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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by kciss

  1. The big intro for nemasis, not the best movie, but a great intro tune, it has a good climax just before the romulan senate. DS9 for the tv series, i think it captures the lonlyness of the station greatly! and it always makes me feel good to hear it. lol
  2. i use safari, its compatable with every site ive been on. it also forms part of my sync between my ibook and imac, having my bookmarks and emails in sync is great! but sometimes i use firefox. ive never installed ie on either of my macs
  3. well, im at the mo im on my ibook 1.33ghz running osx 10.4, i switched from xp about 9 months ago, and love it, no maintance or and crap, im not modest about virus, so yeah, i have software to check it, but in nine months, nothing, its fantastic, you should try browing the web on a mac, looking for cracks is fantastic, its so funny, the web sites get all confused, all my mates ask me to get serials and stuff for them cos its so much safer, and amusing. anyways, i also have a 20'' imac G4 at 1.25ghz running 10.4, i would never go back. as we speak my bf is messing with the latest vista release, and well, its a complete rip of osx, its mad, apple should sue. Here's to the mad ones, those who dared to be different. Think Different.
  4. I used to be a huge voyager fan, but since i met my partner, who was really into ds9, we decided to watch the series togeher and that changed my opinion, DS9 rules!!!! its just brillient, now second by both TNG and VOY, cos i think it was the best arch of shows, it was a real window into another universe for over a decade. One more thing, it was downloading season 1 and 2 that lead me to go out and spend over £350 on the dvd's. now i own every almost every episode on dvd, and im only 19.
  5. The other day had to choose a new email provider cos one of the domains i use was going offline, so i decided to go a bit mad, so doing a domain search i thought up loads of star trek things i like, alas, most had already gone, but i was lucky enough to get www.thedominion.co.uk , so now i have the coolest email around, founder@thedominion.co.uk i dont have a website or anything, so i redirected it to a mates website, but the email that come with it is so cool!! :cyclops:
  6. Hey all! im not a big dr who fan, but when i visited brighton for the clubbing, i went to the pier and there was a exhibition, It was fantastic, i got to see the Darliks, trinny and susanna, the HORRID face mask and the bomb, and the cool closthes they wore. blimy, i gotta say that the autons was creepy.! it was really cool, it was good to visit a exhibition, i wannavist the hilton in america next (im in the uk, living near brighton :d ) wanna see star trek exhibit, my fav show
  7. I thought this was a fantastic episode, great to see the defiant! More like this earlier would have kept enterprise gripping, shame the good is coming to an end and not allowed to continue. its its own fault tho, thiss should have come earlier
  8. Tasha yars funeral was good, made me cry, was odd tho, if you look at a earlier episode she is waving 'bye' as picard and beverly leave the storage bay, kinda ofdd, she filmed her death and then filmed another episode, set before her death,. odd, but cool
  9. Just read this on TU Starting today it will be, as i quote "According to TrekUnited's Terms of Agreement, all contributed money was to be refunded minus the transactional costs charged to us, should no agreement be reached with Paramount to use the funds to sponsor the show. Starting today, refunds will be issued as quickly as possible" Found this at http://trekunited.com/news.php?id=37
  10. This Should be Fun, lets hope it works, just as long as we done go strght to Cardassia first :rolleyes:
  11. i Voted Voyager. Janeway was great, she took no crap from anyone, she was like, move, or ill fire on you, but picard would be like pleeese move, but ds9 tng & voy all come really close for me, but i had to choose one :cyclops:
  12. Sorry, will do in the future! :cyclops:
  13. I thought this episode was good, manny coto seems to be making a difference! just a shame he can't do any more work on Enterprise :mad:
  14. Just noticed this on trektoday.com "Meanwhile, far in the future, Troi suggests that Riker recreate this moment in Trek history on the holodeck to search for some command insights" looks like it might not be so bad after all, better than it all being a holodeck sim full article http://www.trektoday.com/news/160405_02.shtml :rolleyes:
  15. Dark Frontier in voyager season five is a awsome 2 part episode!! My all time fav!! A miffed Janeway and the Borg Queen makes for great entertainment and altho its borg episode its very refreshing to see that not everything goes to starfleet plans! (eg: stealing the transwarp core) I think im gonna go watch it after my sunday lunch! :D
  16. The forum page was a great help, its a scene in the liburary where Troi and Riker are flirting and the libuarian ask them to Shh! Says also an ending with Quark, it's all on a region 1 (us) special edition release of St:Insurrection, and im in the uk, so i think ill import it just for this scene, unless anyone has it and wants to seed it! Thanks for correcting me, it was in insurrection not FC, my biggie :rolleyes: thanks guys!
  17. Has anyone noticed that when Gordie, Riker and Cochrane and lifting off in the phoenix there jump suites have a logo on it, take a closer look at it!! It looks very VERY similar to the shape of the Vulcan Ship that lands! i love this movie, i could talk about it for ages! :D
  18. Has anyone read the ST fact Files on the movie star trek first contact? i've noticed inthe fact files there are references to a library on the Enterprise E, it even has pictures of the librarian working and the libriary it self! im just wondering if it was a deleted scene from the final cut and was not included, or is this scene avaliable in the american version? its not anywhere in the uk version, i got a new big tele yesterday and decided to watch it again, looks great, but i was specifically looking out for the liburary but it was nowhere to be seen? please help, has anyone seen the clip? in the fact files theres a picture of the librarian, shes in h er fifty and is waring half cut glasss. Anyone know what im on about or am i mad? :cyclops:
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