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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by derekbd

  1. seems that some subjects are forbidden here ... 3 recent posts just disappoeared? is this logical? I think I shall not be sticking around this place
  2. I subscribed to that for a while, but got a bit annoyed at the inconsitency. As an example: the decision to place Quark in the character section, but Jake (or someone similar ... I no longer have them) in the crew. Noticing the bit on the invoice that welcomed feedback I wrote two detailed (probably very fan-wanky) letters describing my displeasure. Months went by with no response. I finally saw the thing as a rip-off.
  3. TOS: it's a kitschy camp trip to watch. It's like a fascinating historical document that borders on the banal. It's like a traffic accident: it's quite horrible but you can't take your eyes away. TNG: oh my god, did we really love this at one time? My how time changes things. I recently watched a bunch of eps for the first time in 7 years. including many favorites (The Most Toys, The Inner Light, Tin Man, BOBW) and every single one of them seemed shallow and pretentious. I could take almost none of it seriously. It is really really sad how really really bad this show seems now. For my TV library it's RIP NCC 1701-D. Voyager: quite a lot of fun. Carries on the traditions of Trek, takes the best ideas of the previous series and gives us some new stories. So what if approx 25% of the episodes are crap: it's entertaining crap! Enterprise: I still don't get it. I suppose it is entertaining enough, but there doesnt seem to be any spark (for me.) DS9: I am glad to see the majority of comments agree with MY truth: that Deep Space Nine is/was a most excellent series, Trek or otherwise. It stands the test of time, with interesting characters and a 7 year story arc. Certainly there are less than stellar eps (about 3 a season on average) but even they are worth watching. Several folks have commented on Sisko/Brooks. Since the show premiered he has bugged me. I think it comes down to the fact that Brooks is quite weird himself, and wasn't always sure how Sisko should be portrayed. The uncertainty of the writers as to who Sisko was going to be hindered the portrayal in the first season and a half (or so.) But in the end I like who Sisko is and I get what he's about. The man is just kind of odd, and it shows! After all he was the divine love-child of some pretty far-out aliens. It's ain't easy being an Emissary! For downright pathetic acting/character development you only have to look to Philip Anglim as Vedek Bariel. Ugh: was he ever sincere or believable? That kind of acting wouldn't get you into the grammar school nativity. Glad he got kiilled off so soon - what a wimp! Favorite characters in DS9: Quark (of course), Damar (always had the hots for him), Weyoun and Vedek/Kai Winn (the evil bitch we love to hate.) Bollocks. I am not the first to say that (in so many words) and certainly won't be the last. Each series stands on its own and can have fans that embrace the Star Trek mythos without having to have watched all or even any of the others IMO. I am a long time Doctor Who fan, and to suggest that no one today can call themselves a DW fan without having watched William Hartnell would be downright absurd! THIS IS MY FIRST POST! Hope you liked it. Be seeing you.
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