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  1. Emphasis added by me. It was the complete lack of action by board moderators that I found insulting, and so I, too, left, returning only to announce posts. I'm no masochist. I don't have to allow someone to speak to me that way. If Boris is gone, this forum can only be better. Leave his posts. If there'd been the precedent of a departure over similar material, we might have spared ourselves Boris in the first place. Nice hit piece. Always good when you post what the guy did, but you forget to post what you said to prod the guy to say what he did. I think the difference was, some people believe in talking to a person's face, while others believe in back stabbing. You said nasty things in a polite way. Then smiled and acted like you didn't say nastiness at all. BorisP didn't believe in dressing up nastiness in polite speak. It is dishonest, it is lying. If you have something nasty to say, say it. It may be kind of ugly, but everyone knows honestly where everyone stands. BorisP and you don't have to like each other for you both to use the site. You are saying you left and came back because of BorisP just so you could give him one final kick, the last say on his reputatation, after he left and was no longer her to defend himself. This post is your way of getting revenge for the quote of BorisP that angered you. Pissing on BorisP's grave is what it is.
  2. Hey guys! It is your best buddy BorisP. Remember me? I been hanging around since whenever it was I left. Haven't downloaded many torrents for awhile. Got interested in Mixed Martial Arts Fights for the past months. How ya'll been? I been really curious about what was going on. I would go to the torrent site and see the most popular threads with a "Boris this or Boris that". I was dying to know people were saying. I promised I would let people be and I always do what I say so I never looked. I poked around in here a little bit. It was kind of disappointing to see some of those good science "what if" posts were removed. The fighting kinds of post, who cares? The science ones were really kind of interesting from my perspective. The only reason I am posting now is that the tracker went dead and I was worried about what happened. I just read about the hosting stuff. I am happy you all still have a place to be with your friends. I also want to tell you what a great moderator you have in Elderbear. I said some hard things about Elderbear. I think in the midst of the back and forth that everyone said hard things. Elderbear is probably the most tolerant man I have met in years. I said things to him that would have the people at the MMA forums I visit looking for blood. He kind of shrugged his shoulders and kept right on talking. That is a very rare talent to find in a man. You guys need to keep him around. I said in the thread title I wanted to say Thank You to Elderbear and the Niteshadow community. I want to thank everyone for all the shit they gave me. Seriously. I really liked this place. I think I felt more comfortable here than at any other forums I have been at. At heart I am a sci fi person more than anything else. When the shit storm hit and people started up with the personal attacks, it burst my bubble bad. I really hoped to be able to talk people from anger and intolerance back over to sanity. It didn't work. People just said meaner and meaner and meaner things. Finally that girl, is she still around?, that girl sent me that physically threatening email and she began to stalk all of my threads, posting shit the second I made a post. When I talked to elderbear about her obvious stalking and troublemaking, he kind of threw his hands in the air and said "what can I do"? This was after he laid the law down to me about what I could and couldn't do. From my perspective, it was the law for me, free reign of terror for that girl. I realized that I had finally even turned elderbear against me so I went ahead and said goodbye. It worked out though. That is what I am thanking ya'll for. All that hatred and meanness and mistreatment and ridicule. I was so angry at first, then so disappointed that people who said they were about science fiction could be so close minded about things. I was so upset I couldn't stop thinking about it. I really liked it here and to have everyone turn on me......I just couldn't stand for it. So I wrote a book. I wrote a book about all that masturbation stuff. I am certain the people here at that time will remember the details. I am a published book author. My ideas will help anyone who has the $21.99 to buy the book. Ya the book is expensive. There is nothing I can do about it. I included color pictures in it. If you have a book printed with color pictures, the price triples. Honestly, for changing a person's life, $22 is cheap. Not only that, because the topic is confusing, I am writing another follow up book devoted to various views of the human body that should help anyone interested in elevating themselves into a superior human being. They will serve as a backup or foundation for the ideas in the masturbation book. I just started the backup books and I can already see 2 more volumes of a similar size to the masturbation book. I never could of done it unless I felt like I was fighting against all of the hatred thrown at me here. It was like a rock sitting on top of my head. My mental conversations were of the type "I know what I am talking about. I want to help. These people hate me. What did I do wrong? I tried to explain the best I could?" Then those thoughts would repeat about 100 times a day. I really had no choice but to author the book so as to shut up all those voices saying "jerk, retard, fool, asshole!". It worked too. I haven't thought about that stuff in ages. Too busy writing the book. So too all of you, I give a big hug and a big fat slobbering smack on the cheek. I am a man of my word. I promised not to be a bother so I won't make any posts other than this. It is good to know after the tracker disappeared that you are all still doing OK. Here is a link to the book. It is in the adult section of the site. It might ask you to sign up and click the choice for mature content. I don't know. http://www.lulu.com/Happehs-House If the link to the book is a problem, feel free to delete it. I would hope that you would leave the rest of the post if the book link is deemed unwanted. I still wanted to say hello and let people know how much I enjoyed my time here and how much I enjoyed the company of the people here. Bye! Have a Nice Day!
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