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Starfleet Academy
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About netshark

  • Birthday 08/06/1987

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Petty Officer (3rd)

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  1. I have the well known Starfleet logo in my login for a while now, but realized with a tool simply called bootskin.
  2. Good work so far guys, and I guess the right step now. But in fact, if you voluntarily removed all the stuff from your page, I have to accept that. Imo it had been better to announce, that the torrent will be down soon, so that anyone could have finished his current business. Anyways - I haven't been here for long, but was a nice time.
  3. Well now, that's the way I imagined the Vulcan High Command. :D
  4. Hmm so would summerize it like that: information will always and everywhere be free to get, like wikipedia today. But special works like arts or scientific essays etc. can't just be released and published for everyone. Exterus pointed at the episode in Voy with the Doctor's holonovel. He just a publisher for his work and didn't just release it somehow on his own. Additionally, the rights of the author couldn't be granted with an anonymous filesharing system without responsibility and security.
  5. Copyright is surely still of interest then. Not because of the financial point, but the authorship should still be indicated. On the other hand, p2p should not only be allowed, but mainly be supported in such a society. I mean it support people to release stuff and supports the freedom of speech etc.
  6. Either you become some kind of locutus/queen or cannon fodder as a borg. ;) I honestly dont understand why ppl are so eager for becoming borg and abandoning essence/individuality/character just to be minion or drone and serve for sth., that you may blindly accept, but dont decide whethter to do it or not...
  7. 1. Vulcan - my favorite race, superior intellect and constitution, guided by reason and logic (even though I dont see how they can live without any joy) 2. Q - because of being omnipotent No other races that I wanna be completely, but there are of course more races with aspects that I'd like to have.
  8. Wow there are some I have really never heard about, especially the borg and klingon interactive movie game - whats that !? To summerize it till that point - the well known ones got voted the most, such as Elite FOrce series, Armada series and Bridge Commander. Seems that I need to check out BC, but to reply to your votes: ELite Force 2 is, as Tetsuo said, quite disappointing in comparison to its predecessor.
  9. Perhaps he meant the display of emotions etc. is too difficult. A Simple face doesnt look real as long as it doesnt look alive and typical, which requires emotions etc - and: every face is kinda unique, it is more detailed than a rat, which an observer couldnt distinguish from another one that easy..
  10. Hi, I just wondered which existent videogames concerning Star Trek is the best, as I read the topic about the upcoming computergames about Star Trek, which looks at least pretty good btw. There are already hundreds of them, and I wanna know, what you think is the best st game. Perhaps distinguish between the best pc game itself (so joy while gaming) and the best st game (because it fits best into the st universe). I didnt play much of them, but imo the best game is Elite Force. I liked playing it, and the best game concerning st compatibility seems to be...hmm dunno, as I said, I didnt play that much, so Elite Force again. ;)
  11. A film that perhaps includes the returned crew of Voyager a bit more. ;) But I also think the story should continue and not enlight what has already happened. Correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik a new captain for the enterprise must be found and datas prototype needs to be upgraded to a suitable level, right?
  12. Voyager! The series had so much freedom due to independence of the Federation. It included interesting topics and perhaps even social criticisms that also exist today - star trek is so nicely suited to aim at those problems because of its non existent borders, and imo, voyager played the best role in the star trek universe concerning that. The characters were great as well, the eternal conflict of tuvok-neelix for example could represent the conflict of introverted and extroverted persons. Additionally, it was quite entertaining because of the nice humor, which can't be seen in ENT for example. So voy is my first choice.
  13. And btw, in the episode as voyager had contact with the female caretaker, there was an ocampa that had a quite highly increased lifetime...even though I dont remember why etc, but the biological condition of the ocampa therefore seems to support a longer lifetime than originally assumed.
  14. Kinda depends on why Ocampa only live 5 years. I mean if only the brain stops to work after that time, the lungs would still be fine. But ur right, a "transrace" organ transplantation with so different species seems quite unbelievable.
  15. Thats why I posted this comparison - it is quite obvious in my eyes, that these are different colors of a uniform belonging to the same person. The only plausible cause of that is imo the different lightsurroundings in these scenes...or did they wash the doctors dress too hot by mistake? ;>
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