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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by Chiggy

  1. I realise that Enterprise did a lot of damage to the Star Trek lore of the Vulcans...........but has anyone noticed how T'Pol eats at the Captains table or in the mess with just a fork like a scoop?


    Perhaps they didnt teach table manners on Vulcan or maybe they dont use a knife?

  2. Ive got a question coming up in my next practical ICT exam that asks the student to perform a Hardware Audit of one machine.


    A table is provided and the student is asked what the serial number and firmware version of each item of hardware is.


    Now heres the catch.........


    The student cannot open the case of the PC and the only tool available to them is a fresh installation of Windows XP SP2. NO THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS ALLOWED.


    Ive been racking my brains for hours to try and find the Serial numbers for hardware and Firmware versions. Ive been using Device Manager, dxdiag, msinfo32. So far all Ive managed to find is the firmware version of my DVD-ROM. I also thought about looking in the BIOS, I found no relevant information in there, at least not on the machine I was using.


    Can any of the technicians here tell me where I can find the serial numbers and firmware versions for all the hardware using Windows XP tools? DOS is another possibility.


    Many thanks in advance.

  3. I wouldnt go as far as saying that there actually was an ending to Voyager. There should of been one more episode.


    To make the ending correctly as the introduction to a new Star Trek feature film would be an excellent idea.

  4. There are some hard core gamers out there who use two cards in the same machine. Apparently one card renders half of the screen. Never seen this in action though.

  5. Has anyone seen this film yet?


    I watched this tonight and I thought it was probably the best Spiderman made so far.


    Its odd that this film appears to of been totally panned by the critics. Yes, I admit there is a lot going on in this film but thats not a bad thing.


    Great special effects, super character exploration and a bit of love story to keep your girlfriend interested...........what more do you need?


    Opinions please.............

  6. Oh dont talk about Destroyer............that film gives Conan fans suicidal tendencies. It killed what could of been an awesome film franchise for Arnold. We may never see Conan on screen again because of Destroyer.


    I rate Barbarian as the best Fantasy Swords and Sorcery film ever made.....better than Lord of the Rings.


    But dont trust my biased opinion go out and watch this film...........I bet you can pick up the special edition with all the extra scenes and improved ending for about 6 US dollars.


    Ive never met a man yet who watched this film say he didnt like it.


    Conan as a character is older than Star Trek and star Wars put togther.


    Let me tell you of the days of HIGH adventure!


    Ok I`ll shut up about Conan now.




  7. I have Prodical Son on DVD...........I didnt like it because I was not impressed by the martial arts. I think Drunken Master which has almost the same plot is better executed.


    My suggested film would be Conan The Barbarian..............a gripping story of love and revenge. The sountrack in my opinion is one of the best of any film ever made to date, the sets are fantastic, there are lots of action scenes and naked women.


    Every time I hear the Conan speech just before the battle of the mounds it sends shivers down my spine..............in fact someone who produced 300 thought it was so good they used it!

  8. The original BSG was one of my favourite shows.........despite it being typical 80's TV those episodes actualy told a story per episode. In a way it was more a copy of Star Trek because of the format of the episodes. I`m not a big fan of dragging out plot lines. Call me 'low brow' if you must  :D


    If it was such a bad show why did they bring it back? That fact answers all the critics of BSG 1978. There is still a massive following for this show just like there is for the A-Team. Together they were probably the two most poupular shows for kids in the UK in the 1980's.


    Lucas did hire a lawsuit against the show......some things never change.

  9. I hope you guys realise there was a chimp inside the muffet suit and they had to spank it to make the producers due what they wanted.


    Better not say anymore it might upset Evap.........shes a chimp lover.

  10. On Thursday Ive got to see a friend whos got a problem with his Sky TV.


    The problem is that the display that appears at the bottom of the TV screen listing the channel and program is all fuzzy/distorted and unreadable.


    Sorry this is the only information I have to work with.


    Can anyone on forum think what might of caused this?


    Many thanks.

  11. Everyone here probably didnt know but I am a huge Conan fan. I enjoy everything Conan books, comics.........everything except the second film which sadly killed Conan on the big screen.


    Conan The Barbarian is my favourite film of all time....and I rate it as the best Fantasy film ever made.


    Anyway............getting back on topic.........there a new massive multiplayer game coming out, "Age of Conan", full of wonderful maps taken straight from the world of Conan. The DirectX 10 graphics have to be seen to be believed, sadly I cannot comment on gameplay.


    If anyone is interested the development team are looking for player testers..............you can sign up  for free at:






  12. TetsuoShima......your advice is very much appreciated.


    All I want to do is to be able to go for a first line support job on head phones.......and have the people who are interviewing me for 1st/2nd  Line ICT jobs start taking me more seriously. Over the past few months that hasnt been happening because the interviewers have been tar brushing me as a 'web designer' because thats the industry all my working experience is in. All I need to do is find an employer who will take a chance by employing me.

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