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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Sly12

  1. I thought the episode was pretty grand. Maybe not as much as a thrill peice as last seasons end but still i liked the music idea, i thought if the final five are going to be so special that they needed a human quality and what's more human than the art of music? Tho i do have one problem with the idea of tyrol being a cylon, he has a son... now as far as we know hera is suppose to be the only cylon to be born not made so if he is a cylon that needs an answer other than "cally slept with someone else". Plus tyrol already believed he was a cylon earlier on so it seems abit of a contradiction to me. Tigh is a good choice for a cylon tho, it gives his character a much needed thread since most his other plots have been cut short recently. ALTHOUGH >>> (Ignore my other bits if you find my post abit long this the most intriging thing) Maybe the reason those four believe they are part of the final five is because they were on new caprica and were altered while under cylon occupation so it would cause some confusion in the fleet as there all in tactical positions, goverment, ops, flightdeck and repair.
  2. Well here's my thoughts... yeh sure there's alot of holes in it but hey. I personally thought the "future guy" was human... sure romulans would make for an interesting story... and sure destroying earth could of changed the time line in any number of ways... but i think maybe future guy was a human from earth, hence no longer being there because he wiped out his own exsitence at the end of season 1. technically we never saw if he was working against the federation... example: First episodes we find out that they're trying to start a war in the klingon empire which funnily enough were enermies of the federation at one point, perhaps a group like section 31 was wiping out previous threats to improve the future.
  3. Jesus, what is this... a handbag throwing match... it's a threshold thread... not a "women are stupid", tho both you make some valid points.
  4. Well my oppinion on ENT... I think it is a great shame to have it end as the last Season was excellent with out a doubt. I've got to admit tho, Season three was good but it think it's right to say it never met with the idea of Star Trek being Exploration. With that said... Season 1 and 2 were fairly crap tho, the odd episode was fun but i think Rene Aburjonois when guest starring said it best... saying something along the lines of "we did this story in Season 3".... which is completely true, ENT just went over old ground and it made to many enermies with the same plot 'there friendly till Archer works out there deep dark secret and all is not what it seems'.
  5. Yeh i never got that... why travel 12 hours to Alantis and back and not just put them on the nearest planet with a gate let them go there that way... saveing all the pressurest time... other idea... wouldn't it been possible to beam the gate out the lava.... or nick one off a near planet on the way there but it there just for the ride and then put it back? not that i'm having ago at the writers cause i heard the synopsis and thoughted it'd be rubbish but the Acient ships was kool to see...
  6. Sly12

    Are you a pirate?

    When it comes to Star Trek... enterprise i downloaded cause it was a yearr behide if that... erm... otherwise i've got alot episodes on VHS which now i want on DVD so in that department is it so much stealing if i had just those episodes.... i would like to say i'd buy DVD of start trek of the main "Feature lenght Movie episodes" (two-parts or three) they did it for the Next Generation but not DS9 or Voyager... I don't want every damnd episode of trek... i'd rather see them from time to time on tv when i have a spare hour.
  7. I would of loved it if it turned out... If it wasn't Jack she ended up with but Dr. McKay from atlantis... it would been some great climax to the episode.
  8. I believe Atlantis to be great... for a show on it's second season it's pulling alot of good shows out of the hat with few episodes that make you think you;ve had a dull 45 minutes. Yes realved is Micheal is suppose to come back to atlantis with Wraith/Humans or something to help fight against the wraith. i dunno... I think it's got SG-1's season nine beat quite easily to be honest... the Ori are fairly dull and unsupprising compared to the ins and outs of the wraith.
  9. Basically... Enterprise for all but the occasional episode of season 1... is crap... again for season 2... season 3... better but only cause they had to start a major threat to earth to spice it up... Season 4... pretty good espically Demons and Terror Prime... (Anyone else think that Enterprise kept using the same story of... they meet aliens, they seem friendly and then turns out there more to them... but no1 gives a fuck because they've already realised it) Worse episodes... Voyager Hollodeck episodes... need i say more?
  10. I got to agree NeoMaster, it's abit annoying at the start because you know a pretty basic idea that he's a wraith or something like that. I hope Connor Trinner will become some new super bad guy for the wraith... Would be fun... The next assualt on Atlantis is going to be a bit difficult, i was wandering how they could sort it out the first time, let alone whats going to happen now.
  11. Sly12

    Beta Quadrant

    You there's something i want add in the discussion of quadrents... If DS9 was set up and controlled by starfleet the time of Voyager being pulled into the delta quad... why didn't they head fro the gama quadrent and take a same trip home through the worm hole? I know they couldn't run a series on that idea... but still
  12. Roger Moore is the best and only choice for bond really... He had true british style and he just had this way of using what are really corny lines but him saying them was actually funny... like Die another day, brosan doing all really corny jokes didn't work but Rodger Moore could easily
  13. Star Wars used to be the KING of all sci-fi so... If you forget a bad string of prequels... it's considered in the top ten greatest stories ever told... also... Star Wars has no culture reference so it's loved across the world... Star Trek will always come across to me as being an american show... and it's not really a united earth... it's an american ruled one, lol, although they show it in a fair few countries sure it doesn't reach everyone and of course... Star Trek is the Nerdy thing... but i love it... Sadly to say i still love good old 1977-1982, Star Wars over Trek any day
  14. I think it was bit of dull episode but only because the rest of the season has had some very good episodes for season 2... Only problem with Star Gate SG1/Atlan series are they keep building onto new enermies. First the Gou'ald and then for both series they have the enermies for the "Aceints".... how many enermies can a super power race who spread human life have?
  15. Yep... i don't see why your that bothered about the re-use of props... other day i was watching enterprise "dead stop" from season two and saw that some bit of kit they used in the episode is same to the artifical intelligence in the voyager episode "Think tank" of season 5... actually if you look enough at enterprise all the sets which are use to show caves and ice sets etc in season 4 are all the same just sprayed another colour.
  16. i voted c4evap .... one suggestion tho... might of been an idea to mix the Trek ships more with the other sci-fi icons
  17. erm... JADZIA DAX.... come on... she was way hotter than all the others... there was the whole lesbo stroy line that was alrite... and i might just dreamt this up but i remember some scene with her under some like animal fur bed covers or something
  18. I voted DS9 because yet's face it... for on going plot twists and fully developed characters that all came to an end in a neat yet... I wonder if we'll ever get to see them again feel about it... GOT TO ADD tho... I would of voted enterprise to be the best ending if we just forgot that damn stupid joke of a last episode was just a chance to get the actor for Will Riker (hell i can't remember his name :rolleyes:) to end up in every series of trek after TNG... because Terra Prime and Demons IS THE greatest ending i think as it showed even more of that trek family feeling than any of the other trek series...
  19. I was looking at scifi.com and i noticed a small news piece http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?id=33681 well to be honest i don't care to much what its about i just want a new star trek movie to hopefully get the ball moving an have a new trek series. Anyways u dont want to veiw the page here's the main idea... a Mirror Universe story line... supposedly it might have Capt. Kirk / Picard / Archer some how all tied into it. it's all bit confusing... but hey... cross fingers all around for more trek films.
  20. In reply to the whole "milk and "calcuim" thing... It's probably true we dont need it particular, we dont need vegetables and fruit either, there actually more designed for eating meat but thing is if we all ate meat then animals would need to be slaughtered at faster rate than there produced and more food for animals like fruit and vegetables would need to be given to the animals. We can eat animals and take in all the minerals from the animals that eat fruit and vegetables.
  21. My Belief... INTELLIGENT PLAN, i see it as, we look down the microscope at the tinyest forms of life, why cant there be something looking down at us? Like to me it seems all to planned about how animals have developt to give variety i know this touches on in the idea of evolution but seems at little weird that the cells that make are body just happened to make animal life perform sexual reproduction when plants are asexual. The fact are cells worked together the way they do seems highly unusal, seems more like theres a purpose to it.
  22. I think it's fairly difficult to decide reading the odd comment i think i was abit to put no straight off, but these i my ideals on the subject. a child needs to have different parental figures, a male and a female, so i think the child would lose a certain amount of a "natural" child hood. although i might be comming across abit harsh but it's main way i see it. Another point is that say if you had a lesbian couple, if they were sexiest against men and were raising a daughter it's putting pressure on her to be a lesbian because the parents might think that best. Next point to cover... Not overly religious but no matter how we were created by greater life forms (god) or evolution we were ment to reproduce through Sexual reproduction meaning through both male and female. In my eyes it seems like children are a right of hetrosexual couples.
  23. Well here i go with this... i only scimmed a few the posts on this... but hey: I THINK THRESHOLD is VERY ENTERTAINING and i've seen all 9 episodes so far. i'll admit, seeing the first episode i wasn't sure if it was really a very good "scifi" show, even the second episode wasn't all to great but the more episodes that came along i realised this actually does have a great story, it's a shame people have to get all pig headed because Brannon Bragga is involved in it, I miss star trek just as much as any1 but the trust is, they've been running for over 25 yrs... there wasn't much further to go with out making another war involving the federation. Also in reply to a post saying why would u only infect a couple of people on a boat... well because if u did it to thousands in the open... other countries might just nuke the infected country off the map than let it break out. I think for the most part the characters a very interesting and at first come across quite cheesy but they grow on you quickly.
  24. Now i don't usually care to much for forums but when i saw an articul saying Threshold is rumored (and seems likely) to be cancelled, i was furious... SciFi has taken a big loss already this year with the end of Enterprise with 4 years of adventures cut short because of stupid ratings which are pointless in the first place (being outside america means by time its on Tv i've got a copy downloaded). Now i admit i was sceptical that threshold would live up to my expectations of what a good scifi show is with out being to weird or stupid, but i personally love the show and think it has so far set up the story to have unlimited potential. Any thoughts on this i'm gladly open to hear... May god or even the devil save SciFi from boring "reality tv" and sitcoms which are only funny for the first 3 seasons and some how go over double that amount of time.
  25. there's two ways of looking at things... We're either subject to the will of a advance from of life we can't understand it's so advanced... or everything is just a random probablity of energy forming at different levels... the first meaning... everything is controlled... the second... anything is possible once we can manipulate energy and the most basic level possible.
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