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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Trekman

  1. I understand you :) and think youre absolutly right on this ....
  2. Finally, the forum moderators, and myself have ALL been working in over drive lately, so that NiteShdw dosen't have to. So we're all understandably cranky. I would seriouslly advise that you don't add to our aggrovation at this time, by seeing how close to the line you can go, as you may not find us as tolerant as we normally are. It is in everybody's best interest to follow the rules, guidelines and common sense now more then ever. spoken good and clear ...I agree completely :)
  3. Hey, Trekman, what part of this didn't you and others, understand???? oh ...big boss here ,arent you man ? Is this a forum or a joke place ? with shouting at others you will receive nothing good back. Is that what StarTrek thought you ? So keep on tellin all "noobs" : your are nothing but ####. shut up and be lucky that you are allowed to be registered here. keep your mouth shut then nothing will happen to you . And if you dont read all damn stuff written on this forum and donot decide right which is written from the "important" pple and you donot kiss asses then youre fired. wow ...what a policy here. Never saw something like that on a forum. I hope youre not the master example of the "important" pple here. thought this was a good place , but this ..:( Don't let the door hit you on your way out! Kissing asses and asking dumbass questions are 2 entirely different things, there is also the other thing where you actually bring something worthwhile to the convo(you have not done this). When and if you learn the difference, still don't come back as you are most likely not wanted. maybe you should learn something man. Here are too many pple which can only shout at others and point to the door. very worthwile to the convo. ...:(
  4. Hey, Trekman, what part of this didn't you and others, understand???? oh ...big boss here ,arent you man ? Is this a forum or a joke place ? with shouting at others you will receive nothing good back. Is that what StarTrek thought you ? So keep on tellin all "noobs" : your are nothing but shit. shut up and be lucky that you are allowed to be registered here. keep your mouth shut then nothing will happen to you . And if you dont read all damn stuff written on this forum and donot decide right which is written from the "important" pple and you donot kiss asses then youre fired. wow ...what a policy here. Never saw something like that on a forum. I hope youre not the master example of the "important" pple here. thought this was a good place , but this ..:(
  5. oh I read it and I really dont want to get niteshdw in difficulties with the law and to put his family on risk. Im just wondering what is illegal in America and what isnt. So thats not my fault and certainly not niteshdws too. I like the site really and will support it . Thanx for the good work :)
  6. But where Nite comes from, and that's all that matters. It's illegal because that's the law. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why it's a bad law but we're stuck with it. Well at least Americans are :p hmmm...sad Americans. So I agree that were stuck when this is american law. Many pple are very sad bt this. So lets hope the american law will improove on this :)
  7. not where I come from. Pls tell us why it is illegal when you record a tv show and put it up for anyone to watch. No offense man , just curious.
  8. Dude, shut the frak up. This place is first and foremost a place where sci fi geeks like myself can get together and discuss the shows and movies we love so much. If there were torrents, then those were just the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. If you're just looking for torrents, try looking on Google. If you want a good place to hang out, then welcome aboard. oh ...you should shut up yourself dude. I know what this place is and was . And the cake tastes better when we can consume it all ;-) Of course I like it legal and thats all about it. TV recorded shows are legal. thats all I meant . So why not put them up and then discuss it on the forums . So we all know at least what were talking about . have fun man and change your behaviour. that makes the place here more worthy to come :)
  9. I dont post often too but I read enough to understand the situation. If you read my post (have you ?) you would have seen that I was only speaking bt TV shows!!!!! Not any frakin illegal game torrent or something like that . So I dont want to put anyone at risk (stupid idea) . But one can put those "legal" torrents online. Theres no risk. Maybe I feel free to do that . As long as someone does legal torrents (and that is easy to determin what is legal), noone should be afraid of any oranisation (even MPAA or whatever ) . And Im tired of pple which are too tired in the morning to read exact and understand what is meant. ;-)
  10. mr. niteshadow...:) give us back the torrents. its not illegal to watch recorded tv shows, we all pay enough money ...dont let them dry our wallets again and again.they will earn enough money through their work. :):)
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