where is your modem? caller: on top of my tower me: can you move it away from there so EMI dosent affect it? caller: no me: why not? caller: cause i used a 10 penny nail to nail it to the tower me: why would you do that? caller: because my dog keeps dragging it out into the yard and burying it it went downhill from there (BTW this caller nailed it to the top of a brand new G4 tower) another call i had caller: i loose sync every night @ the same time me: where is your modem? caller: on the window sill me: is there anything eletronic near it? caller: no just a streetlight just outside my window me: does it come on about the some time you loose sync? caller: yes hmmmm can you hang on a sec hears phone being laid down...door opens and shuts...then 3 or 4 gunshots..glass shattering..caller comes back to phone caller: its ok it works now!! thanks!!!! me:can you get back on your desktop? (hears shuffle shuffle) caller: ok i dont know how it will help but i am now standing on top of my desk.... and why dear God does it take a 25 yr old girl only 17 mins to set up her DSL when it takes a UCLA professor 1 1/2 hrs to do the exact same set up (and she had a router!!!)
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