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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by p3master

  1. Im with Mav on this one - not enough options and I hate to choose the "closest"..


    Im sorry that i didnt put out moore options so that everyone could have got their "own" option.


    So next time it will look like this:


    Have seen all of them:

    more than 10X and still counting

    more than 10X

    more than 7.5X

    more than 5X

    more than 2.5X

    more than 2X

    more than 1X


    99% of everything

    90% of everything

    80% of everything

    70% of everything

    60% of everything

    50% of everything

    40% of everything

    30% of everything

    20% of everything

    10% of everything

    0.05% of everything

    0.0025% of everything

    0.00125% of everything

    0.00075% of everything




    Did i forget an option?


    Please reply if so.




  2. Im 100% pirate. :D


    I would buy everything if the prices wouldnt be so high. :(


    I did buy the 1 season of voyager and it cost 100 euros so i would buy if they lowered the price about 80%.



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