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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Anonyman

  1. India's Ghandi would disagree with that. He pushed for home rule, because he grew tired of being treated like crap by the British.
  2. [West Wing's] not canceled but has not been on the air since November!!!! 1st pre-empted for christmas specials. Then awards shows. Now olympics. Sundays are a bad time for shows-- constantly getting preempted for other stuff. That's what killed farscape & family guy.
  3. 24's shown a new episode every week for the last 6-7 weeks. Olympics have not affected it at all.
  4. Seen some dead squirrels that missed the branch. ;-)
  5. Agree with the last poster. Great quality is nice, but not when I have to work a year to pay it off. Settle for the smaller/cheaper 25 incher. It's just a tv show. Even on a 25 inch screen it's still fun to watch. No need for a 50 incher & then declared bankruptcy when I can't pay the bill.
  6. Battlestar Galactica? Is that considered a BBC show?
  7. Wiki's? Curling is like pool. Except with rocks. And the goal's to get your rock closest to the target.
  8. Last night on NBC say an ad - "View the final episodes of the West Wing." Sound like it's the final year. :( Sucks. One decent show worth watching that made the viewer think.
  9. And got a link to said show? I like the BBC series "Rome". Good stuff. [link removed]
  10. Rather watch Olympics-- most of NBC's shows suck & the olympics is an improvement. American Idol (fox) is pulling in bigger ratings than the olympics! That's reality tv for ya.
  11. Initially. Competition will drive down prices as ahppened with DVDs. Remember when shows cost $80 a season? Now it's down to about 30-40. I bet we'll see 25 cents an episode download by 2010. Rich people with too much money waste it foolishly.
  12. Sci-fi channel is not an over-the-air network (nbc,cbs,abc,fox). Sci-fi's a cable channel only available by subscription. The lack of ads is due to Sci-Fi's belief that the Doctor will do poorly in America. Sci-Fi is stupid. Sci-Fi initially said in 2005, "Doctor Who does not fit our type of programming," and rejected it. So they are trying to avoid advertising that which they believe will flop. To save money. You. Are. Confus-ed. The U.S. episodes are actually RERUNS of the old 2005 show.
  13. Good argument. Copyrights should not extend forever. When the original author/singer dies then it should become public domain.
  14. About 2.2 hours of HDTV on a regular DVD? Uh. Don't believe it. I already see annoying compression artifacts on my Star Trek DVDs with normal rez. Yeah better to wait to see who wins before buying new tech-- got a laserdisc that is worthless & Digital Autio Tape (DAT) also worthless. Better to wait and see. Heck I still use SVHS for recording! No fancy digital recorders for me-- they might be obsolete soon! 25-30 inch HDTVs can be had for only $300-400. Not much more than a normal TV.
  15. >>>>A FAN WROTE: >>>>>For every person like yourself who stands up to these jerks, there are >>>>>hundreds of other victims who say nothing, often due to feeling >>>>>self-conscious that it will look like they're over-reacting. >JMS RESPONDS: >And that's been the curse of the net ever since its inception. >The rule of the game is that it's okay to say anything you want, about >anybody, no matter how offensive or incorrect...but to defend yourself >(or someone else), to take the person to task for it, THAT'S somehow >wrong, it means you can't stand the heat, or you're infringing their >right to speak, or being rude, or somesuch. >It's carte blanche for the assholes and the nutcases and the rude folk >to say any damned thing they want, no matter how untrue, hurtful, or >libelous. And most astonishing of all is that people buy INTO this bullshit. >The ones who badrap everybody the most, who feel that they have the >right to do whatever they want to other people, are always the ones >who go most bugfuck when somebody goes after THEM in return. THAT >they don't like, THAT is unfair. >It's the logic of the guy who pees in the pool 'cause he thinks its fun. >I say fuck 'em. >jms
  16. A lot of shows are still in Debt. They spend more $$$ making the show, than is collected by advertising. They recover the lost money through Sci-Fi Channel Reruns & DVD Sales.
  17. No. But my friend was busted for pirating video games back in the early 1990s. Back in the days of BBSes-- he provided a site to upload & download illegal games.
  18. Nonsense. The Blu-Ray PS3 is advertised to play all PS1 games (cds). HD-DVD maxes out at 45 gig. Blu-Ray DVD goes as high as 100 gig. Twice as much room.
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