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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by Hilander72

  1. I wonder if future kids are forced to read about Roddenberry like we have to read about good old Shakespeare. :D
  2. I agree that education doesn't guarantee good jobs, but an education is better than nothing. I belive that the decisions we sometimes make are greatly influence by others (media, friends, PARENTS). I have tried to be PC and had a job that paid fairly well, bought an apartment, fine car and lots of fancy stuff. A few years later i realized that i didn't like my job at all, but I still continued for a couple of more years, until I got fed up and QUIT. Everybody I know had an opinion about my "foolish" decision, but atleast I did something I wanted... Today (6y later) I have nearly completed my studies at the U and I'm loking forward to start a new career, somewhere in Sweden. By the way I have a fil.mag in pharmacology and the jobmarket is looking fantastic. (fil.mag ~5y studies at the U). Life is a constant struggle and you won't get anywhere if you don't start moving. :)
  3. Why is violence and action wrong? In two of the episode in Enterprise the human race was conqering worlds and enslaving races in the name of the Empire. I like those episodes mainly cause they didn't do anything the Starfleet way. And I would love to see a new series of Star Trek with more normal human emotional and irrational behaviour and a lot less of the cold,dry, Prime directive and by the book style (We have see those already...)
  4. I'm Happy i live in Sweden, where the taxes are among the highest in the world... High taxes = Guaranteed decent life for everyone. :o
  5. I answered NO. Religion is always changing, adapting and new modifed religions emerges constantly. God is an invention. :thinking: "Everything can always be explained if someone is listening"
  6. I tried to u/l some cake, but it got jammed in the floppydrive ;) 4 x HURRA :D :D :D :D
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