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Starfleet Academy
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  1. Firstly: There is going to be a second season for the series. I forget whether fox is doing it, or whether another network bought the rights, but after the dvds for firefly sold so well, someone in charge decided Firefly deserved another run. Secondly: In Star Wars, Captain Han Solo is a smuggler who flies under the radar of the evil empire, and lives & works on the fringes of the galaxy, as he is first met in Mos Eisley, a dinky town where the empire has no power because it is so far out they don't care. Han Solo's ship is complete with secret smuggling compartments (they hide in them in "A New Hope") just as Serenity is. Both ships also are old and tend to break all the time. The only difference is the aliens (there are none in firefly) and the reavers (there are none in star wars). Captain Mal is Captain Han Solo, and The Alliance is The Empire. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Han solo rocks, so this in no way lessens the awesomeness of Firefly. If anything, it makes it cooler.
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