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Starfleet Academy
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  1. I was inspired by the thread about internet being untapped entertainment market. I want to focus on the upside of internet that has been to put more creative powers in the hands of people rather than corporations. Because of it, so many more people can share their writing, art, musicianship, etc. The power of choice is returning to the people, too. I don't worry about the downloaders who seem to just take and take and never give. I think the internet will help equalize between haves and have nots more quickly. I suspect that everyone has their point when they have received enough so that they can turn around and give. And maybe the internet has become an experiment in human generosity. The term file sharing has much deeper significance for me now. I see the day coming fast when I am just as likely to watch a video locally produced by personal friends as one financed by big investors. And that this video ends up making a bigger difference to a greater number of people than the formula movies ever have.
  2. Amazon still carries the vhs, and then I found a site in the UK that sells a dvd conversion... I expect this will come out in dvd officially before too long. Ray Bradbury story by the way, about what happens when someone tries to control his fate based on fortune telling...I used to show this film to high school students after we read Macbeth. I could have shown them Orson Welles' Macbeth, but SciFi otherwise was not in our curriculum and I wanted to expose them....how selfish of me. http://www.vicpine.co.uk/the-illustrated-man.htm
  3. I ran a search for this show. I haven't had tv since like '97 when this show aired on the scifi channel. Not much info on IMDB. Opinions? possible retail or torrents?
  4. I used to have the VHS, watched it a million times, then donated it to the public library where I used to live--they had an amazing collection of alternative videos. Rod Steiger (sp?) personified vengefulness. It used to air on tv occasionally, but I haven't had tv in almost ten years....I think I already ran a search on this film here, but I will again and if it comes up as old talk I will delete this post.
  5. http://isohunt.com/torrents.php?ihq=my+IT+ebooks&ext=&op=and ie search result for IT ebooks, the one down the search page for about 88mb looks applicable to my needs.
  6. psheldrake1, Maybe about a year from now I could find the courage to live in a foreign country like Japan. Thanks for reminding me about that part of Asia. Great place for high tech immersion, right?
  7. About degrees, I have a Masters in English and the experience to tell others not to bother....now I would like a "real" education! Too bad I used to be so scared of Math. I still believe in advanced degrees in things like Physics and Chemistry and Computer Science....and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering!
  8. Wahaha, thanx for the headzup. I checked out your personal data. Not only do I greatly appreciate your avatar and user id, I also admire your TESOL involvement. I've been an EFL teacher on the border in public schools for almost twenty years, but I don't have the courage to go teach in China. School in general has me quite jaded, but I like to think that somewhere out there is a place of organized learning that isn't a scam. I already don't trust universities anymore.... I quit buying books about computers because so many of them offer too many links to shareware instead of revealing trade secrets. I plod along and when I have a question I find the answer online. It's just discouraging when I know so little that I don't know when I am asking a question that is too advanced for me to understand the answer....but then there is always wikipedia and the like.
  9. Any suitable IT schools in the KY,TN,OH area for me? I am moving from a remote SW town to be closer to family and possibly to go back to school for a new career. I am so far self taught enough to know I prefer Linux/Unix to MS, and that school is a less lonely place to learn than online. Pretty sure I want to focus on networking tech. I have the impression so far that ITT and DeVry might be too mainstream for me.... B)
  10. I just tried downloading this one from two separate similar torrents, but I couldn't get beyond the blue light on bT Tornado. I've wanted to see this movie since I was watching Slacker for the first time and Linklater's character mentioned it.
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