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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by QUEENSPOCK

  1. he probably has gotten fed up with all of us showing it to him so lets show him it again MAHAHAHAHAH
  2. Happy Birthday Kyran ;D :-* ;D
  3. how could you miss out me TS :o .................................. I MEAN HOW DARE YOU MISS ME :p :'( ::) :'(
  4. I think i showed this to tfmf once lol not all parts of scotland would hv an accent as strong as that lol
  5. yay hopefully this server wont cause problems
  6. I thought it was a really good ep :) i really enjoyed it onf of the best dr who ep i think such a good story and a nice ending
  7. lol the only thing about the mega drive was it has no saves in it that was annoying but all part of the fun i suppose i sooo love streets of rage and sonic 2 on it
  8. I always like my wee sega mega drive i had a lot of good times on that
  9. I ahev had ps1 and ps2 and i was all set to buy the ps3 but like is it really worth it the only reason i would be getting a ps3 is too play my previous games (could always kept my ps2) to play final fantasy (rumours that ff13 might be out in the x-box and also the creator of ff has gone over there ) i am just not sure wat to get apparently most of the new ps2 gmes do not work on the ps3
  10. dont worry muppet i will send you pms bugging u to join the game
  11. i heard they are cheaper to order them over there so iam just going to do that
  12. i had a feeling you where up to something now everyone is going to think i have issues :P
  13. :D I really hope i get broadway tickets
  14. lol thanks guys hopefully i will be able to find loads of startrek stuff etc and hopefully i will be able to visit broadway
  15. I am acually from the UK thanks for the advice so far i am bringing a video camera so hopefully will record as much as i can if i ever learn how to work it :P
  16. ohhhhh poor bones well if tfmf is killed we will know who it is :P
  17. don't pretend you didn't know muppet i know all about that party to celebrate me going away, far away :P
  18. hey folks in like 2 weeks i am going to America. It is my first time over there. I am going to New York and Washington. I was just wondering if there is any like good shops anyone could recommend in those 2 places where i am going and even some restuarants. Also tips for the plane would be greatly appreiciated. Now folks I am not talking about clothes or shoe shops I am talking about the more superior shops which sell trek stuff or basically anything sci fi or any game shops. I am aware there is a forbidden plannet there somewhere thanks for your time ;D
  19. i didn't like it i thought it would have had a better send off personally some bits in it where good i think they could have eneded it in a clifthanger or something
  20. i thought it was poor i kinda had to force myself to watch it you know it was funny at the end
  21. i seem to be a very hard critic i thought it was ok it wasn't great
  22. I've 'heard' that they have the Internet in America too... ;) Lies. Although she's only going for a holiday. She'll be back unfortunatly ;) i have glasses i can see that TFMF
  23. awwww man i would love to join but i am away soon to america any idea on how long this would last
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