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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by jhug666

  1. good to see the trek community is alive and kicking, with the two accidents tht happend lst year (ENT and Nemasis
  2. Picard would be the ultimate ruler of the MU with either a mirror crusher of Troi by his side Shock imagine a mirror Troi - ruthless and with all her empathic abilties. RUN for the hills!!!!
  3. personally i love the First Contact soundtrack, but as for the TV themes its gotta be the Voyager one.
  4. gotta be weasly crusher, irritating as hell
  5. hard one, i guess i'd have to pick between Troi (TNG) and Tal Celes (VOY). Either them or the Mirror Hoshi.
  6. personally looking back on it. I think that all of the voyager seasons were great. The only weak charicter i think was kes whose only real function was to serve as the means for the doctor to become a fully integrated part of the crew. finnally people say the series 2 seska arc was weak. Well after removing her in series 1 they had to tie up that lose thread somehow. series 3-7 are my favorite
  7. personally i love DS9 , season 5 is by far one of the best
  8. Garth Said "Its nice to see others willing to fight against the great Satan formerly the British Empire Now the USA" . now where has the term great Satan been used before? oh of course False Muslims who want to spread the word of Allah by the sword. Now Garth i have no idea whatsoever of your personal faith, but as a Muslim i find it worrying that terms sprouted by extremeists have found there way into common useage. as a piece of friendly advice i'd avoid using such terms in the future.
  9. hasn't Israil implied that they might pre-emtively strike iranian nuclear facilities? what would we do then ?
  10. 3 woman. Terri hatcher, eva whatever her name and the woman in the bbc series Hustle
  11. WHAT on EARTH? c'mon this goes too far, i like commercials on tv cos they're a handy break to take a leak in, but actually on DVD's is nuts i suggest visiting the EFF @ www.eff.com to find out about what they can do to stop it. hopfully this will not be inflicted on suffering brits
  12. what about Michal moore with al-frankin as vice ? both seem decent fellows in thier understanding of the world and sensible to VOTE MIKE!!, VOTE MIKE!!, VOTE MIKE!!!!!!!!!
  13. jhug666

    new trek?

    good point as IQ is supposed to measure logic, q would have no problems with that but the fact is that humans are inherently ilogical beings
  14. I know this is silly but how about Tory fathers mothers fathers crazy i know but thts me
  16. ok prehaps i should have been clearer about this the governments of India, Pakistan, Israel, US, UK and Russia all depend on their people (to a greater or lesser extent) to validate thier power this means that they have to avoid upsetting those people whenever possable. In general governements tend to avoid upsetting the populace becasue at some point the people will fight back, this makes talking yourself into nuclear conflict unadvisable as averige joe cares about his/her life and that of thier kids. China is similar as apeasing the majority of the country at the expense of the few seems to be the current policy. + thier nukes are so outdated that the current SDI project could deal with it. the leader of Iran however has a religious claim to power (TOTALY INVALID I am a muslim so i should know!!) this makes him far less subseptible to the will of the people, therefore is able to take larger risks. This is what differentiates IRAN from the current nuclear club.
  17. it may sound odd to our american cousins but as a brit i feel more american than british, the good men who wrote the constitution had alot of good ideas and it is the responsibilty of everyone ( for full details see gostsahdow's post) of everyone to challange the current government to make sure that those ideas are upheld. although there have been the abu grahb torture scandels i still believe that at its core America is a good nation. And yes there is no better friend or worse enemy than a united states marine, for all his faults Regan, Kennedy and Clinton were good men. also do not forget FDR who helped Britain in its hour of need and helped the world become a better place
  18. as far as i can see the reason that it is acceptable for nations such as UK,US, China, Russia and Israil to possess nukes is that they are relatively stable governments that do not act rashley and know how the international diplomacy game si played Over the past year or so Iran has denied the holocaust existed (i've been to autzwitch!!!) and called for a fellow member of the UN to "be wiped of the map". in my view Iran is not a stable country and therefore has no business possessing WMDs, N.korea falls into the same catogory although they have recently agreed to give up thier nukes in exchange for a nuclear reactor that cannot be used to enrich uranium. trek fans have heard of the fictional WW3 ,lets not make that a reality
  19. jhug666

    new trek?

    Admirable, but not very realistic, I'm afraid......Paruse the archives on this board for more information. :stare: that is such a pesamistic view, ok enterprise wasn't the most glorious trek ever but TOS had a really bad run the first time it was shown so lets not get down in the dumps. so long as people still love TOS,Voyager, TNG and DS9 trek will endure. to qoute dumbledore from HP and the chamer of secrets " i have only truely left, when none are loyal to me" the same is true of trek my friends and considoring the number of people who watch trek, own dvds or go convetions i say its pretty far from being dead yet, just cos ENT wasn't as good as it could have been
  20. i'm not saying that your wrong or anything i'm just stating the obvious. everyone cool B)
  21. i appreciate and accept this but it's kind of hard to have a multi-language debate cos people don't know what other people are saying. prehaps a new sub-forum should be created for non-english debates, i am but a relative newcomer to the scene here at niteshdw but i suggest that we keep the majority of posts in english to save time when responding and to avoid misunderstandings created by inacurate translations and the subtle naunces that never translate into another language.
  22. animated TNG coool i'd watch it, somebody should mention this to paromount
  23. give urself a pat on the back Arktis you show alot of americans (northan) are not as stupid as the git in power as for fear and domminace check out this qoute from Julias Ceaser "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
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